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Everything posted by Mal

  1. If you could rewind time

    I hope they get Dead Island right, it looks like an excellent game, along with "I am Alive" Ever played Hard Rain? {no spoilers as I only recently got my PS3 ) There are 2 events in my life I would like to change. One isn't really that important, I would have liked to finished honors in psychology as I was accepted into the course twice. But the other is a really weird event that felt very much like a dream where I had the chance to help someone, but I'm certain I ended up destroying their faith in humanity. I hate myself for that. I even paused snd wanted to do the right thing, but thought "I will never get another opportunity and I could regret that for the rest of my life" well I chose poorly and got the lifelong regret anyhow but that's just part of me now....... (my cat just came over and cuddled me, thanks Claw ) So, as I play a lot of computer games, I've often wished for a "reset button" but life just doesn't work like that. BTW this is probably "on topic" for a TTB discussion.
  2. Five Tibetian Rites

    I never really got into them personally. Although they are quite fun, I always seemed to stop practicing them after a few months. IIRC there were some reports of success with reversing grey hair and I feel that having a body capable of effortlessly doing 21 reps must be good for your health
  3. YMAA qigong material

    I while have not really explored his other works (I have enjoyed the books I have read) I agree that Qigong Meditation: Embryonic Breathing is excellent. There was a thread on it here too somewhere...
  4. Please change my display name

    easier than deed poll
  5. Personal Practice forum thing

    Sure can, and thank you for subscribing too _/\_ Hope you have fun @ TTB
  6. Well that a good development, it is annoying to encounter that stereotypical male conversation style of "problem solving advice" when someone is looking for empathy (which tends to be a more stereotypically female "problem discussion" response) What are the other parts of your approach to doing something Non?
  7. I found Kunlun was much more useful when practiced, rather than talked about
  8. Concentration

    IMO concentration is paramount, if your mind is flopping about between various thoughts how could you focus on the task at hand? But most (if not all?) methods of meditation teach you to calm and still random thoughts, allowing single point focus. *When needed. I do enjoy 'watching' all the various random thoughts and connections the mind can generate. I also quite enjoy a bit of a daydream But you should be able to focus and cut that sort of stuff out when you want and not be continually subjected to random thoughts. I use to get distracted by "good ideas" too, feeling like I needed to investigate that train of thought or I would "miss" that good idea. I find methods like Zen to Done (a simplified Getting Things Done method) help dispel the worry of missing great ideas.
  9. View New Content in Lo-Fi?

    Probably If it's not a current option it would have to be an addition, custom programmed, unless powerboard adds it in one of it's updates.
  10. TaoBums: The Cacophony

    Sweet, but how did the play turn out?
  11. Google ads way too invasive

    Thanks Leif (I use Chrome)
  12. TaoBums: The Cacophony

    if I tried to explain many of the threads here, people would think I'm (more of) a nutcase!
  13. Drew was never "exiled" he could post now if he wanted to. He was suspended once a while ago, but has been back after that too. re: other issues, please try to play nice with each other in Sean's house i.e. TTB Thanks
  14. There is a very large cyclone forming up and heading for North Queensland Severe Tropical Cyclone Yasi and there isn't really anywhere "safe" that it could be deflected to. So if anyone is good at manipulating weather trying to de-intensify this would useful. If Yasi arrives as a category 4 or 5 as predicted that will be very bad Cyclone Anthony, category 2, hit land last night (~100km southwest of me) and while it caused a fair bit of damage we are use to cyclones doing that this time of year. 2's and 3's can be very destructive but 4's and above basically blow everything off the map So prayers to your favorite deity that Yasi causes the least amount of harm possible are appreciated _/\_ p.s. Category 1 with strongest wind gust measured at less than 125 kilometres per hour. Usually causes minimal house damage but may cause damage to some crops, trees and caravans and water craft may drag mooings. Category 2 with strongest wind gust measured at 125-170km/h. May cause minor house damage but significant damage to signs, trees and caravans, and heavy damage to some crops. There may be risk of power failure and small craft my break moorings. Category 3 with strongest wind gust measured at 170-225km/h. May cause roof and structural damage, destroy caravans, cause power failure. Category 4 with strongest wind gust measured at 225-280km/h. May cause significant roofing loss and structural damage, dangerous airborne debris, widespread power failure. Category 5 with strongest wind gust at more than 280km/h. Extremely dangerous and causing widespread destruction.
  15. Calling all weather magicians

    re: helping people IMO the most powerful help comes from "loving thoughts" There is a reason for sayings like 'my thoughts are with you'. Never underestimate the power of something 'seemingly' as simple and everyday as loving and caring for people. Personally I am taught to go with my feelings. I felt there was a window of opportunity to influence this event. It was something much bigger than me, yet I was able to ask for help from people around the world who have been taught to manipulate weather. Some even practice it regularly, others here teach people how to do it, and helping towns with weather problems is a traditional taoist practice But this wasn't a "win" as such. It was a good outcome. IMO the least amount of damage was achieved, big population centers got through o.k. (there are still over 10,000 people in Townsville without power) But the cost was towns like Tully devastated (that's my partners home town) and Cardwell destroyed. I use to go to Cardwell for caravan holidays as a kid, stopped there all the time when traveling on the bike to Cairns and a lot of bike riders just ride up for the morning to grab a famous "Jesse's pie" The guy who runs the pie van use to drive the school bus that took my partner to school So knowing that what I was asking for was highly likly to result in huge damage to my "home turf" between Cairns and Townsville was a heavy decision. I also did a similar high pressure/golden ball visualization for the town while it was going over (lots of sensations in the chest which I 'relaxed' and flowed out my feet) but it's always best to ask for help via your higher self rather than do too much with ego's. i.e. along with a lot of other people in town I really wanted power to see the end of the cricket (yes it is sort of that important to Australians to beat England at sport) It felt a bit iffy but I got it. As things turned out power was then restored ~46 hours later, another 2 hours without power and I would have received $2,000. Fortunately no house damage so it's not like I need it (others do) but it's an example of asking for material things, there will be a material cost of course not, that would be like having a superpower of something "You are not what you think you are. But what you think... you are" Thank you everyone. p.s. Up to 40 homes have been destroyed and a firefighter has been injured in bushfires burning out of control around Perth Western Australia Fuck off bad weather give everyone a rest for a bit ok
  16. Calling all weather magicians

    My net connection went out posting that last message saying that I was o.k. and I have not been able to get back online since (still no power) I didn't think the message went through so I've been worried that you have been worried about me Over at my parents now, they have power and jumped online to say Hi and thanks for you thoughts and prayers. Everyone seem to have faired better than we expected, which is great
  17. Calling all weather magicians

    Dawn. No house damage. Neighbors look alright. Trees down and still very windy, apparently got to 150km/h and that was enough to feel the house move. Not cool at all especially when you can't see what is causing the noise. Unsure of others, turned the radio off once it crossed the coast after the post above as the talkback was frankly very scary when you can feel your own house moving too. Will find out during the day. Now that I can see that there is no house dammage might be able to get a bit of sleep, p.s not much power left in the laptop so I might not be back today I hope everyone else was a blessed as I was _/\_
  18. Calling all weather magicians

    Crossing the coast now apparently. Lost power a few hours ago, ~5 min after the end of the cricket game on tv Yasi kinked south a bit. F'ing windy here but otherwise all good and I am only just on the destructive/gale force winds. Would not like to be any closer.
  19. Calling all weather magicians

    If it hits as this one predicts It's probably best case scenario. Cairns and Townsville (the big population centers) brushed by the north and south end, not looking good at all for the middle though I'll be fine, don't worry. If it went right over the top of Townsville like the very 1st map showed that might have been a different story, seriously considered leaving then. That's a rather weird experience as I have LOTS of books and knicknacks that I've collected and carted around all my life. But when I considered what I'd need to save none of them were worth taking But as things stand we will take some damage. I'm slightly up a hill so I'm higher than the flood areas (also get some wind protection from the hill) 2 story house so even if the roof goes the downstairs toilet has solid walls + I've got my motorbike helmet to protect my head Leaving shelter is what gets people killed so you just bunker down in the strongest part of the house. If it goes as that latest prediction shows Yasi shouldn't totally destroy houses in Tsv and Cairns. But if I seriously though the house was going to disintegrate I'd just go to work instead Hospital staff and families can shelter there + D is working tonight so I'll be going there for a bit anyhow. There will be a lot for us to organise the next few days trying to keep everything stocked up, obtaining and distributing supplies to the effected towns etc (I'm in purchasing and logistics) We've just got to get through this to get to those next few days
  20. Calling all weather magicians

    Thanks for the thoughts and prayers everyone. Low lying areas have been evacuated + quite a few people have left for southern or western towns. 30,000 evacuated from Cairns as city braces for a pounding from Cyclone Yasi Fortunately roads are mostly good. Nursing home residences etc got flown out a few days ago and things like construction cranes got pulled down etc. Unfortunately it looks likely to cross the coast at high tide so the storm surge will be quite extensive and the gale zone is so large that it's likly to remain as a cyclone untill its well inland (smaller ones just turn into a rain depression once they cross the coast) We have modeling for 1 in 100 year events and this is looking just like the models. Even the weather bureau said . Their caps ! Everything is about as prepared as it can be. We do get cyclones every year. Our houses are built for cyclones and North Queenslanders are experienced in dealing with them. Although nothing this big has been close to me before. Athea hit Townsville as a cat 4 Christmas 71, but I wasn't borne till 73. My partner was in Cairns when Larry (cat 4) went through Innisfail, but you don't get as much rain to the north of them + the depo where she worked was basically a huge safe (they stored money) so no way that was getting blown away.. Just starting to get the 1st bit of rain and wind now. Expect to loose power eventually. Probably pop in now and then till it does. Then I'll see you all in a day or so. Yep, it's praying time
  21. good guys finish last

    Yes they are Non your belifs are trapping you. People have repeatedly tried to tell you this for years now This stuff IS fixable, Gjeken did it. Please get some professional help! Non it is really heartbreaking to see you continually suffer and struggle with this stuff. You keep asking for help here. That is good but insanity is often defined as doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. You obviously want to fix this, yet posting here doesn't seem to be helping you progress. Please get some professional help.
  22. sexlessness in Japan / in marriage

    Dude you are gone already At least I didn't have to photoshop it myself like a certain graph I could mention the search query "funny scones" didn't give me a lot to chose from guess I should have went with or perhaps