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Everything posted by Mal

  1. Mindstream

    I think Mark ment this more so than "Chinese people"
  2. "Doing stuff", "not doing stuff"

    Cool thread I agree, and it seems to, well basically take "faith" to go with your feelings. Rather than second guessing and thinking through the issue with your mind. The mind loves to think and "understand", helps to maintain it's "illusion of control"
  3. Hello one and all

    Hi Paul, Welcome to the 'bums Hope you have fun! Mal
  4. "Doing stuff", "not doing stuff"

    "You" don't have to. The stuff will just happen spontaneously, no need for "you" to worry about it or do anything. It's just like thinking, lets say you manage to still the mind for a moment. What do "you" "have" to do to be able to think your next thought? Even from total stillness thoughts will spontaneously be created. Same with action. If you do “non-doing” action will still arise, without effort from “you”. But if “you” wants to control, shape or chose the action that arises…. well that’s not really non-doing is it?
  5. So fresh and so clean

    Thanks, I was just about to get really confused as to why the IP's were matching (The was a good clue _/\_ )
  6. Dare I say that the TTC is not really my favorite book. While fun to read, as are fortune cookies , I do tend to find it a bit inaccessible. (Which is why I quite like Hu Xuehi's Revealing the TTC as it accentuates the taoist alchemy angle.) So I must express my heartfelt thanks to the guys pushing along the TTC subforum and for cheya's review and comments finally leading me to purchase Nine Nights _/\_ I have only finished reading the 1st night and! The oral tradition question and answer format really lends an entirely new perspective to the TTC that I had not explored before. It is like 7 Taoist Masters. A folk lore style tale about Taoist principals and methods. I'm finding the story quite enjoyable. Old master with a young student makes me recall Millman's Peaceful Warriors While all things occur in the fullness of time I really wish I had read this book earlier. Master Liao wrote:
  7. ----Moderating---- Guys we have had a few reports on this thread. Please be mindfull of our Insult policy Thanks ----Moderating----
  8. Not available from bookdepository I only buy from Amazon once a year and this year was - 9 nights with a Taoist Master 2012 the Awakening (apparently Im mentioned in the list of Tai Chi schools) and Possessing Me: a memoir of healing I REALLY liked your book Jane. I went and had a read of the (enormous) preview to see what the writing style was like. Its very engaging, a bit like your posts, you have a great storytelling style that I enjoy reading. I feel this book has the potential to give hope to people in very desperate situations. Thank you for surviving, and for telling how you made it through. _/\_ (I look forward to reading all of Possessing Me sometime before 22 Jan I had to chose the cheapest shipping option)
  9. I liked the 1st one too Yes, lots of info presented as a step by step course, thats what she is. I quite like the book, it's the only Robert Bruce book I have, as there is a lot of information in it. I didn't use it's "90 day" method, too many other schedules But Id recommend it for being as close to a comprehensive method of mastering Astral Projection in 90 days as its possible to get.
  10. Want to borrow my book?
  11. Nope not me. It hasn't been disabled.
  12. Chuang Tzu Skits

    These are quite bizarre, I like them where are they from?
  13. Kung Fu for Philosophers

    Thanks, enjoyed reading that, liked this pic too
  14. Thanks for the quotes from Nine Nights
  15. What are you listening to?

    Fuck It - Plutonic & G. Love
  16. Yes, I quite like his perspective/slant on the TTC
  17. General Discussions

    Yep it's a Rorschach alright I tried to list the bestselling ones on amazon and got Tao Te Ching: A New English Version but also adaptations :- The Tao of Leadership: Lao Tzu's Tao Te Ching Adapted for a New Age multiple books, by the same author The Couple's Tao Te Ching: Ancient Advice for Modern Lovers The Parent's Tao Te Ching: Ancient Advice for Modern Parents The Sage's Tao Te Ching: Ancient Advice for the Second Half of Life A Path and a Practice: Using Lao Tzu's Tao Te Ching as a Guide to an Awakened Spiritual Life and even coffee table picture books adapting some of the sayings riped from Wilson the Pug
  18. Translators of the TTC

    The reason I like this one is I find the "guidance from a developed practitioner of Taoist alchemy" most helpfull
  19. Wikileaks - Thoughts

    Yes, I agreed with how Avaaz worded it. And according to the update from Avaaz, they got almost 400,000 signatures in a day. Looking forward to seeing what sort of response the newspaper adds generate.