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Everything posted by Mal

  1. a sad and very difficult situation, I feel sorry for both you and your mother then I don't think you need to hear from my 5 min of quick reflection.
  2. OK Fellow Daoists and Taoists

    Get drunk and just sing together Seriously it can be really off putting, I feel for you Longrhythm. I've got a friend who plays guitar and does what a lot of self taught people do when the make a mistake, they correct it right away. AAAAARRRRRGGGGGGGggggggg it's almost impossible to keep in tempo and play together when they do that. My partner has problems just trying to clap in time with music. (as you can see my issue is with timing rather than pitch..... probably because I tend to sing flat ) But that's my challenge, I can't control what's "out there" just how I react to it.
  3. [split] off topic ping pong with "electric gravity"

    Guys, We've already unproved one thread, edited this one and are still looking at the original thread. It's looking like fires on all fronts at the moment. Does this need to be moved into the Pit while everyone cools off a bit? ~moderating~ or try to keep it a bit civil and discuss things here?
  4. [split] off topic ping pong with "electric gravity"

    Thank you for the PM's and reports, we are working through them as best we can, so thank you for your patience too.
  5. [split] off topic ping pong with "electric gravity"

    This issue has been raised before I have asked Electric gravity if has previously used these accounts thunder mind electric chi magnet oh yeah or if he is this "EW" person Electric gravity replied that he has not used those accounts and told me his name. There have been some reports about posts in this thread and others, we are actioning those as best we can. ~ Moderating ~
  6. [TTC Study] Chapter 1 of the Tao Te Ching

    If you want to make more threads go for it. I can easily move threads into a forum if we do go that way. From trying to drive discussion on chapters in the bookclub. It takes a LOT of effort over TIME to keep these things going. So I'm sort of thinking - if the enthusiasm keeps up and grows make a forum. If it dies out in a few weeks... at least we had some fun in the threads.
  7. [TTC Study] Chapter 1 of the Tao Te Ching

    Well that's an aspect we could also discuss if people wanted. With TTC creation myths I tend to like the story that Lao Tzu got fed up with how things were going in the state and decided to leave. But the Keeper of the pass would not let him leave. So Lao Tzu had to write the Tao Te Ching on topics ranging from political advice for rulers to practical wisdom for people. Why do you think it was written TianShi?
  8. zhang zhuang and the eyes

    I gave it a go watching 20 min of TV. While I couldn't help but think "Watching TV isn't practice" None the less the way I felt after the 20 min was at least somewhat similar. So thanks for the recommendation
  9. Are we talking about the same Dr Gunapala Piyasena Malalasekera? He appears to be rather well respected. and all I hit for chakravartin was a ruler “whose chariot wheels roll everywhere,” or “whose movements are unobstructed.” page 160 bottom left paragraph running to the top right panel presents an interesting dichotomy of enlightened Buddha or chakravartin
  10. Orbs Fight Challenge!

    When I read "Orbs Fight Challenge" I thought we were going to have a fight with these things the photo is from Celtic Gardens - readers orb and spirit photos and unfortunatly it's not me. None the less "touching hands" with others can be a great learning opportunity if approached with the right attitude.
  11. a bump to thank my teacher and friend Santiago for teaching me the Secret Smile. It continues to be an often used practice for real world issues for me. I had a job interview this week. I did as well as I could, whatever happens happens. But the thing I liked most (well apart from the fact I could still breathe deep wraped up in my dressy clothes ) happened just before the interview. I was relaxing in a chair, sipping water, and quietly contemplating the actual question of "Why do you want this job" while running relaxed and confident emotions. My boss came out - "You ready?" "Yep, lets go" and things just got better from there I felt very sorry for my co-worker, who was slumped in the same chair, hunched over the questions when I came out. Her answer was, a haggard, "just a few more minutes!" p.s. the other 2 questions were "you notice a worker having trouble getting things done and the work is starting to pile up. How do you handle this situation" "Name a current procedure you would change and why" It was nice to get easy questions in an interview rather than stuff like what legislation covers XYZ p.p.s. I usually just do Relaxed and Confident for work situations. Add in "happy" "love" "bliss" and really focus on it and ...... well I can get a bit too "happy" for a normal work environment
  12. A Subforum for the Tao Teh Ching

    Not a bad idea... has the potential to generate as much discussion as the Chinese language section if not more. What would be on topic? Pretty much anything TTC related, specific chapter discussions, different translations, favored translations, debate the validity of the work etc... yes that could be grouped easily enough. I feel it's certainly worth discussing further.
  13. Wow that post was like a tech support wet dream You even tested the problem across multiple platforms. Thanks. I agree. I've had a bit of a look at some invision help boards but I'm not finding a lot of information regarding printing threads at the moment bu tI'll keep hunting. Thank you _/\_
  14. Ohh good times.... remember YTALK I wasted ages chating to people on that, back in the 90's
  15. Free Speech and Moderator Action

    Well what else can/should I say Scotty? It would certainly be easier for me lie and say I think it was the wrong decision. In hindsight it has caused confusion and issues. I've read the feedback over time and I've mentioned that a suspension out of the blue tends to sturr up people more than help the situation. But yes, I still feel it was the right decision at that time because someone asked for help. So I tried my best to help them.
  16. Free Speech and Moderator Action

    Well it's good to see almost everyone that I've managed to offended in the one place. Yes, if you were not reported it's almost certain nothing would have happened. I must ask, as you maintain that you did not intend to insult Cat. Does the fact that your post WAS taken as insulting, and DID offend a forum member, make any difference to you at all?
  17. Free Speech and Moderator Action

    thanks Alfred E Well the reason I said it's an important topic in the other thread is that I want to give Ralis an explanation. Yet, as I often find with Ralis, I struggle to answer his questions with anything approaching a meaningful response. ..... well as I have no set rules for defining value I basically agree (although SZ was well on the money with his quote that I used in post #24) In the context used, it was my opinion that RW intended to be insulting to Cat. I had the ability to invoke a range of actions up to suspending him from posting for 7 days. Some people don't agree with my opinion or actions in that matter and I can understand that as it was always going to be a controversial decision. Yes. IIRC at the time we (moderators) were in discussion with yourself SODE and Varj to see if we could find a way to smooth out the personal interactions that were occurring at the time (or were you refering to another issue) If you want a checklist of determining valued members, I do not have one. But I fail to see how aiming to enforce a policy of "No personal insults" adversely affects free speech?
  18. zhang zhuang and the eyes

    Must be a different translation as I usually see this logogram While I quite like Glee, I've never really got into practicing while doing something else. Don't watch much TV and I tend to start gyrating and forget to stand still when I listen to music re: Eyes position. Yes, try out some options and see how they feel to you. Personally I feel a big difference between eyes open and eyes closed.
  19. Once again I get to announce a new addition to our team of moderators, who also fits into our feline theme! Our favourite cat on a leash..... Apech