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Everything posted by Mal

  1. Worlds Most Powerful Kung Fu Master

    Santi also taught me to apply our intention from KAP to achieve that effect in my martial arts. It's not that hard to do and can be used as a trick to confuse an opponent.
  2. g-tummo

    I was not much interested in Tumo until I learnt it via KAP. Now I find it a useful way to build up energy.
  3. Leon, Thank you for cleansing my mind with you words
  4. Wasp's Nest

    Thanks for posting, I've been meaning to ask you but I keep getting tied up in other stuff. Mine are going good too, not really getting any bigger at all but have branched out a new colony on th eother side of the bush they are on. I was checking them out this morning, since it's raining they are a bit damp, but the little lava seen fine. I'm trying to notice if they have a pattern when they return, like bees. Super interesting watching them, like you said they let you get real close (Dare I say they remind me of an ant farm ) And it's nice to just watch life. Even something as "simple" as a wasp builds a home to come back to, greets it's family and feeds the young.
  5. TTBs reputation System

    If that's directed at me, then I apologize as I did not mean it as a putdown. The time I spent at uni learning psychology gave me (IMO) an unusual set of tools and a thinking style that does effect how I view people. Both in real life and on the net. I also spent 6 years in sales. I usually avoid telling people I did psychology for the very reason NMTNMT stated, nobody likes to be analysed or objectified, and every time I try to put out this sort of concept it bites me in the ass and I wish I hadn't. But group psychology is just as valid a way to interpret / predict behavior as a more individually focused approach like trait theory (Myers-Briggs Type Indicator etc) The reason I try to explain this is (perhaps like Ralis ?) I didn't like the concept or implications of social psychology when I was exposed to it. I was into neurology, how the mechanics of the brain worked. People are highly complex individuals, how could something as simple as being in a group with others make ANY difference...... well it turned out it makes a WORLD of difference. I found it so interesting and counterintuitive that I would have changed to social, except that lecturer was the head of the department and really scary, he once called us all pusillanimous and I think he was being nice at the time. While the neuro psych guy was calm and relaxed, as long as you could handle having electrodes stuck all over your head
  6. Got Any Fiction Recommendations?

    I recently finished One Second After, recommended here Quite a good book, VERY realistic, but not quite a greatly told story. Unlike Dies the Fire which IMHO features extremely good storytelling. I really like the plot device of "The Change" where electricity, high gas pressures, and fast combustion (eg gunpowder) stop working. This nicely takes out guns and allows a medieval style of combat. The good thing about this is it takes out a lot of the military rah rah that you usually get in post apocalyptic fiction. While ex-military personnel still have valuable skills, they no longer have an overwhelming advantage compared to a medieval combat society or other skills like archery. I also loved the ideals shown by the Wiccans of Clan Mackenzie and their "Witch Queen" (good fantasy always has a witch queen )
  7. Personal Practice forum thing

    Hi makkadoodles, I'll set it up and send you a message when it's ready
  8. TTBs reputation System

    No, I no not view forum members as ants. An ant farm gave people the opportunity to observe social interactions that would not normal be seen. I feel discussion groups also allow the same opportunity to observe social interactions. As does going to a club or sporting even and watching people. I love to people watch, you see some really unusual things. And that's where group dynamics is so interesting because it helps to explain why humans in groups often behave like they have no higher brain functions There are several well known experimental situations where people do not behave as an independent rational individual.
  9. Hello I'm Glad to be here

    Welcome to the 'bums greanforest Your Wiki comment made me think of Stig's thread Taoism / TaoBums FAQ Hope you have fun here.
  10. "Everyone is entitled to believe whatever they want, rational or not. Leave them alone." appealed to me as did the nifty little symbol but I still prefer
  11. Hey what's up?

    Welcome to the bums Immortal4life, You know I brought an immortality ring with a lifetime guarantee. If it fails and I return it, I get my money back Taoist Discussion is TTB's "catch all" forum, I'd try that. Have fun.
  12. will never be consistent or objective as he is rather strange (But I will stay true to my heart and keep my sense of humor)

  13. Falun Gong

    Good posts Gauss, thank you. Dexter you may like Falun Dafa thread - open discussion
  14. New here

    Welcome to the 'bums, You get to deal with a lot of different people here, which is good. I hope you enjoy your stay.
  15. Worlds Most Powerful Kung Fu Master

    Heck I can't tell it's not "fake" either, perhaps others can "see" that much detail. I still need to feel it myself in person.