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Everything posted by Mal

  1. And that does agree with what I recently learned from the Jingwu book re: the use of instructional books for martial arts. Once you have the basics, applying info from books or DVD’s is possible. Sure it’s much easier with a teachers help, but you have to have a teacher that knows the techniques and is willing and able to share them. Bagua isn’t my thing but I’m intrigued as to what may be in the course relating to Tai Chi, and how it "will significantly upgrade your practice."
  2. Taoist magic

    Sweet, great work. That is also what I found at 1st. Delving deeper I then started to see the "bit's" I was missing before (i.e. when I though "Sometimes it doesn't")
  3. Hello All, this Spirit Ape new name is WBBM

    You would have almost as many posts as Marble if I combined your old aliases Nice to see you again.
  4. The Way of the Warrior

    Dude you seem to be living in the past. I try to assess issues on their merits, rather than attempt to be consistent with the past. Otherwise there would be no point in me reading how people felt about moderation decisions and modifying decisions based on that feedback. Embrace change
  5. Sakineh's last hope

    The fight to save Sakineh continues, please help if you can
  6. Topic split test

    and to test something
  7. Topic split test

    what are you talking about? You are (now) in you own little thread (don't forget to reply and I'll test out "merge")
  8. The Way of the Warrior

    I though this was pertinent copied from a thread discussing..... sexuality
  9. Eating and Running?

    While perhaps not so helpful for the dont waste youre limited number of heartbeats camp, we do chi gungs for kung fu that increase our heart rate. When we learn them Sifu would often tell us to feel our heartbeats and explain that with western exercise you run first, and then your heart and breathing try to catch up with you. By manipulating our breathing first, we control our heart rate. Feel your chest with your hand now, feel your heart beating fast and strong. These Chi Gungs prepare your body to exert energy, rather than exerting energy and then needing your body to try to catch up and recover. (or something like that)
  10. Taoist magic

  11. A green dot means there are new posts since you last read that forum, black = no new posts. Of course to "set it up" properly you need to go into all the forums and either read them or mark them as read, that takes a while
  12. From THE MARTIAL ARTS AND THE SUPERPOWERS OF THE BIOMIND I liked :- Bolds mine as I think it illustrates an important point about "powers" They appear, not as a side effect/adjunct, but as a result of training. Because they are needed, not because they are wanted.
  13. It will be interesting to see how it turns out. On some boards it becomes a really useful feature, while on others..... not so useful. As I recently read in a book "waiting brings fullness" so we will see what TTB makes of it
  14. Hello everyone!

    Hi Ali, As I had basically been a solo practitioner (I did learnt a few bits and pieces practicing other systems with with locals) distance learning was a step up from books for me. Both Tao and Santi are very approachable. It's not as ideal as in person. But, for example, I only get to see my Kung Fu Sifu once a week (twice if he comes to Tai Chi ) and that's during class time. Of course I can contact him if I have a problem but Santi is available 24/7 via email and is more than happy to chat about stuff, that builds a relationship No abstinence required, except for 2 weeks doing Tumo if you want to build energy, there are even dual cultivation exercises to practice in KAP2 Abstinence/retention isn't really a 'KAP thing' unless that is how you like your life. I don't "formally practice" a lot of kap currently, it's just integrated into my life so I'm always doing bits of it. Mostly I utilise the secret smile and change my breathing patterns/intent. It's all basic stuff that integrates smoothly into life. Since I don't focus on kundalini awakening I tend to be a bit slack and not do too much I'm just in it for the fun.
  15. Tao Te Ching as Haiku

    My teachings are clear. But no one practices them. Wisdom is unknown. thanks for sharing
  16. Polls are back

    Thanks to Sean the polls have returned
  17. Topic split test

    working ?
  18. Bump for sloppy zang