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Everything posted by Mal

  1. The Light on Vedanta

    dwai, while off topic I hope our little Osho debate is a least promoting your link for others I even had a read of the linked article last night (I still can't access it from work for some reason)
  2. The Light on Vedanta

    3bob and that all boils down to IYO which is different to my IMO. ie. YMMV
  3. Loneliness

    Exactly the same, it's all just thoughts "You are not what you think you are. But what you think... you are." Edit: It's not about living in your mind, it's getting out of imprisoning thinking and doing.
  4. Hello from Montreal

    The 'bums welcome Harmonious Emptiness Among other things you may enjoy the upper and lower case poetry of our haiku thread Hope you have fun here
  5. Hello From Detroit

    Welcome back
  6. Good day!

    Welcome to the 'bums Komako, I wish you success in furthering your practices. Have fun
  7. 365 Tao

    ENVIRONMENT How can you live With the constant noise of traffic? The stench of garbage? The sight of buildings instead of mountains? The movement of streets instead of rivers? The feel of pavement instead of earth? There are some metropolitan areas famous for their power, their sophistication, their history, their place in civilization. These places cannot be centers of spirituality too. You only need to look at them with open eyes and heart. How can anything holy root there? The noise of traffic is constant. At any time of the day or night, that distracting roar, that underlying trembling disrupts the subtle. The air is not clean but is filled with dust and soot. Especially when the weather is hot, the smell of rotting garbage wafts up from the foundations like the odor of leprosy. The earth is unable to breathe, smothered beneath concrete, asphalt, steel, and junk. Some people who live in these places become interested in spirituality. They want to know if it is possible to reach high levels in deeply urban environments. The answer is no. It is not possible to become fully realized in an urban environment. For to gain realization means the achievement of special psychophysical states. That requires quiet cultivation and an acquaintance with the subtle. When the roar of the city is all there is, how can the song of the divine be heard?
  8. Asking a girl out at yoga class....

    Yes, it's been a few days now, how did you go littlemouse?
  9. The Light on Vedanta

    3bob, While I am sad to hear that, you are refering to stuff that happened as much as 30 yrs ago in another country. eg. I had just finished highschool when Vivek died and I wasn't even introduced to Osho's writing till more than 10 years later. I don't pay attention to what his current followers are up to. I like reading Osho's words, I enjoy his books & I am friends with someone who was involved with him back then. That is the basis for my opinion and your opinion will not change mine. I do realise Osho is a controversial figure, thanks. p.s. still can't access will try from home
  10. Gains in strength and size

    Good info Simple_Jack Yes definitly check out some "hardgainer" sites if you are encountering burnout issues. Less is more once you get the balance right p.s. might be'sLadders.htm for the cbass link
  11. The Inner Light

  12. This book ? Dies the Fire (2004) by S. M. Stirling looks good too. (If you are into post-apocalyptic fiction)
  13. Dealing with Feeling

    yet it still hurts No easy answers from me either, just seems to be something you need to live through and learn from. Or turn away for now, shut down and perhaps to try again later (an option I seem to choose way too often )
  14. The Light on Vedanta

    Is the link still active? It's not really my sort of area but anyone who uses an Osho quote is worth checking out but I'm having trouble even reaching (could just be related to local computer issues I am experiencing today)
  15. new meditations?

    With those sort of numbers I'd probably give Kunlun a try for 2 weeks to see if it suits you. (Yes. I still recommend Kunlun to people as an effective method that you can learn from a book )