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Everything posted by Mal

  1. Hi everyone!

    Good to see you here Hope you have fun @ TTB
  2. Meow Meow

    Yes. I enjoy watching my imaginary response(s) Old lady puts cat in a bin / young lady throwing puppies in a river. In both these situations I feel a huge power differential. So I imagine myself heroically confronting the bully, exposing their poor behavior (by acting like a bully myself, of course ) and saving the victims. Yet the situation of a private school boy kicking a cat with a group of mates evokes a different imaginary response. I categorize groups of boys as potentially very dangerous, putting me on the wrong end of a power differential, therefor evoking a much less heroic imagined response. That's a quote to keep
  3. Unconditional Forgiveness Thread

    Marbelhead you are forgiven for making (good) points 3Bob you are unconditionally forgiven for breaking the chain Fizix you are forgiven as living resentment free is forgiveness. I would like to be forgiven for reading an article about Lou Reed practicing Tai Chi. But instead of rejoicing that a favorite musician also loves my favorite pastime. I spent all my time criticizing his postures in the photo's (That's also a bit of an insight into my avatar pic Intent is more important than appearance )
  4. Tea!

  5. Mo Pai Techniques for Healing

    Have you seen the new one, it's very nice and +1 on Ken Cohens The Essential Qigong Training Course. Lots and lots of good info in there.
  6. Hello fellow forum members!

    Hi ZL, Welcome to the 'bums. We usually have a few good MA discussions here. I'm sure you will have fun.
  7. Mo Pai Techniques for Healing

    Moved into main discussion forum
  8. Wasp's Nest

  9. Full lotus

    Don't worry, lotus is not that important for the stuff we are doing The "usefulness" of an empty mind will reveal itself in time They like to listen to commercial radio here at work so I can sympathise about the pop tunes I sometimes have to resort to using a mantra and just drown them out.
  10. Meow Meow

    (I'm not sure someone that young could be "evil" but rather seems to have been taught that sort of behaviour is somehow acceptable ) No. It's not therefor "insert desired quality". The Tao just is. Beautifull/ugly, good/evil all extremes are included. Exactly. Although can we truly know how things "should be"? I think we can have a pretty good idea, but not always know.
  11. I've got some good news...

    You are right, 1st hit was it got a bit interesting after that one (obviously at home now )
  12. El Cheapo tea challenge

    The Bronco's game was ..... depressing. So I didn't get up in time to get to the post office on Saturday
  13. El Cheapo tea challenge

    I just hope you like it as much as I do (was going to post it during work today, but Iforgot to put in in my bag Will send a PM once posted so you know when to start looking at the letterbox) BTW I'm drinking some now
  14. El Cheapo tea challenge

    Unfortunately when I think of green beans I think of those microwave bags you nuke for a few min to steam veges. Which always seem to come out of my microwave a touch cold with not a real nice flavour Fortunately my tea does not remind me of that flavour
  15. Exactly, you would go to every seminar you possible could, regardless of the subject. And fundamentals should never be mistaken for basics. Time invested in fundamentals is never wasted. While not famous I've been to small seminars lead by skilled people covering both the spiritual and physical spectrum. The "experience" of being in proximity to those people is as much from just feeling; being present; as the actual spoken words.
  16. Third Eye

  17. Hello

    Welcome to the 'bums I wish you luck in your quest Have fun.