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Everything posted by Mal

  1. Books!

    Like I discussed with you it's a breach of copyright issue.
  2. I also asked "TheTaoBum" on the 26/7 to stop posting those links on this site.
  3. I'd be interested. I can't count cards, too much mental work for me. I'm not bad at starting hands in hold 'em but I get slack working out proper pot odds given the flops. I often wished I could afford a bankroll to have a proper go, but given my maths skills its probably good that I can't p.s. When the chips are really down I pray to God. It's my native culture and in a crunch anything is worth a shot
  4. Who still doing Tao of Nature - Daosim?

    I read something once about different types of religions being suited to different types of people. Of course I've been looking for days and can't find it, not even sure if I remember it correctly. Might have been from anthropology/sociology study (one year early 90's) Something along the lines of at one "level" you follow rituals, observe sacred dates etc. Sort of like "these are the rules, just follow them." That level suited a lot of people. There were other levels. I didn't like how it appeared hierarchical, giving more value to "higher" levels, but as it moved "up" rituals became more individual, less route based ways to experience the divine, and those levels tended to be suitable for less and less people as you needed stronger foundations to work at the "higher" levels. (Told you it was rather hierarchical) I mention it because I use to feel superior to people who just went to church on Sunday for an hour, yet still said they were religious. But now I feel it's more like exercise. It's not about being the best, it's about being the best that you can be.
  5. Help me make a tasty stew!

    Missed one. Broccoli and cauliflower.... would never have considered them as stewing veges, I particularly enjoy broccoli. Why the beens and corn later? I usually put them in a bit earlier so they are softer and toss in my B12 meat substitute (Mushrooms) in the last hour or so. They are usually chopped a bit, perhaps you are using whole ones. I bought one of those mushroom growing kits once, excellent fun.
  6. Help me make a tasty stew!

    Yes please. I make a nice Taco filling. Brown mince and a clove or 2 of garlic, add an equal amount of kidney beans, reduce heat to a simmer. Add Tomato paste (2 satchels or a small tin depends on amount of meat and beans) Keens curry powder and chili sauce. Little bit of tabasco. I don't have measurements as I add the tomato/curry/chili till it's the right color Taste seem to develop over cooking so can be tricky to gage at the start. Simmer for over 2 hours and don't let it burn as it will go bitter (add water during cooking if getting too dry) Sounds good. I though my partner had something like this, but the one she has is HOT I'll get gas one day as I want it for my stir fries. Electricity is just not as useful. While I was recently thinking that setting coal on fire to heat water to turn a turbine that generates current through wires that I run through a resister to heat the water for tea (whew) might be a bit inefficient the electric slow cooker stays for a while (I use to use the microwave a lot, heck I use to think a "value meal" was good value) Do you need to salt the eggplant? I'm pretty good on veges but I've never used eggplant (I do like eating it, usually) and I didn't see water/stock at all. Is it a bit like like roasting veges? Thanks I usually toss in a bay leaf, honestly I have a bit of trouble identifying the taste, guess I need more practice. We usually kill a rosemary and thyme plant every few weeks (we buy them live in the supermarket and the go in a window box in the kitchen where there is a bit too much sun and I forget to water them ) Again I need more practice using them and adjusting flavors. I love lemongrass in stir fries. Had not considered it for a stew.... tasty. Mmmmm never had Deer but I recon I'd like it I have not had mead for a while either but I LOVE rasberries so much, would even chose them without the chocolate Interesting I seem to be moving towards using the least amount I can too. I'm feeling inspired (and calmed) thank you all. Now I just need to buy a few more herbs and spices.
  7. The Five Tibetans Unfortunately it's not going to be siting out in the open to read or I'd link it. (actually it might be, I'm not sure) I just recall it being mentioned that they had some missing bits. Probably more frustrating than helpful, sorry.
  8. The Five Tibetans

    The 6th sort of under the catagory of missing bit. UMMA Tantra had some information about missing bits (breathing I think) that needed to be pluged back into T5T for optimin benefite. But I wasn't doing T5T at that time so I never looked into it further.
  9. The new board seems to do that to everyone, I think. I know it gives me the same message when I use IE, it might not in CHROME. Don't know why it gives the error, but as noted the messages do send.
  10. 365 Tao

    If you want all of them we get them from here -
  11. The Five Tibetans

    I've done them a bit over the years. Good fun but IMHO I didn't practise them consistently enough to feel big results myself. There have been a few discussions here over the years. I think the general opinion was mostly positive, with the jury still out on if they are especially rejuvenating compared to other practices. I quite enjoy Chris Kilham book about them, good info there. IMHO adding the 6th would be a worthwile addition, mentioned in the 2nd book (I think)
  12. help me please

    I was searching for something unrelated saw this old thread, and remembered your request for help hope it helps
  13. Who still doing Tao of Nature - Daosim?

    I have to agree with that. Isolation and giving away money is a cult trait. Quite a few religions also seem to require that of their followers. Not really my cup of tea.
  14. hi

    Hi KAP Cult Welcome to the 'bums Hope you have fun
  15. Where to start

    I quite like reading the Hua Hu Ching p.s. don't worry about ignorance. If you get into Taoism you will gradually know less and less till you know nothing
  16. help me please

    1st Welcome to the 'bums. 2nd "don't panic" 3rd There may not be an "instant" solution but that is ok. Now that you have access create a post in the main discussion forum, you will get a LOT of suggestions. While you are waiting have a look at espicially the healing love link. It's Trunks site (a moderator here) that compiles most of the information we have on this sort of topic I'll copy a bit So again "don't panic"
  17. Block feature

    I'd send you a PM to test but I'm unblockable All the PM's conversations in my inbox have the option of blocking future messages from that member. So it's a bit confusing that this is the only one where that showed up for you. I just had a go and if you click "block" it just changes to "unblock" with a message like "user is unable to participate in conversation" Clicked it again and it's just back to "block" Computers are weird.
  18. Block feature

    Unless you accidently selected it I'd go with "forum glitch" I've not used the feature, will it toggle off if you click it?
  19. Delete Account

    If you need more info send me a pm with the reason for your request.
  20. What is Tai-Chi?

    Fun. While "Tai-Chi" can range from just trying to follow along with the Beijing 24 to a lifelong lifestyle commitment. Tai Chi has always meant fun for me. Regardless of what aspect I'm trying to develop, there is just something about the practice that is intrinsically enjoyable.
  21. Delete Account

    inactive, we don't delete accounts.
  22. Delete Account

    Basically you just stop using it.
  23. Well worth clicking on that picture to ducks and others