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Everything posted by Mal

  1. Who still doing Tao of Nature - Daosim?

    All those posts and perhaps already forgotten to the Tao? I wonder if Tao of Nature turned out to be the path for Yoda. It's nice when a long term T'bum finds something they like. I think one or two others tried it too.
  2. 26.7% of U.S. are obese

    could be a good short term answer. Long term I guess I need to invest in some spices and make it through the experimental food phase. re: Hospital food, we use to be in the basement right beside the kitchen (and the morgue) Hospital catering always struck me as a particularity thankless job. The patients are sick, hence being in hospital, so most of them don't eat much. Those that want to eat, well the food is mass produce to a budget, so it's not particularity tasty. So the kitchen staff spend their time making food, delivering and collecting it, and then basically throwing most of it out
  3. Board Suggestions

    Didn't want to bump the other thread off the front page by posting here, so sorry for the delay. I won't be deleting personal practice sections, no real need to do that. But it would be easy enough to move the inactive ones into another folder. Since there is a little light that goes on when there is an unread post. A folder something like The Dark Corner inactive personal practice discussions could be made and every now and then I could drag folders with no responses for a year into there. Easy enough to move them back if their owners returned and less work than sending emails and keeping track of replies. I like easy options like chronological order of creation. The system does that automatically, so no need to move things around by hand
  4. This thread seems to have played out it's energy and since Raymond's suspension is over I'll use this as an opportunity to correct the title and post this reminder. If a member feels that any post breaches our insult policy. Please hit report to bring it to a moderators attention and we will try our best to deal with the issue. Personally I see no reason why strong robust debate has any need to descend into insults and name calling. If people feel they need to resort to insults to get their point across, they are going to end up siting on the sidelines unable to participate in the discussion. Questioning moderator decisions is encouraged here at TTB so I thank those who added their opinions to this thread. It was most helpful for me to get a sense of how the community felt about this issue.
  5. 26.7% of U.S. are obese

    Agreed (and just look at what siste on top of our "Food piramid" ) Interested in any opinions on brown rice. Personally I feel white rice fits into the "bad" refined carbs category, but not really sure if that would extend to include unprocessed rice. At worst it's probably a healthier option. I cook my own meals when I have time to try and get healthier food than what is commercially prepared. But I use a lot of pre-made sauces and packet flavorings in stews and stir fries (basically because it's quick and cheap) so may not be getting the best benefits.....
  6. Nina, My Heart also goes out to you and your family, it sounds like a very unpleasant situation. I have had similar issues watching my father loose his mobility, due to increasing knee pain. A few years ago he tried to learn Tai Chi, but IMHO he was unable to practice consistently by himself. Currently he is unable to stand up for more than 5 min and is having both knees replaced this Xmas. But don't be disheartened. Doesn't seem like it to me, you have learnt Reki, Spring Forrest, and you have you husband practicing as well. That is great work! I'm sure you husband is benefiting from your love and devotion. Sometimes progress is instantaneous but often it's little step by little step. Beleive in yourself and have no place for doubt in your mind Great suggestions by others above (and there will probably be more to follow below)
  7. A Taobum in The Woods

    Beautiful energy in that double rainbow song, I'll be bookmarking that one for use a s a pick me up.
  8. Federal Agent kills dog in dog park

    I've had dogs and love them, I love living things even going out of my way to move insects rather than squashing them. Alternatively I've had handguns too, they are dirty hateful things. Seriously pick one up, feels nothing like a skeet shooting shotgun for example. It's like you can feel the intent for which they were made (killing people) Rifles feel a bit the same, as do live swords, a tool for killing. that's a leap. As I said "while I can imagine alternatives solutions" I'm not going to propose any from the comfort of my armchair having had 2 days to think about this thread. That can't be compared to thought process in the field in a pressure situation.
  9. 26.7% of U.S. are obese

    ROTFLMAO that's priceless Can't they go back to making it with cocane and kola? (Children's food advertising disgusts me. "Part of a healthy diet" is the one you hear a lot here (unfortunately without the bolds)
  10. Mo Pai Techniques for Healing

    Welcome to the 'bums RedTom That's awesome. Now that you have posted in the lobby and have full access to TTB I'd recommend making a thread in the main discussion forum. You are sure to get many responses there. and hope you enjoy your time here.
  11. Federal Agent kills dog in dog park

    While I can imagine alternatives solutions If I had thought this and had access to gun. I would have shot it too.
  12. Federal Agent kills dog in dog park

    One of the guys I work with was off work for 2 months with leg injuries from trying to break up a dog fight during a BBQ at his house. Both dogs were "friendly" and "family pets" So no way I'd be getting anywhere near a dog fight. I've been on pig hunts too and those things...... it's not pretty, it's LOUD and scary. My partner also had a concealed carry permit for work. They really drill into professionals the issues around discharging a firearm. So "But before he could move, the officer shot Bear-Bear" seems highly unlikely to me. However TIME in pressure situations behaves rather strangely. So I can understand how one person feeling that, while another would feel the same events unfolding at a snails pace. Either way a very sad story p.s. I've been in newspaper stories twice. And both times what was reported had little resemblance to what actually happened.
  13. Thank you for sharing, I found that most helpful. I guess I try to do something along the lines of therion. I just try to be there for the person I'm talking with, supportive of there ideas and feelings more so than my agenda (well that's the aim anyhow)
  14. Chia egg work

    Tantric Orgasm for Women by Diana Richardson is a VERY interesting book. Quite a different approach to sexuality than I had been exposed to previously. Big fan of David Deida also, although I've only read TWOTSM, Dear Lover and Instant Enlightenment. This thread has turned out to be most informative, I'm glad it didn't slip down the board unanswered. Embrace the mysterious feminine!
  15. Sakineh's last hope

    Took me a while to work it out to. I sign a few petitions for Avaaz and I was like. "Why do they want the money?" It is a bit unusual...... hope it works.
  16. Check out my Poetry Youtube Channel: TaoZenPoet3

    I love how you say that bit. Awesome
  17. Check out my Poetry Youtube Channel: TaoZenPoet3

    Read the above and though of you
  18. Shaktipat

    You also need an older version of Skype that allows whatever this sort of multi user chat is called. Unless it's changed recently, it had to be before version 4 (I run from
  19. Ridcule of energy practice

    Or just get a t shirt. Hardyg mentioned Pratchett so perhaps something like
  20. Sakineh's last hope

    paragraph 4 I was sceptical too. But the donation options are less that what I would spend on lunch so I though it was worth supporting. IMO has been around since 2007 and is legit.
  21. Hello

  22. Ridcule of energy practice

    hehe I get accused of doing "Weird Hippy sh!t" but (usually) in a loving manner. Although a few electrical appliances broke recently and she asked me if I had increased my practices
  23. Ridcule of energy practice

    I was practicing Tai Chi in front of a church hall last week and the kids across the road were mimicking the weird postures and laughing They had picked up a relatively decent approximation of single whip by the time I finished