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Everything posted by Mal

  1. Taoist Philosophy

    I found a translations with 'The man of the rites "wants to" act'. But then other trans worded similar to above. (Translations there are so many of them) When the Tao is lost, there is goodness. When goodness is lost, there is morality. When morality is lost, there is ritual. Ritual is the husk of true faith, the beginning of chaos. Isn't it a shame that so much modern government is hiding behind ritual. "That is the way it is done. Look I followed the correct procedure, so you can't blame me" (I hope your selection of humpbacks are looking more promising than ours )
  2. I'd just like to say thank you to Scotty for starting this thread. Because there ARE personal messages going around about this. People here shouldn't be afraid to question moderator decisions. re: is "cheerleader" offensive it's also worth considering that since I've been here I can not recall Cat EVER getting offended.
  3. Board Suggestions

    Cool idea copied from another thread
  4. Home

  5. I Pad

    Yes I'm trying to decide if I can live without the 3G option. I've got wireless at home. But while I've wished that I had 3g coverage before a pre paid card costs $20 for 1GB of data. My monthly 100GB net connection is usually at it's limit after only 3 weeks! I would probably benefite from fewer electronic devices rather than more so I'll try convincing myself that for a while.......
  6. Quick Step Taiji

    Wow I've never see Tai Chi like that, thanks for sharing.
  7. Yes it's a good book, as Paul said. I've also read Working Towards Enlightenment and Realizing Enlightenment. Very good explanations and lays out a system But what did you code post #2 with that's impressive HTML skillz
  8. The Inner Power Blog!

    Looks like it too, the Damo's cave exercise is directly from the training manuals. A few people are in the dedication including I don't know anything about the guy, but his E book reads quite positively, with good info. So on the surface it all looks good...... ( I'm confused about the "" )
  9. mama-ing and meditation

    BTT, no children {unless you count my cats) so I can't help.
  10. Cool Guided Meditation

    Worth the 7 min thanks Although I found "wealth" which I unfortunately associate more as money and the "30 day guarantee" at the end a bit jarring. Anyone who has done Damo's cave WILL recognise this sort of journy.
  11. psychology

    Sounds more like an attempt to minimize or avoid confrontation than reverse psychology. Does that help? p.s. Welcome to the 'bums
  12. Who still does Kunlun?

    Oh ok... err... hope you get some sleep
  13. Shaktipat

    I agree. from the PINNED insult policy Raymond is on a little vacation.
  14. New Member - Learn and Share

    Welcome to the 'bums Student_Forever, Your user ID is an Ideal we should all try to emulate. I hope you have fun here.
  15. Who still does Kunlun?

    Yes, just the level 1 practice, with the 20 min closing down afterwards (important) Not sure how "wired" you are, but Chris strongly recommended that I didn't practice high. Personally I save that for "recreation" not "practicing" Otherwise as long as you are doing the closing down position it's relatively safe. By relatively I mean that choosing to do a practice like this means you want to "change something" in your life. There are always pains associated with change. If you want thing to stay the same and nothing to happen, don't do Kunlun Also I barly scratched the surface of what the practice offers there are MANY here who "went deeper"/ "let go more" than I did. Re: Mixing. like Max said in the book, try Kunlun for 2 weeks, if you like it just do Kunlun. It's not that you can't do other practices, but if they turn out incompatible then you could have difficulties fixing yourself. And I don't have the experience to recommend what would be a safe mix. (Edit: so go with Taomeow's advice)
  16. Who still does Kunlun?

    Just the book (they didn't make it to Australia) Got a few tips from Chris now and then, practiced for ~ a year. It was good. If you are really bored and want a long read my Kunlun experience, mixed in with my life , is documented in the link in my .sig
  17. Shaktipat

    Well lucky it's a fast moving thread because if I had noticed your earlier "nomadic people = low IQ" post before you posted the above I would have suspended you. It was quite offensive. Perhaps you would consider editing it to make your point less likely to be misunderstood. (Edit: Thank you for doing so _/\_ ) Relax and Chill. The name that can be named is not the one true name and all that stuff
  18. Who still does Kunlun?

    ^ ROFL Alright a Kunlun thread, it HAS been a while I rarely do the practice, but I still recommend the book to people. I also know several 'bums have Kunlun as their "core" practice, but they can name themselves if they want. It was certainly valuable for me. I was having difficulty meditation for more than 20 min, Kunlun fixed that.
  19. Shaktipat

    My childhood left me hating the word "God". I tend to have a physical "gut" reaction hearing it and have real difficulty not associating it with Christianity and stuff from my past. It has taken me many years to try and work through this and I don't think I'll ever fully get over it. (yet I'm friends with a local priest and have no problems with Jesus )