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Everything posted by Mal

  1. Shaktipat

    I don't get a chance to talk about spiritual stuff in "real life" very often, seems to freak out most people But I had a great discussion with the owner of a running store about barefoot trail walking and that "in the zone" meditative state you can achieve when running. And yet I can't remember the words! Only the feeling of connection I got from looking into his eyes and sharing experiences.
  2. beautiful post h.uriahr I love how Synchronicity works. I ordered my copy (book and DVD) a day before MJJ posted his review. No I'm not giving up on KAP. Ya Mu initially rubbed me the wrong way, I tended not to agree with his positions. I now feel that was just my ego's knee jerk response of "he's wrong" That was a barrier to me learning. Over time I have come to value his contributions here. So now I want to know more about his system.
  3. I Pad

  4. Tai Chi Workout DVD

    Thanks for the preview, looks good.
  5. And the seventh brings RETURN

    Welcome back tao1776, not that we have met before.
  6. The Story of Shen Go

    And did the audience enjoy the story?
  7. Yet another new member

  8. Tao Wu Shin Monastery, Qld, Australia

    I was just surfing for missed posts and found this one (thinking how did I miss a Queensland school) and quickly clicked on the link. Trying to find out more info about the Tao Wu Shin Monastery I noticed the contact email address looked like a familiar TTB user name..... (yes it was your email address ROTFL I should read all the text before clicking links) "We stand as a light in the dark for those needing illumination" may your light burn evermore _/\_
  9. Taoist Alchemy Q&A Video #1

    Great stuff. Not talking too fast (I re watched your 1st video to check) but perhaps just spoke what you were reading and your responses a bit too close together. i.e. I wasn't sure if it was you posters off the cuff comments (in brackets on the written version) were still his comments, they sounded a bit more like yours. p.s. love that t shirt slogan :B
  10. Hi

    Welcome fellow 'bum. I'm having fun, hope you are too
  11. Hi from Richmond, VA US

    Hi TJ, Welcome to the 'bums. I hope you enjoy Tai Chi, my Sifu is currently teaching the Yang short form in a park as well. although on the other side of the world It's great watching people learn. Always brings back memories, as well as forgotten corrections Feel free to post your Lao Tzu translation question in the main forum, you will get a lot more responses in there.. And hope you have fun here too.
  12. Thank you for these Global Shaktipat's and to all
  13. Avatar: The last airbender

    Look what I found The REAL Avatar
  14. Good sugestions everyone, Thank you. Please keep them coming
  15. Inception Movie Review

    Got to second that recommendation for Blade Runner, stands the test of time and is as good as the book. 2001 is a bit slow paced these days but it's a classic. Looking forward to Inception, so good to see no spoilers posted Riped off from Wiki Dark City is EXCELLENT as was The Thirteenth Floor (an under-rated movie IMHO) But they all forgot eXistenZ Now that was one seriously good movie.
  16. Polls are back

    BTT, I see Sean is about today I've got no idea how to switch the silly things back on
  17. New Member From Greenville, SC

    Hi Josh, Welcome to the 'bums. Looks like you have a great deal you can share with us, thanks for stepping up to join in. Hope you fun.
  18. Taoist Philosophy

    I was thinking more of a bad leader, an evil humpback, that still managed to attract the masses with his antics, despite not being good for them (i.e. modern politician) But someone so "pure" as to be able to lead people, despite a physical handicap, works too. I think historically physical deformities were seen as signs of a bad person (?) hence my "humpback" + rank character = bad leader. I love how these texts are like a rochard test to project your own feelings onto We have an election coming with a lot of bad humpbacks for the ants to follow
  19. Got Any Fiction Recommendations?

    Lots of good books here. So I've moved this thread into the book club, before it gets lost on the discussion page