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Everything posted by Mal

  1. Yes your words sound great Palpatine, I mean Darth Hey! p.s. I'm watching Soylent Green, only 1/2 way through, but I'm starting to think they are making it out of people! Edit: finished the movie it was good. ...... err you don't happen to have a "furniture" policy
  3. Personal Forum Control

    Actually looks like there is on the front page active content tab linked (and probably from elsewhere also) =1"]link then click on the Help Files tab (They are just generic help files so could refer to features not implemented etc. and are perhaps only as useful as any generic user manual )
  4. cool vids

    It was either here or in what are you listening to.... but the video wins Magic Fountain
  5. Silence is Golden...So shut up

    To silence another, first be silent yourself. ~Latin Proverb
  6. If you like to drink good tea...

    I think this is the regulation Basically I've been fine, I note "6. Random inspections will be carried out to verify the consignment is free of quarantine risk material" and all my shipments get opened (Enjoying Tea - USA and Amazing Green Tea - China) but they only open the shipping box, not the sealed foil packages with the leaves. I don't buy blends, just straight tea and there is a site with What will AQIS remove from international mail "tea containing seeds, fruit skin (for example citrus and apple peel) and fruit pieces" but my 8 tea sampler that had a fruit tea in it got inspected, not opened, and sent on o.k. But I totally sympathize with your worry. With $100 of high end tea you don't want someone knifing open a bag to see what is inside and wrecking the vacuum seal
  7. Personal Forum Control

    Don't you just love control panels with lot's of toggle options when you don't really know what any of them do (re the requests every now and then to turn the polls back on) - Hope Sean has backed up the server recently Anyhow I know set topic invisible works, it will turn it pink and only the forum owner can see it. BUT the access the moderators have is global, which means we can see invisible topics, although we respect the attempt at privacy and do not read the threads. But confusingly the next moderator control panel option is "Can set posts as visible and invisible?" it puts the button up on your screen, but that's all it seems to do, weird. Anyhow. I have a few locked threads in my section (usually links) That's fun as it stops people turning them into conversations. Also delete post will toss into the rubish bin a post you don't want in your thread (note - no undelete option)
  8. Personal Forum Control

    Would be nice wouldn't it, there is some general Invision V3 power board stuff on the net, but it's more on how the bulletin board works. Like life, about the only way to find out is to poke the buttons and see what happens So I'm going to try an unapprove this post to see if I can remember how it work
  9. Taoism Information Page

    Updated link
  10. Kudos to the Moderator Team

    thanks It isn't easy (and while I personally prefer the Old Republic Jedi Code, Skywalkers Creed fits a "moderator" better)
  11. If you like to drink good tea...

    Good point. We do have bizarre regulations, something about loose leaf tea / plant material. Every package of tea I buy gets ripped open by customs. They put special tape and pamphlets in the box Fortunately then seem happy to leave the foil sealed pouches of tea unopened and just forward them to me. Dose seem strange to go to all that trouble but then not open the foil packages, could be anything in there
  12. Sorry but I don't know SFQ IMHO and IIRC according to what I've been taught it mostly doesn't matter which hand goes on top, even though some systems are quite insistent on one being "correct" Try both with awareness, one will tend to feel more natural / correct, go with that. But since I'm just some guy on the internet .... here is a reference
  13. Personal Forum Control

    Michael great to hear from you again, hope everything is awesome. There is a toggle I can access. "Can set topics as visible and invisible?" "Can set posts as visible and invisible?" Both are set to yes for owners of personal practice sections. I just had a look at your settings and they appear to be active for you so let me know if it's not working. However multi topic moderation (that Post moderation with selected) is switched off.
  14. Taoist Philosophy

    Apparently in another thread it was noted that we followers of "Taoism" tend not to debate much so......... I agree (in an extravagant fashion )
  15. Time to move on

    ROTFLMAO Anyone remember Mak Tin Si and his personal practice section? The above solution worked there Perhaps that also highlights that it's more the dogmatic "ism's" TTB tends to take exception to, rather than just reacting to the flavor of the prefix before the "-ism". Still.......... everyone seems to be having fun and playing nice
  16. Thank you all very much for the detailed information and reviews, most helpful. Basically the Tong Long I practice is a Southern Shaolin art that includes Chi Gong and Meditation. I like how Dr Yang explains a Taoist "framework" and I'm basically looking for foundation/original practices so that I can see how thing have changed / evolved / been forgotten :gasp: over time. I feel tSoY will be a good addition to my Tai Chi, Tong Long and KAP practices. Thanks again
  17. Damo's Cave is about the only "practice" I've manage with any regularity. From observation my nightly practice appears to mostly consist of activities like listening to music and reading, usually preceded by some TV and Net. Childhood flashback (was never lucky enough to own a trampoline, they have to have a "safty cage" nowdays !!!) I sometimes lay back on the warm cement driveway and look at the stars.
  18. BTT I have read a version of Dr Yang's Da Mo's Muscle/Tendon Changing classic in his book Qigong for Health & Martial Arts, not sure if it is the same as presented in Secret of Youth. Da Mo's history is mentioned but no real discussion on the Yi Jin Jing documents mostly pictures with directions, a good "how to" I guess. In Qigong for Health, Da MO's Marrow/Brain Washing Classic is mentioned, but not described although there are details about nei dan qugong, and Embryonic breathing contains more information, I am hoping for further details of the Xi Sui Jing in Secret of youth. I want to understand all the elements of Dr Yangs flavor of Taoist meditation. I like the way Dr Yang explains concepts and I can't help but think of Pietro every time I see a noted reference
  19. Time to move on

    It does get a bit LOL or forehead slap territory sometimes but I do feel it's more personalities promoting "-ism's" than the "-ism" itself that causes much of that reaction. anyhow back to my latest "distraction" from the so called main path