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Everything posted by Mal

  1. The Last Airbender - Book 1

    A shame, but at least I can still watch the original TV animation I think TS3 does so well because my generation grew up with the characters and are now taking along their own children to watch #3
  2. 365 Tao

    Reading these daily gems from Deng Ming-Dao is certainly a worthwhile endeavour IMHO Thanks for making the effort to post them.
  3. El Cheapo tea challenge

    Nice to know. When I first got my King Grade Longjing it was a noticeably different taste, the next day when I was having a shower in the morning, I was already looking forward to drinking another cup and I could vividly remember that taste. I've not experienced that with other teas. I've finished that packet of Longjing and now I'm finishing off an older dragonwell I had previously. It's still nice to drink, but just doesn't have the same lingering taste. When I was trying to get into tea (everyone kept posting how nice it was) I would buy some greenteabags from the supermarket and it would taste like lawn clipings I would wonder why anyone would drink it but you can find tasty cheap teas. I actually got some "supermarket no name brand" white tea bags recently for $2 on special and they were actually nice enough to give to others to taste I guess it's like clean skin wines, sometimes you can get a good one, but it takes a bit more luck. p.s. I get a weeks worth of infusions out of the leaves (2~3 cups a day) brewing in one of these cups the leaves go in the basket on the right and that goes into the cup to steep. So my 12.5g of tea lasted me a over a month (I think) I only start good teas early in the week, or I won't get all the infusions out of them (keeping leaves overnight is o.k. but they go moldy if left over the weekend) while some of my cheaper tealeaves are empty after a day and a half. I've got one of these cups in Yixing clay too, but being dark inside I have trouble telling when my tea has infused to my preferred strength unless I stick in a white plastic spoon
  4. Shaktipat

    Perhaps the involved parties have it out of their system now, or will at least drop the off topic stuff as it seems to be annoying quite a few people.
  5. Shaktipat

    Well I'd have to do something about that comment I edited above so I guess it's lucky I'm not reading the thread
  6. Shaktipat

  7. can you drop in an example "photo" into this thread? I know things display a bit different in IE, Chrome and Firefox.
  8. Nice tutorial, thank you. Moved to tech support for futer reference.
  9. Are relationships important?

    Unfortunately yes. Unless you happen to find a nice monastery and even then you still have to get on with the others there Still when things are going well others are a source of much joy and happiness as well as a good way to learn about yourself.
  10. Shaktipat

    Mal ~ waves (Taomeow is on holidays) Good to see you too
  11. Zhan Zhuang on Vacation

  12. Career choice...

    Perhaps not, there has been a big push (i.e. government TV advertising campaign ) in Australia to rehire the "Grey" i.e. older workforce. Lots of skills and life experience as opposed to having to train up staff that are going to move onto better things with their new skills. My Dad retired a few years back but with the GEC lost most of his retirement money with shares devaluing to a point where he could no longer live on their income, so he has gone back to work at 65. He works as a trainer now in the electricity industry, teaching what he use to do 20 years ago. Went from a self employed "hobby" building fishing rods, to temporary teaching for the same electricity company he use to work for previously. Found out a job was going and now working full time again. He though that his age would be an issue. In private industry it might have been, but not an issue for big government organisations. Finding jobs comes from networking, there is a reason that terms like nepotism and jobs for the boys exist But honestly if someone knows you and likes what you do vs hiring a new person, who looks good on paper, but might turn out to be a tool that nobody can get along with. So use those life skills - perhaps it's a sign that you could step up your artistic activities and also get some pocket money from what you already love doing MPG - while I could agree with your assessment of your industry.... if you honestly feel that way you should get out for your own sake. I was buying some beer on Friday afternoon after work at a big chain bottle shop. I don't usually go shopping at that time. WOW! what a mind opener. Talk about legalizing drug addiction. SO many people and SO much money, just to disconnect and escape from a mundane life. Although another way to frame it it would be bringing entertainment, release from troubles, and some much needed happiness to the population.
  13. Zhan zhuang

    "Entering the Heart of Trees" very nice
  14. DVD just released

    Congratulations on the DVD Franklin, the preview looks really cool.
  15. Zhan zhuang

    It is a shame that we so try to articulate, to explain. When really there just isn't anything to say. Just be.
  16. Shen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance

    Well I'm pretty sure my copy is still under the bed, actually I think it's on the floor downstairs that does seem to be my track record, so many books so little time
  17. Sugar

    moved into discussion.
  18. Avatar: The last airbender

    Avatar is super cool thanks for reviving the thread (went back and fixed the old youtube embeds) there is lots of good fan stuff on youtube too Avatar the last puppet bender is quite good IMHO