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Everything posted by Mal

  1. How does Taoist immortality work?

    You may have saved some immortals but I think this guy is already "The One"
  2. launched

    Well I still don't really know what "neigong" is, compared to other "gongs"/"catagories"/"lables" I just want to see secret stuff thats not available anywhere else, so this sounds promising
  3. Is this questioning some thoughts on "God" or declaring judgment on Tyler day? The thread seemed to split about page 2, very strange, not that wandering threads are strange here at TTB...
  4. launched

    Looks promising, I hope it goes well.
  5. Coming Soon:

    You are not what you think you are, but what you think you are
  6. Green Tea

    While I often shop at for a good balance between price and quality. I decided to give a try this year and I have been very happy with their Longjing. If you find a better tea shiping to Australia please let me know. I'm not sure if actual monkies still pick Tie Guan Yin, apparently the tea's name came from a legend that told of monkeys being used by monks to retrieve this tea from the high mountains. In general, monkey picked tea are from wild tea plants that grow in inaccessible places, such as on high cliff faces. Link
  7. Question. Does Chat still work?

    Yes, it is working
  8. Green Tea

    I'm drinking Longjing Tea 2010 (King Grade) currently $2,097.84 per kg But any Dragon Well IMHO tends to make a very nice green tea. No need to go that expensive, although it's quite nice and since it's not pan fried for very long it has a slightly sweeter taste to normal dragon well teas. I have not had Gyokuro, only Sencha, but I'm told it will also be a bit sweeter than Sencha.
  9. Taoist Philosophy

    That won't happen so post away I do plan to compile these threads [pCount]=&search_app_filters[forums][pViews]=&&&content_title_only=1&search_term=Taoist+Philosophy&search_sort_by=relevence&search_filter_app[forums]=1"]Search link into "contributed articles" one day. But they are better in here for discussion, and nice to see some too. I do enjoy reading these posts quite a bit, I just never have anything useful to add myself.
  10. Advaita and Buddhism are the Same After All

    Vajrahridaya and Ralis lets try and play nice - o.k. ? (you have been doing rather well) (edit the above is unfairly specific - everyone try to play nice ) Specifically to Vajrahridaya if you just want to come here and stir up the other TTB's please reconsider. Specifically by "stiring" I mean things like this Personally I feel the subtext of such arguments is basically along the lines of "my religion is better than yours" and not likely to promote discussion but rather arguments. While you state that this is not your intent, history here shows that the usual result is the for and againt camps rally together and start taking pot shots at each other Which is basically what is happening in this thread. Now if people want some lighthearted banter back and forth that's cool. But when things start to decend into telling others how they are, feelings get hurt and arguments escalate.
  11. Glenn Morris's Meditation Mastery Series

    Martial Arts Madness Wooh Woo Complete set here I come. Does 2 paperbacks + 2 ebooks = 2 pair? No way it's Four of a Kind !!!!
  12. My friends like to say we are dedicated but not fanatical with regards to practice. I only do stuff that's fun and enjoyable While certain elements of practice may not be easy or fun the entire activity certainly is. So it's not even a question of motivating myself to "practice" I just feel better for doing what I do. I think it's important to gather many techniques, learn whatever you can and integrate what you can. I.e. make it a part of YOU. Once YOU have form and technique then pare back those forms, keeping only the essence. Seems like an evolutionary process or cycle, Gather~Reduce. While I could fit a lot more into my life I currently enjoy practicing Chi Gongs/KAP stuff in the morning TaiChi /KungFu at lunchtime, KungFu in the evening. For me KAP was a bit of an eye opener with methods to integrate everything "into life" rather than "practice time | everyday life" but almost all other methods point that out too, that was just one way that worked for me.
  13. Yep with the Testicle breathing I do they move up and down with abdominal breathing i.e breathe out, abdomen contract, they rise up. It's a much more relaxed feeling than contracting penis / anus muscles so I didn't actually know they moved until I happened to be practicing in a bathroom and looked in the mirror.
  14. zhan zhuang

    I find people sometimes breathe too shallow when trying for "sung" with Tai Chi, that shallow breathing can make them feel lethargic and sleepy. But good to hear your Yi Quan experiences are helping you, I've never learnt it but I wonder if it's another method of approaching the same goal? I don't practice standing often, so I don't have anything to say about that
  15. Meditating in a graveyard

    Yes, well at least I try my best to do so, for
  16. How To Add Your Picture - Avatar.

    Seems like you have Welcome to the 'bums, hope you have fun. p.s. I have used your site, really useful, thank you _/\_
  17. Getting the energy back?

    The powered (or was it pasteurised) milk vs real milk over generations experiment is a classic. Basically Cats continued to reproduce when being fed only whole milk. But those on pasteurised mike stoped reproducing after 3 generation and had lots of health problems. (or something like that, learnt it back at Uni quite a while ago )
  18. The Book Of Lieh Tzu

    I have not read much of it myself but here is an online link that may help with discussions