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Everything posted by Mal

  1. Ebook readers

    BTT for more current thoughts. My partner has a BeBook and that has been REALLY good. Yes you have to muck around with the files occasionally to get a decent text size, but it is pretty straightforward to use and the E-paper screen is easy on the eyes. I'm impressed with it and it has saved us a lot in paper book costs, but I still prefer the real thing
  2. What's the difference?

    No more like how a Crow resembles a Raven, to me they appear quite similar, like standing and seated meditation appear to be similar. I too have thought standing = good, meditation = good: why not combine them to = better ? (I don't know)
  3. Dear forum

    I though you had to eat at dinner time and go to bed at bed time
  4. Hi

    Yes. You should be able to now so reply to your heart's content. BTW Hello cancer/pain medication (or something like that I only look at the 1st page on google ) Hope you have fun at TTB.
  5. ROFLMAF good one Harry. Excellent Q&A section. TTB got mentioned a fair bit we must be a bit like this lot.
  6. Zhan Zhuang Qigong

    Thanks can't really get around the square bracket is a board command issue..... ok I'll just edit it to the google page. Pretty sure it's been posted here a few times as I've got it siting in a pile of downloads Anyone else had a go at Stand still be fit? I always seem to have something else to do besides Zhan Zhuang but I find Lam Kam Chuen quite inspiring.
  7. link "You can lead a batchelor to the alter.. but you can't make him say I do"
  8. Zhan Zhuang Qigong

    Yes no longer active almost 5 years old (I love finding old posts ) the others are o.k. While I'm more interested in Stand Still Be Fit with a bit of google fu there you go a new link to book from the 1st post
  9. Zhan Zhuang Qigong

    I'm quite enjoying Master Lam Kam Chuen's Stand Still Be Fit Nice little flash siteheretoo
  10. The Kunlun Story

    patience young padawan There was going to be a movie, not sure if anyone knows what happened to it or how far along production got. and 2008..... wow time really does fly
  11. Qi Dao - Lama Somananda Tantrapa

    and then you have the audacity to go and win said title fight
  12. Celibacy

    Thanks Seth, I just grabbed the last copy from (I actually wanted 2 as I have someone in mind who might enjoy it) looking forward to reading it.
  13. Celibacy

    Be inspired by Liu Ch'ang-sheng who tames his sexual desire by living in a brothel (7 Taoist Masters) pages 115-119 (I was certain I had scanned it here before, but no success finding a link)
  14. Qi Dao - Lama Somananda Tantrapa

    Guess it was a one shot just for us. I went back to insert 2 more panels so the story would be a bit fuller and now the image link doesn't seem to work edit and now it is working more oh well stranger things will happen.
  15. Qi Dao - Lama Somananda Tantrapa

    Lineage is important and it is easy to say "Master X made me a Master" So I understand where wanting to verify that is coming from. But That vibes with me too I've learnt things from people that definitely were insane (i.e. locked away in institutions) they can have an interesting perspective and world view.
  16. Qi Dao - Lama Somananda Tantrapa

    Sorry Craig, I hit edit instead of quote reply and I've lost your post. Really sorry didn't mean to. My only excuse is it's 2:45 am and I'm up listening to hourly weather reports as cat 3 cyclone Ulil crosses the coast 235 kilometers east southeast of here. While this town is probably going to be o.k. 200km/h winds are not going to be doing those closer much good at all So sorry again, this is all I've got left re the lama title not being answered in previous threads. In about the author in his book it appears to be a family lineage of 27 generations and primarily trained by his grandfather, plus other stuff (I'm not really motivated to research lineages myself) While people are free to ask whatever they like, as long as it's not insulting, is any answer going to be able to satisfy everyone? Given past trends such an outcome seems highly unlikely
  17. Qi Dao - Lama Somananda Tantrapa

    Greetings Lama Tantrapa. I enjoyed your interview with Jerry Alan Johnson, it was linked in another thread here. I felt things went a bit off track in it when God and Christian ideas were mentioned. I use to have a strong aversion to God from my upbringing, till I met some great Christians. Although I can also understand, from the perspective you mentioned, wanting to use a different framework for your listeners. Anyhow it's easy to be critical on points. I also thought it was excellent to see someone putting the time and effort into doing such interviews, and then presenting them so people all over the world could hear them. So thank you for your radio show. I didn't know the book was on google, I'll have to have a look at that too. p.s. I'm sure you don't need the help but things can get a little boisterous here on the 'bums. Engage at your peril I recommend stealth and evasion while they battle each other
  18. tea

    Just pre-ordered my 2010 season King and Jipin grade Dragon Well tea. I'm excited Also found another link that mentions freezing and refrigeration Green Tea Storage - Guarding Against Five Thieves
  19. Hello

    Hello, Welcome to the 'bums. Hope you have fun.
  20. Are you an old soul?

    I didn't know that so will check it out as I've read Yoshikawa's novel. Try Berserk or Gantz if you like violent weird comics To attempt to relate to the topic I wonder what happens to the "souls" of those in Gantz.
  21. Ritual Cat

    Since there has been some Cat V Dog recently I thought I'd tweek my diary post above and BTT
  22. anyone read this guy's books?

    I tend to prefer that in books, is the whole book like that (of just the candle bit). My pet hate in martial arts books is a brief overview followed by pages and pages of pictures and instructions teaching forms or techniques. Useful if you have no teacher or if you know a style and want reference material. But I like discussion of concepts and ideas, where I feel books can really excel.
  23. Inspiring Books

    I love book lists great stuff here (and I'm a big fan of Osho books) Current inspiring read Rogue Black Belt Older classics Jonathan Livingston Seagull and The Alchemist most given away Beyond the Known This book pretty much explains what I love about martial arts and why I practice them. I always have 2 copies so I've got one to give away (ok I'm down to one at the moment ) Towards the Unknown is great too, but it took me a fair bit of learning and teaching experience before it began to speak to me while Beyond was immediately accessible. Re-read every few years. Most often re-read Hua Hu Ching Went to buy Half way up the Mountains as it's often recommended but unavailable at the moment So I got 2 new copies of Beyond instead (I have someone in mind for one of them already)
  24. Qi Flow

    While I have practice micro and macro orbits I don't think I'm traditional enough to answer this question
  25. I don't have these, but others here probably do