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Everything posted by Mal

  1. anyone read this guy's books?

    I wonder what the candle method could be? Flame meditation or making it move?
  2. ling gui healing qigong school

    Thank you for the review. I love hearing about female practices as sometimes things are too male-centric.
  3. Enforced Teacher Student Relationships.

    Nice concept Seth, you might enjoy the communication stylings of E- prime. Link included for reference Just for fun absolutes can often cause problems and incorrect assumptions eg -could become- I notice many people taking a Teacher Role when giving advice. While often demonstrating the "my way or the highway syndrome" Even when well intentioned this tatic often appears as a power play or ego reinforcemnt behaviour to the advised party. Still as absolute just presented differently. E-Prime is fun (ROFL)
  4. Qi application

    I have one of those somewhere very cool little desk ornament. Re: moving things with energy there are Egely Wheels which I started a thread about to see if anyone had played with one. but probably the coolest example I've seen recently is vortex's .sig
  5. Hello to all tao bums

    Hi Nic, Good to see you made it. Welcome to the non lurking 'bums Have fun
  6. Made me recall our bullshido thread from the start of January. I see it is a 10 page thread now people really do seem to get perverse pleasure out of bringing others down. Take control of your mind and meditate Let your soul gravitate to the love y'all
  7. Glenn Morris's Meditation Mastery Series

    Yes I love Glenn's Damo's cave recording also. The cars going past just sound like waves from the ocean Class with Santi was always energising. I would always feel like going back to bed (the use to be at 2 or 4 am for me) until class started _/\_
  8. Master Eric Yudelove

    It's all good. In the real world my cat was crying every time he moved, hence why I was up at midnight waiting for my partner to get home. He is at the vet now, looks a bit better today and waiting for his apointment. So while waiting I through I'd just pop on to read a few threads. Just like now I'm on my way back back to see how he is. p.s. Turns out Jean-Claw is fine, must have been in a fight and basically just had abrasions on his back, which we couldn't see through his fur. He got an xray as he was obviously distressed but all good. He has some medicine now and only cost $350 but he is worth it
  9. Master Eric Yudelove

    We have an insult policy, abide by it or don't post, really simple stuff. The forum sign on disclaimer is a last line of defense designed to protect board owners from lawsuits etc. I realize that it may well be a long time since some of us have read it but that is why it's there. Sean, as the board owner, may well have a different opinion, basically it's his house and his rules. I'm just trying my best to help out, perhaps I'm over-reacting but I am honestly just trying my best. It's midnight. I'm tired, and I'm going to bed.
  10. TianShi I can perhaps understand the conclusion you jumped to from the poster. But IMHO Adam has skills and deserves some to be shown some common decency. I think you should consider your opinion is at best uninformed and misguided.......
  11. Master Eric Yudelove

    Please note the forum rules that you agree to upon registration.
  12. To all smokers ... and non-smokers!

    Interesting timing. A few people at work have quit by going on patches and they mentioned getting really trippy dreams if you sleep with a patch on....... errr I like trippy and I like dreams. I am honestly finding the combination rather enticing.....
  13. White Lighting

    Yes I should probably split out my white lightning joke, could get confusing. But I'm feeling rather playful at the moment
  14. Eric Yudeloves teachings

    I just wanted to add Tyler's question into the mix.