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Everything posted by Mal

  1. White Lighting

    {and it was only when I was typing it up that I realised it didn't actually say "white lightning"} I though of you when she told me that, and Santi when she described the practice. Thanks SY, it seems to be a very old "root" type of practice. I may focus on experiencing that difference in feeling too. With orbits I sometimes circulate a rainbow of colours, starting with red, going to violet, then white and I feel different sensations when doing that.
  2. hello

    Hi Bullfrog, Welcome to the 'bums. Hop(e) you enjoy your stay
  3. Master Eric Yudelove

    Yes, I almost deleted the victim thing twice, but I immediately thought of that parallel. Even I have strong opinions now and then. So I went with it and I still feel that way and feel no need to clarify further, if at all possible. However I will clarify pointless. I would personally be interested in Eric's opinion, not much chance of that now. I really don't have anything I can say about the books. I have not read them. My apologies as they are not out of print, I was only looking for one of them and made an assumption. While I did track down a well priced copy of Tao and the Tree it will take a while for it to arrive. While I practice Hair and Bone breathing along with sexual kung fu. I don't know how my methods would relate and doubt I would have much of value to offer a discussion. Given my teacher gets tarred and feathered on TTB I also have no motivation to try. But I should not have suggested others could not contribute, especially since previously in this thread I asked others for their opinions and received helpful responses.
  4. Master Eric Yudelove

    [quote name=Hundun' date='14 March 2010 - 03:55 PM' timestamp='1268546124' post='180931] and maybe the bigger tragedy his how he chose to represent himself here, and how he reacted to people calling BS. Yes lets blame the victim. The way Eric and Dian posted was practically an open invitation to attack them. [quote name=Hundun' date='14 March 2010 - 03:55 PM' timestamp='1268546124' post='180931] and i really don't see this gross disrespect that many of you are talking about. MUCH, MUCH worse has occurred here. Much worse certainly has occurred here, and that is not a good thing. I would like that too, but it's sort of pointless now. Books are out of print and the author chased away. Long term posters leaving too. Heck I'm a moderator and even I won't discuss my own practices here, it's just not worth the flack. The whole episode just leaves a bad taste in my mouth. Which is unfortunate as the overwhelming majority of 'bums have such useful things to say. And Hundun is correct, it was not even that bad by Tao Bums standards, but in this case it was more than enough.
  5. Master Eric Yudelove

    A few days ago I thought myself "this represents an opportunity to get guided through those 100 day programs by the person who wrote them" People raised some good practice related questions. (Sifusifu I remembered that I have not practiced hair breathing for a while.) But opportunity missed, or just wrong place wrong time, either way After reviewing this thread I must also wonder if the poor souls really need protection? Sure we have youngsters and people starting out on their journey, but also people with a lot of life experience more than capable of making their own informed decisions. The few calling BS may well have good intentions, but once again the actions of the few have overshadowed the actions of the many.
  6. Master Eric Yudelove

    Well I remember many of your posts as good discussions and I am not attempting to be patronizing when I say that. It has also intrigued me as to what your avatar represents, this could be my last chance to ask. Feel free to edit your own posts if you want to delete them. Sean's policy is not to delete accounts and we have only done so once in the history to TTB for a person that was being harassed in the real world due to their net presence here. I feel compelled to ask, is just giving up and leaving the only answer?
  7. Looking For Meaning

    "No aims; no expectations." DAININ KATAGIRI On how to attain perfect meditation.
  8. Master Eric Yudelove

    Thanks Pietro, I appreciate the practice suggestion. Thanks Freeform, it seems like Tao and the Tree of Life would suit me most at this moment.
  9. Running

    I wanted to ask for more hints as it sounds very interesting but you also mentioned So I doubt I have the motivation to achieve it.
  10. Google Video: Mastering alchemy

    BTT Thanks for the link
  11. Skeletor's Kundalini Awakening

    ok I'll finish with one that isn't embarrassing to watch these days.
  12. Skeletor's Kundalini Awakening

    I was expecting this one Now I'm in '80 flashback mode, anyone remember Manimal?
  13. Two questions for veteran practitioners

    Very true. I use to use a clock radio with soft wake up function and you could probably get a similar effect with a phone application these days. Or just use more willpower than I had and get out of bed to turn the alarm off But I do tend to go on about zen clocks as waking up to a nice sound made it worth the rather substantial cost. The "real" sound of the bell has a very beautiful tone (the recording on the site is not quite as nice as the real thing but will give you an idea of how long it resonates for) I find most alarm clocks have really harsh alarms that you want to turn off or snooze asap. For me hitting snooze just taught me the habit of staying in bed for as long as I possible could. I found that habit even more difficult to break when trying to get up early to exercise, only takes a second to hit snooze, too easy. A bell naturally chiming more often over a 10 min period gives me time to come to terms with waking up and my partner finds the chime not too intrusive and can sleep through quite a few without them waking her.
  14. Master Eric Yudelove

    As do I (Cam quote from the linked thread above) We do seem to enjoy posting "judgements" of others here at TTB. Now on a discussion forum, everyone is entitled to an opinion, and I have one too
  15. Pushups as conditioning

    In Tong Long, a traditional Shaolin art, we have a tiger push up. This link gives an idea although we have less leg spread and elbows tucked in a bit more. Pretty much a combat conditioning Hindu push up We don't do them in class though, Sifu likes to say "No need to waste class time doing that. You pay to learn technique. Easy to practice that at home." I haven't encountered "strong yet stiff" in people doing body weight exercises. But the only really strong ones I can recall (i.e. they had that gym junkie/body build shape ) came from long term yoga and jujitsu. But I feel "strong yet stiff" almost all the time in people who got their muscular look from weights and begin those activities or kung fu. Very little range of motion and way to much agonist and antagonist muscle tension. So I wonder it Taomeows push up person also trained body building style weights. I should note I have respect for weightlifting, my dad won a state champion as a teenager. I use to try big lifts like squats, dead lifts, clean and jerks, but too much hard work required to train them, I like being lazy. I still remember my jutisu teacher showing us some guard work saying "No point practicing this unless you can do 50 situps" I would agree, 1/2 way through class I couldn't even attempt the move anymore, could not crunch myself up off the floor
  16. Hello there

    Hi Baiqi, Welcome to the 'bums. I like the look of your interests, well balanced. Hope you have fun here.
  17. Kamusta!