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Everything posted by Mal

  1. Off with her head!

    May help I will attempt to see this one tonight We always enjoy Mr Depp's movies and have also enjoyed Tim Burton's touch. Plus the new 3D effects have really enticed me back to the movie theatre. (I've never read the books or actually watched an Alice movie before)
  2. hello there

    Hi Al. Welcome to the 'bums. With your studies in Asian medicine I hope we can learn from you too. Hope you have fun here.
  3. Introduction

    Hi Dian, Welcome to the 'bums, such a real pleasure to have you here. Tao Bums, somewhere to bring your family Hope you have fun
  4. International E-Prime Month

    I can not recall that feeling of hunger at the moment, as I just ate a yellow banana
  5. International E-Prime Month

    Well you can still make quite absolute and specific statments in e-prime If you meant this quote you could say. Thanks for 'process and content' examples Freeform. Food for thought. I feel hunger now and would like to eat an apple of indeterminate colour
  6. Qigong fundamentals

    [quote name=durkhrod chogori' date='08 March 2010 - 08:26 PM' timestamp='1268044006' post='180196] You cannot learn Tai Chi in a weak body. Sorry it doesn't work that way. tell that to all the people who have improved their health practicing Tai Chi [quote name=durkhrod chogori' date='08 March 2010 - 08:26 PM' timestamp='1268044006' post='180196] Tai Chi is first and foremost Kung Fu; that is, a martial art. The Tai Chi people absorb today is a huge watered down version of the real deal which unfortunately just a small bunch of teachers understand today. Hear that one often too. Correct or not, it doesn't really matter IMHO. I can also list the benefits of the Tai Chi I know over other forms, but that doesn't matter either. All these different best/correct methods with endless debate over them. Why? Because different ways suit different individuals at different times in their life A teacher will choses the best for the student from the tools they have available. My Sifu tells me Tai Chi will benefit my health and that we should practice the form as a vital complement to our kung fu forms. He has proven correct in that recommendation for me. Without a teacher you have to do the choosing yourself. Quite difficult without that set of skills and experience to help you chose wisely. Many have succeeded that way, but as you pointed out earlier. Although for me, having teachers feels more like a long term relationship i.e.father/son than a babysitter style occasional supervision
  7. Shifting (quick) fire

    If there a link or description of this practice? No luck on google for me
  8. Hello all :)

    Hi Mushi, Welcome to the 'bums. Having no idea and no direction a great start and actually something many aim for Hold on to that and hopefully over time things will become clearer. Hope you have fun here.
  9. Shaolin Monastery IPO

    A funny book, as in amusing and well told story, of modern Shaolin training. American Shaolin - Mathew Polly
  10. A greeting only 20 minutes after the original post, with the above reply over 2 weeks later, may explain that static better IMHO (I have a little personal rule I follow with greetings) None the less as requested - Welcome to the 'bums, may your foot heal well And I hope you continue to enjoy your time here.
  11. Egely Wheels

    Strange enough I have not seen discussion on Egely Wheels here. Perhaps due to the Vitality Meters cost. However I've just noticed a cheaper option, a Vitality Indicator Thinking of getting one for an executive desk toy
  12. Kun lun and Flowers

    A pic my partner D took a few years back in a HongKong temple. Nice fullsize too.
  13. Making babies!

    Chia did the same. Once to get rid of any old sperm. He stated that he and his wife achieved conception on the 1st attempt after that. Since actually making a baby does not happen often in ones life. Approaching this activity in the best possible manner sounds like a great idea but I have no idea how to do that. Well some idea, mindfullnes and loving intent. But obviously not my area of expertise
  14. Taoism in Chicago

    Unfortunately I live on on the others side of the world. However someone closer may help if they notice this thread TTB churns over a lot of threads
  15. International E-Prime Month

    I agree. The thing I enjoy most about this exercise, rewriting my sentences, yet conveying the same meaning without the use of unconscious predication.
  16. International E-Prime Month

    At the moment infuriatingly difficulty, yet I forsee a benefit in doing this.
  17. International E-Prime Month

    I believe you need to add some more quotes, not that I noticed. I require this E-Prime spell checker I like the mindfulness this practice produces. But in writing I find it hard to notice all instances of slip ups. Please let me know about this checkers correctness if it slips up when you use it. I have never listed grammatical correctness as one of my skills and I feel my high school English teacher would laugh his head off hearing this attempt at changing my writing and I would not achieve this without the above tool. This took quite a few edits Resource I can see E-prime and nonviolent communication as beneficial for this site.
  18. I was just about to rewrite as "but this argument has no value" apparently acceptable. All these "to be's" I feel like I have returned to the part of English I really hated in school.
  19. Perhaps Shiva and Shakti ? Ardhanarishwara (an androgynous deity composed of Shiva and his consort Shakti, representing the synthesis of masculine and feminine energies)
  20. Actually science can't "prove" anything, only fail to disprove it. That's what experimental hypothesis testing, the basis of the scientific method, is all about. But this is a pointless argument.
  21. Totally unrelated but whenever someone mentions machines I always think of Egely wheels