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Everything posted by Mal

  1. You don't need to measure something with an instrument to be scientific. However it is usually done that way in physical sciences but the instrument could be something as simple as a piece of paper recording your observations. Behavioral science uses those sort of forms to record repeatable behavior over time. But it's all just more - yes it can / no it can't
  2. Journey to the West

    Well my journey didn't get far, still in my pile of books "to read" But I found this thread which was the catalyst of the whole thing, may as well post it here
  3. Zen To Done Productivity System

    IIRC Pietro was using GTD methods a while back... here It's hard to find 3 letter threads and "it was before your time, youngsters" wheezed the old man"
  4. KAP

    The Middle Pillar learn from this book, I was doing a lot of Golden dawn stuff at the time. Experience was along the lines of "seeing" a brilliant, intense light. My reaction was to close my eyes tighter due to the brightness. But "I" realized I couldn't feel the muscles of my eyelids, so I couldn't clench. I then realized I couldn't feel anything else either and didn't have eyes, yet was seeing light in all directions. It's un-rememberable after that till "I" was back and time had passed Really freaked me out, I was coming from uni psychology and I was interpreting magick as a way to improve the mind and intent. I didn't actually expect the other stuff to actually happen Still any good method practiced regularly should give similar results, it's a common experience.
  5. I Ching translations

    I beleive that, like many things, the I ching reflects what you bring to it. So it's not what is written it's what that means to you.
  6. Thoth question

    Confused is good (seriously) dropping of assumptions and ingrained thought patterns of what was "known." Sounds like a good change, flow with it. There are a few here who will know a bit about Thoth. Apech7 springs to mind with his Egyptian focus. I know bits and pieces from a while ago but not something I feel I can speak on.
  7. Hi I am new here

    You should be able to see the personal practice forums now. You have to be a full member (ie join and post an intro like you did) before you can access them, keeps them a bit private and off google. Just send me a PM and I'll create a forum for you (that will help remind me to do it ) And welcome to the 'bums Hope you have fun here
  8. I though this one was worth posting (actually they all are) but this is one of our favorite TTB topics
  9. _/\_ Glad you are still with us mate.
  10. KAP

    Yes I'm like that too. Things start to work so, I change how I practice When I first got an experience from doing the middle pillar exercise I gave up for years. It really freaked me out.
  11. I Ching translations

    Yes Wiki's are like that (questionable) Some people try to use is as a reference for assignments Ok (well as easly as we can over the net ) What hexagram was it from and I'll have a look, sounds a like fun experiment.
  12. KAP

  13. retention contest

    and this was on TV last night - bolds mine Only becomes a problem when you spend 16 hrs a DAY WTF !!! I'm definitely underachieving
  14. retention contest

    Retention "contest" + = I was actually looking for a funny pic along the lines of "girl's cheat" but all the hits I was getting were not quite what I was intending to search for
  15. I Think You Guys Are Awesome

    Group Hug I do you all
  16. Wang P'ang 王雱 TTC Commentary

    This one ? Title A translation of Lao Tzu's Tao te ching and Wang Pi's commentary Issue 30 of Michigan papers in Chinese studies Authors Laozi, Bi Wang, Paul J. Lin Translated by Paul J. Lin Edition illustrated Publisher Center for Chinese Studies, University of Michigan, 1977 Original from the University of Michigan Digitized 9 Oct 2009 ISBN 0892640308, 9780892640300 Length 198 pages's_Tao_te_ching_and_Wang_Pi's_commentary Does not look easy too easy to find