
The Dao Bums
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Everything posted by Mal

  1. Forum upgrade ...

    Oh I'd especially like to look at some "active" forums, found While I don't go to many forums TTB always strikes me as different with it's pages of today / yesterday and recent posts in Taoist Discussion. Usually when I look at a forum there does not seem to be as much discussion eg look at empty flower in comparison, and it's very well known too. Now this place look active
  2. Forum upgrade ...

    Yes but I don't remember it fondly at all all the Kunlun threads in '08/'09 was more fun for me I also quite like the default blue layout we have It's grown on me, easy on the eye, reminiscent of the old V2 board. But thanks for the link to the skins (we would use V3) some nice stuff in there like a skin is an easy change. And if anyone has other sites they like that we could copy, like empty flower, toss them in. Personally I liked the look of this thing but a bit "busy" for here. another V3 board
  3. From 375/320 to 20/20 vision!

    Some from Wong Kiew Kit I always remember #1, counting leaves, when there are eye questions. I tend to practice #4 a lot as I'm always looking at computer screens. And # 8 is part of another practice I do.
  4. India's Top Guru is Fake Perv

    After consideration I'd decided he is a fake. I'm so ashamed. I'm going to burn all my boxes of this stuff Yes that's a joke, obviously I have not considered anything. I really only know the name Sai Baba from the Nag Champa incense that I buy. Sorry to tangent but I LOVE Nag Champa and the Satya Sai Baba one is readily available.
  5. Qi Gong - Taoism for the Overweight

    I was almost 130 kg when I started learning the traditional Yang long form with my Sifu. It got me to a weight range and level of fitness where I had much more energy, so I was able to do more exercises. IMHO Tai Chi can make you quite healthy, but not drastically reduce your weight. My Dad is heavier then me ( and older ) and found the pace of progress of the big Tai Chi class learning the long form too fast for him. It became unmotivating for him watching everyone else progress faster. The class is only for 3 months once a year. So it's at a fast pace to learn the entire form to a level where you at least have something you can practice by yourself. Last attempt at it he couldn't stand up for the entire class and would have to sit down 1/2 way through. Of course he did better than those who just gave up and he did keep trying over 3 years but IMHO not enough practice away from class to get any benefits. He has bad knees and for example can't balance on one leg. Even Yang style footwork can be challenging to build up too for many, but you can make it easier. I tried doing that and standing beside him in high stances with easy footwork. But I'm needed in that class to help demonstrate so it was difficult for me to do that consistently. So I tried some standing chi gongs I know instead to take away the weight shifting movement of Tai Chi. (pretty much like what Hundun suggested) Anyhow no luck with the chi gongs, again not enough consistent practice IMHO. I'm thinking of seeing if he will have ago at this I'm attracted to the teachers energy in that youtube. I wish your friend the best of luck. I hope he finds something so enjoyable that he will look forward to practicing every day (IMHO that's the key) It's a battle to move when you are heavy and getting started is very hard. I would love to get any questions feedback. My Dad is a sad story of loss of movement over time, but if it helps for me it was. I'm so fat I'm going to die early (motivation 2002) I'll stop practicing music and really focus on Tai Chi (I've tried several teachers over my life) Tai Chi got me to where I could do Kung Fu (turns out my Sifu taught that too. Didn't think I could ever do Kung Fu , childhood dream, just wanted to spend more time around Sifu.) Wanting to get fitter for Kung Fu that got me attempting combat conditioning. Meanwhile Tai Chi led to doing more meditation. Wanting a meditation teacher led to local Buddhism, Tao bums eventually kunlun then KAP (Like finding my Sifu finding Santi made an enormous difference in my life) Also ended up going to a warrior diet / fast five lifestyle. I'm still fat 110kg but so much more alive (Hundun nice to see you around again)
  6. Forum upgrade ...

    Excellent find, thank you. The V3 board can make me feel like someone in an orange suit who has lost this
  7. Forum upgrade ...

    you can see last 5 in your profile. I had a look for a toggle to switch it to 10 but I don't think it's an optiont. There is a toggle to watch every topic you reply to. Guess you could also use advanced search for posts by used ID and date range. But that returns results as threads not posts.
  8. The Failure of 'Just Do IT'

    To really help someone you have to understand the problem from their point of view + have a "solution" that will work from that perspective. Often the perspective may not be too different from your own and what works for you will work for others, so for many situations saying what you would do works well. (You know when you are talking about an issues and the other person will say "Well I would do....") But if someone else has a different perspective to you, many people can't see a situation from another persons perspective. So they continue giving the advice that works for them, and then blame the other when they don't or can't follow that advice. Basically "It works for me so what's wrong with you." If you think about how difficult it is to identify our own broken programing and our journey to find a solution that works for us. Then add in having to identify the same in another person that you may not have a good understanding of. And finally trying to communicate that information in a way that they can understand. Well many people are to busy waiting to talk about themselves to make that effort. Mmmmm does that make any sense
  9. India's Top Guru is Fake Perv

    Discussion about that here Tongue poking aside, I like your linked article and I'll edit it in. {Yes it will have no effect on my enjoyment of the Hua Ha Ching}
  10. I Ching translations

    Thanks that one has a nice feel to it and I like the text too. Here are some Virtual Yarrow Sticks
  11. Disturbing conclusion

    Too many absolutes and stereotyping can be problematic. People are individuals, approach them as such. Stereotyping concepts can give you a general framework to work from and information you may not guess by yourself (i.e. the difference between what people say and what they want) If you are not happy with where you are a different perspective can certainly help you pick a tactic / work and angle i.e fake it till you make it. But don't lock yourself into stereotypes and generalizations. Just be present in the now and you will feel the dynamic, the relationship, the connection. You can connect souls, or collect notches on the bedpost. Some behaviors favor one result over the other. And yes, do your practices and forget all of this
  12. I Ching translations

    Yes. It's a real shame the amazon preview doesn't give a full view of it treatment of a hexagram as the Eranos is something special. I tried google books but no luck either and I can't scan is as putting it in the photocopier will crack its spine I think there is some controversy over Huang (perhaps, not really sure could be wrong) but can you have too many books?
  13. Confused

    Thanks Bindo _/\_ that is very accessible, I like the humor used and I just seem attracted to him. I'll even see if my dad will have a go at that one. T5T, great suggestion ~JK~ a couple of free resources for that. I also really like Christopher S. Kilham's book, covers a lot in addition to T5T.
  14. I Ching translations

    If you mean Huang, yes I feel it reads like an native English speaker with a vast background in Chinese culture and history. The amazon preview for Huang lets you read Qian and will give you an idea of his writing style. And you can contrast that with the preview of the Eranos translation, unfortunately that preview only gives the 1st page of Qian, but you can see the fields of meaning. Every single Chinese character gets a field of meaning. Extremely useful IMHO. Compared to most languages English is back the front
  15. I Ching translations

    Perhaps in a more PC way, there can be a lot of cultural norms and concepts that people native to that culture intrinsically understand that act as a barrier/handicap to those foreign to that culture. Once you are aware of that it is something you can learn to overcome. Hence why many of us like the Eranos translation for giving as close as possible a one-to-one translation of Chinese to English. I like Huang in conjunction with that translation because his background is traditional Chinese taoist. Therefor his translation helps me to see the I Ching through that lens as my cultural background is different.
  16. Did I feel Qi while high?

    Yes, THC can put you in touch with that, gives you a glimpse if you like. But you can do all that and much more without it As long as you don't fall into "I need this to do X" i.e. addiction err yes it can be great fun to play with IMHO But in a synchronous event I was doing some energy work last night and actually thought "wow this is MUCH more trippy than drugs" Oh BTW beoman welcome to the 'bums. Hope you have fun here
  17. Disturbing conclusion

    Non as mentioned TTB is not therapy. In Australia for the cost of a phone call you can contact Lifeline 13 11 14 I'm guessing the US has similar available. "Sometimes it helps to just know that someone is listening, that you never have to be alone" Get in touch with a professional NOW - please.
  18. Disturbing conclusion

    We have suspended Non from posting for 7 days (currently) {thank you for hitting report post people} Non will still be able to read the board and post PM's -Mod Squad-
  19. Confused

    3bob our moderation guidelines here are fairly simple, pinned to the board (as insult policy reminder), and basically summed up below. If you chose not to read a persons posts, fine, there is also an ignore user feature. If you want to leave because you don't like things, it's a free world. PS. I love how you refer to us as "this organization and some of it's members" ROFL
  20. Playboy US March 2010 Article titled as The Multi-orgasmic Woman Referencing ancient Taoist sexual philosophy, an adventurous female writer discusses the intensity and variety of her orgasms The actual article itself is rather superficially taoist IMHO and dividing orgasm into 3 gates (Clitoris, G- spot, Cervix) However I learnt that Tatiana Kozhevnikova set the guinness record for strongest vagina by lifting 31 pounds. So there you go; you can read it for the articles
  21. how to open chakras?

    Moved to Taoist discussion Mod squad
  22. Confused

    Perhaps it was me thinking of him .... unlikely. Anyhow nice to see you again Drew, disregard my email from Today
  23. Confused

    it's so nice to have a "new" perspective. We have a member here called DrewHemple and he has a special skill that he terms "orgasm at a distance" You can read various stuff about Drew all over the board and here All you wanted to know about Drew Hemple Hopefully he will be back, unfortunately he got a bit overexcited and we had to give him a few days "time out" Since he can jump to conclusions perhaps he thinks he got banned
  24. BTT I googled this thread also after listening to a Dr Jerry Allan Johnson interview, thanks to Creation for the link from here
  25. Light Qi

    That's an excellent interview (yes the interviewer lost the flow a bit when he freaked out over the use of "God" ) Thank you for linking it. Fun quote. "Why must all the good things in life only be for the chosen few"