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Everything posted by Mal

  1. I Ching translations

    That's it the big red tomb It's a shame the hardcover seems unavailable. I may end up getting mine bound. If I only brought one (hahaha) that would be it, but I do love it in conjunction with Hung as that way I have one persons interpretation and the "raw data" (pluse various copies on line) The Wayfarer Sonnets are also good for inspiration (was thinking of it as I keep all 3 together and it's actually in the banner as I write this, Synchronicity )
  2. Personal Forum Control

    It shouldn't have changed with the upgrade so in your forum you should still be able to :- delete others posts and topics close and open topics pin and unpin topics set topics visible/invisible basically just like a moderator in your own domain I just checked your settings and you should have all of that, but if your trying to use "Post moderation with selected" That doesn't seem to work (at least not for me) so try topic moderation and to delete posts use the delete icon at the bottom of each post. Hope that helps
  3. Awakening Kundalini 101

    No. (at least I don't think so ) but that's not my goal and I tend to cut back on practice and do a bit of self sabotage when stuff starts to move in that direction. Things are currently as strange as I want and I'm very happy with my progress. I feel I could really push on if I wanted, so I'm working on wanting that No rush.
  4. Need a gentle exercise

    Tai Chi can be surprisingly taxing for many people, especially in the beginning. My Dad basically can't walk for more than 10 min now and Tai Chi is too much for his knees. But he didn't practice it enough to be able to get to the benefits IMHO. However he has tried a few times over the past few years, but it just never "clicked" for him. It's hard to be in a class where 80yo ladies can move better than you. But I've helped out at the local hospitals chronic pain clinic and gotten some clients who could barely walk or move their arms into Tai Chi. It can be very difficult and they need a teacher who can help them to do what they can and not feel pressured to do the moves "correctly" It takes a long time but those who have just tried their best over the years have improved and found greater freedom of movement and reduced pain. So don't think you can't do it if you want to
  5. Johny Chang/Liping Lotus position?

    This thread contains posts from spoofed ID's David Coletti and niko (wind) hatzakis These ID's are not the real life David Coletti and Nik Hatzakis and as such DO NOT represent their views. These false members have been banned and our sincere apologies to the real David and Nik. -Mod Squad-
  6. Was trying to find a bigger one of this but I'll go with this instead
  7. "Making rounds with Oscar: the extraordinary gift of an ordinary cat" by Dr Dosa is floating around th elocal bookshops at the moment. Look like an interesting story.
  8. I Ching translations

    Not sure if you have these links, lots of various "stuff" Change, change, change I Ching on the net Transformations Virtual Yarrow Sticks Huang and Eranos are the books I use most frequently.
  9. Disturbing conclusion

    I'd say it's bloody difficult just being human, so don't feel alone in that. Everyone is crazy in their own way and just trying to find their way. It's not easy to get there, unless you are Chang Tzu
  10. Confused

    FWIW I think you are starting off very well. Many here have spent large portions of their lives on this path. There is no need to rush trying to "catch up" just enjoy the journey, as confusing as it may be
  11. Disturbing conclusion

    Davids books, Way of the Superior man and Dear Lover are excellent reads, another really good one is Instant Enlightenment That's a goggle books link so you can take up the chalange to "pick a chapter, any chapter and begin now." Like Trunk mentioned not only do we love to jump to the weird esoteric aspects of sex, we also like to forget about Love.
  12. Awakening Kundalini 101

    There is a little link in my sig to my experiences during Kunlun KAP 1 & 2 and PSD, inter-spaced with the soap opera that is my life
  13. Heads Up Castenada Fans

    Since we were having a bit of fun with Sorcerer's Crossing recently in the book club I happened across this thread again. Searching for the ISBN reveals a publishing date of August 2010 (amazon UK) did the 2008 one ever get published?
  14. Submit for approval links to DVD's

    Moved into general discussion, a lot more traffic in here than the lobby. -mod squad-
  15. Not sure if it helps but I though of this thread while reading the Hua Hu Ching today. See also 65 to 71
  16. I probably have that problem too but since you mentioned mantis you might enjoy this video of my SiGung teaching the Sifu's of our school (my Sifu, not shown, is SiGung's youngest brother.) Definitely p.s. Go less bull in your terrior and you will get a lot more "What a cute puppy, can I pat him" conversations
  17. Always flushes out a few firmly held opinions though Mindspring if you're drawn to adding some Tai Chi into your gym work I would definitely have a go at that and see if you enjoy practicing it. Tai Chi was the 1st big "improver" of my life, once I found my Sifu. I have been learning Tai Chi on and off since high school and I still love to practice it. Highly recommended. Plus there are some good teachers around Aus (Michael's workshop is possibly a bit far away for us, unfortunately)
  18. Strange things with MCO

    When I started doing orbits I would visualize them. Over time I would start to feel sensations, sometimes the sensations were like my visualization but sometimes they would feel different. I could try to make those sensations conform to my visualization or I could pay more attention to those feelings and sensations and less to what I was trying to visualize or make happen. IMHO once you can start to feel sensations go with that. My micro feels more like a rotating ring (or loop) and the macro like a flowing figure 8 rather than the point of awareness I started out visualizing. Looking forward to other replies.
  19. Hi from the cold north

    This bookclub thread has links to an online version of the Hua Hu Ching I really enjoy this book, but it's not widely known. Oh I (obviously) enjoy Tai Chi too
  20. Saving up for a 1995 Jeep Cherokee.

    Spoken like someone who doesn't own an Italian motorbike They are worth every penny Still it's good advice..... but who didn't fall in love their first car? I'm not a big car aficionado so I'd go for something Japanese. Our current car is an old Mazda and cost us $250 quite a bit less than my Moto Guzzi but I don't buy Japanese bikes anymore, even though they are extremely reliable with excellent performance. I use to buy them because I couldn't afford the exotic things when I was young Perhaps. Good luck with the fund raising.
  21. Hello From Oz

    Welcome Mindspring. More Aussie 'bums, great stuff Hope you have fun here.
  22. Donnie Darko is a deeply disturbing movie.. I love it Everything is disturbing in that movie its a mad world...... Picture too big to embed but it's beautiful anyhow Nice book, lots of good stuff in there. More would have been interesting but I guess it gets increasingly pointless to talk about it. Intent is everything. Magic is like psychology IMHO Recapitulation reminds me a bit of eye movement therapy. But psychology is too young a science to have access to the depth of power that traditions access. Rituals tap strong intent over many lifetimes, building on the experiences of others who were searching for the same thing. Woom Power
  23. Thanks H, I've got flow-fit and intu-flow. But the royal court done slowly and being breathed is probably right for me at the moment, fits into my day very nicely. Perhaps some day I'll carve out another 30 minutes Kung fu starts again this week and I've already gotten way to use to my shorter summer workouts, about time they got a bit longer.
  24. hehe Guess this is just the right time to "discover" this book