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Everything posted by Mal

  1. Yes a bit shocking. Actually my reaction was a rather selfish "So it's not men losing energy, retention is pointless after all () it's all about connections" Reminded me of our "Get a job Get a wife" thread, both parents sharing/combining for the energy needs of the child. I'm not really sure what to make of that sex perspective, especially in relation to promiscuous sex. But in anthropology we learnt of a tribe where they beleived the father had to keep having sex during pregnancy to ensure that the child would be healthy and strong. That story was presented to show how the tribe didn't understand the western science where it only took one sperm to create a life.......... I wonder which view is more "correct"
  2. ROTFLMAO BTW I love the Scuba-Cat avatar
  3. I don't know if it's just because I'm older and have done other stuff, including reading Castaneda's books. But Sorcerers' Crossing seems much clearer with more detail on practices. Like most of my books I've had this one stored for a while but today I stumbled across it and unzip it. Must be the right time Now back to Chapter 7 Breathing and Shadows
  4. More on haunted houses

    yes BTT I like the ghost stories. Durkhrod Chogori I guess this isn't the same female friend that was haunted in another thread? Any recent developments?
  5. Question on qi gong and dreams

    BTT I don't have any answers but it's an interesting question
  6. What sort of timeframe does TACFIT require? I'm really enjoying my current combat conditioning being breathed hybrid, it slots nicely into a 5~10 min space towards the end of my practice session. I could plug in a few different exercises, but not add another full practice session.
  7. Inspired by this thread, I was on my 3rd beer last night, and the cricket wasn't going too well for the West Indies. So I decided to run a bit of energy just to see how it went...... Well I'm not sure what I did but it didn't go that well I spent the next 3 hours unable to stand up + I was rather ill I haven't been sick since my mid 20's and never on less than a 6 pack. I couldn't make it back to watch the TV so I had to listen on the radio while curled up An interesting experience that I'm in no hurry to repeat. I distinctly remember thinking "this use to be a lot more fun when I was younger" Not learning but still living
  8. o.k. Yep you can get smashed and then muck around with your energy.... but like singing when drunk IMHO you are the only one who thinks it sounds good Still........ getting drunk is a well established human tradition, just make sure you choose wisely and play in a safe place if you are going to be out of control.
  9. Happy (Chinese) New Year

    Gung hay fat choy
  10. "Can I give you a hug?" (at the very least I'd like to shake hands)
  11. Well that reminded me of Fran from Black Books in S01E05 A bit annoying to navigate but worth it to find Fran listening to silky-voiced Howell Granger (Peter Serafinowicz) reading the shipping forecast on the radio. Classic. I do love Black Books, perhaps one day I'll have that sort of bookshop I already look like Manny
  12. Leading Qi to the teeth

    Try our long term Tooth Regeneration thread
  13. I'm really Fu_dog

    Yes that was me, as you. Well actually me as the you you can't be. But you should be able to be you again now
  14. I'm really Fu_dog

    Strange, oh well. I could possible try merging memberships, never had a go at that before so who knows what would happen Perhaps enjoy a few days of access first before I go poking the computer with a stick
  15. Beauty springs from the rubble

    Wow, that's some great imagery, and this bit even manages to stand out of that. Thanks for posting it Steve.
  16. Feeling emotions at heart

    Thanks CowTao, I'll give that a go, it does sound like fun.
  17. Try this one Dr. Morris's Secret Smile & Breathing basic KAP 1 and
  18. Green tea vs Black tea

    I get about 8 steeps from most of my loose leaf green teas. Ranging from under 1 min to around 4~5 min for the last steeps. I like really weak tea with not a lot of color in the water. I have some jasmine dragon pearl which is really nice and lasts for a lot of steeps (as does dragon well) The very nice snow water green cloud I have only lasts a few steeps. Joeblast someone once posted that cheep green tea tasted like lawn clippings and I must agree, sometimes I'd rather just drink the hot water
  19. Lots of questions and thoughts, but are they the reality of the situation? As you can't "let go" and really want to know, just ask her You have facebook, send her a message. Simple, quick and easy. How we imagine people to be when we build them up in our thoughts is often not reality. Even if she really has fallen in love with a prince and is now leading a fairy-tail life, at least you would know if you asked and no longer have to guess about it Perhaps she misses you too. Perhaps she doesn't. But knowing what her thoughts actually are, as opposed to guessing, would help calm your mind IMHO more so than a "meditation technique" But you could approach it from that direction too..... Exactly, and as beautiful and treasured as they may be, we have to let them all go eventually.
  20. Feeling emotions at heart

    What is normal, the unanswerable question I do think it's good, and it's something I'm trying to work on. Really feeling emotions and how they effect the body, rather than just mentally acknowledging them. "I feel angry" easy to think, but HOW does it feel, what can you feel, what has changed in your body when you are feeling this emotion Like thoughts, I'm noticing that emotions also spontaneously appear and then depart. You can witness them.