
The Dao Bums
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Everything posted by Mal

  1. Youtube Linkin'

    it had me stumped for ages too bro At least you worked it out! I cheated by using edit to see the html in a post that had it working.
  2. I once read Men fear being rejected (looking stupid) Women fear being killed. That's a pretty big difference in viewpoints when it comes to deciding to take someone home..... Would it also be a stretch to say that, Non, you seem to have some sort of idea that if you are not a virgin female you are "dirty"? I'm guessing group sex would NOT be your cup of tea
  3. Has The Tao Bums become (B)anal?

    Didn't miss anything, I've got porn orders of magnitude better in my not worth watching collection. But it's not here
  4. Has The Tao Bums become (B)anal?

    Well I though that too and I posted it But the place is just too big now, the moderators have broad areas of interests but we just can't read everything not sure how else we could do it and that's what the report button does, it's flags the reported threads, bringing them to our attention. Personally I would rather have the community doing reporting that policing threads ourselves.
  5. Has The Tao Bums become (B)anal?

    Drew, a bit like your famous thread, I'm being banned from Taobums, when you were actually just asked 2 times to stop spaming the lobby and informed you would be suspended if you kept doing it. The conclusions you make may not = reality The only reason that thread turned into porn was you flooded the board with replys with you tube links untill you found a nude titty video of the person involved
  6. onet a though. Why in off topic? Can move the thread for you, unless you wanted it here especially? There is gettin more and more traffic to all areas of the fourm now, like a city growing
  7. Has The Tao Bums become (B)anal?

    Very true And that's the tricky problem, we have been asked to step up a bit more. But it's also pretty simple Make sure nothing violates this. No personal insults. It is totally fine to vocally disagree with a person's opinion, technique, politics, approach, lifestyle choice, etc. But no insulting (or links to attacks) of individuals, nationalities, genders, political preferences, lifestyle choices, etc. Basically Contribute real value to the discussion here. Be respectful (no insults, no porn). Keep it safe and legal We can not do this without EVERYONES help. So yes, do report posts, don't be reluctant to report a post. It's how you communicate your opinions to the moderators. Give a go. In fact I encourage EVERYONE to have a go and reporting THIS post, just as a practice run so you see what happens, we don't bite but Taomeow might scratch ) YOU, the community, are what makes The Tao Bums what it is.
  8. Forum upgrade ...

    Unless you are forced to use IE V 6.0 then the above won't work
  9. At first I was just rofl because it sounds funny "Dangerous at Oolite" then I goggled it.

    It's ELITE !!!! OMG I loved Elite on the C64 Think I was dangerous too, perhaps Deadly, but never Elite :(

    Wow I loved that game.

  10. Lots of Phoenixes

    I don't think center888 is Steve. No I have not used any special moderator powers I'm actually still corresponding with enquiring.mind a bit after my last little "sharing episode" so I'm a bit gun shy about even looking behind the scenes as I don't think I did the right thing. I may have scared off an innocent bystander needlessly. If enquiring.mind is reading (they said they would keep reading) I do apologies. And +1 to Steve, I bet he is happy , actually I bet he doesn't even care and we are just wasting our time. Anyhow center888 a really good friend of mine shared RP with me. I tried it for a while. I talked to Chris about it. I'm glad my friend shared it with me, but you do not want to learn this practice like this. Even just writing about it I can feel it, I have some KAP grid exercises that I use to stop that. There is a lot in kunlun 1, more than most people will ever need. Secret stuff is super annoying........ but just trust that they know what they are doing. A long time ago (last millennium ) I read that moving energy in the brain was dangerous. I knew that, and now I think I know why they wrote it, I totally agree.
  11. Avatar (the movie)

    That's the comparison my partner made also. Those colors in 3d, it's just astounding. As to the story, at very least it went the "right way" We could have all been enjoying the eye candy AND noting how the Cowboys beat the Indians yet again. To take that sort of storyline risk on a huge budget mainstream movie is great. And I hear Lucas is saying the technology is finally there to redo StarWars in 3D. Can't wait for that, and the next 2 Avatars. Trying to drag my Dad out to see Avatar this weekend, Mom won't go, wish me luck. I think he will HATE the story, but you never know......
  12. Psychic Powers

    Just finished reading this thread, it's a good one. A couple of people have offered ways to get weird freaky powers, I suggest you take them up on that offer. I use to really hate it when people said get a teacher, but it made a BIG difference (to me) YMMV I can't really help you, but this is what happened to me, I think it may resonate. It always starts with a girl. 1991, university, doing a double degree, economics (for my dad) and computer science (fun for me). My girlfriend (yes D) had a roommate that did psychology and I started reading her textbooks. Economics was pointless, I never attended class, turned up to an exam once and recognized none of the questions. Was tempted to ask for more paper and write "I am a fish" but resisted the urge (points for guessing the TV series that jokes from) I thought this is pointless I'm reading textbooks and not doing the subject so talked my Dad into letting me change to psychology and computer science. While doing psychology there was a section of the library that always had busted lights above it (perhaps it was a maintenance joke) it was the paranormal section. Apparently a few psychology students turn in this direction and I was one of them. After Uni while working in sales it was Golden Dawn, O.T.O, Bardon. If it was out there I was into it. Hooked up with some wiccans, they owned the bookstore in town that I was buying increasingly weird and expensive tombs through, and got into that. But hated nature (computer geek) and scared the crap out of myself actually having some things "Work" Was at a bit of a loss where to go, drifted.... Got sacked. Changed jobs. Friends at new job were into kung fu. I was back at uni doing music for fun part time. Realized I was never going to be really good at music and fat as (130kg) looking down the barrel of an early end to life. Friends recommended Tai Chi (2002) Tai Chi teacher also taught Kung Fu. Fixed up my health, yes it's boring, but my dad at 65 can't stand up long enough to cook dinner Health is a SERIOUS super power. Got into Buddhism for meditation but didn't really click with the people. Found this place. Called myself a Taoist. Did a few different practices. Found Kunlun, really helped me. Currently doing KAP and can now break electrical appliances! Yesterday used my breathing to extend the fuel range of my motorcycle to avoid running out of petrol in the rain! Am I delusional, well I've been trained in the scientific method and even I would say none of the above is verifiable (and I was there ) But perhaps none of it is verifiable. I once read that if you practice method "X" for, I think, 3 hours a day after 3 years of practice you will be able to move 60% of people with your empty force, but the remaining 40% are unaffected. I loved the digging holes story. Once you can "Do it" it's just not worth talking about anymore. I can not do it yet... so I still talk. I hope that rambeling was of some use Sloppy Zhang
  13. Forum upgrade ...

    Anyone having PM issues? No I didn't miss an "S" but I've seen 2 reports floating around. If you want to PM someone click the little envelope under their Avatar (If you move the pointer over it it will say PM this member) When you click you may get a little tab centered in the top of the screen saying "undefined" but it should be quickly followed a pop up window formated very similar to an email. They should still work o.k. if you just ignore that "undefined", type your message, and hit send. Please advise if you are having this issue or other little bugs
  14. Forum upgrade ...

    Awesome the mod squad is so talented we can do stuff without even doing it If you click on your name at the top right of the window Click My Profile in the dropdown box Click Edit my profile, top right of screen just under your name The one you want to edit is Member Title in Profile information. Have fun.
  15. Hello all I think here is the best place to keep everyone up to date. You may remember Sean announcing our little mod squad a few months back. Trunk, Stigweard, VCraigP, SereneBlue, Mal Well not only do we have a spiffy new board but we also have a new arrival to the family. Taomeow - wisdom and all round purrfection So from Sean and the mod squad we say thank you and three cheers for Taomeow. Hurray, Hurray, Hurray
  16. Wow, what's he like in person? I really enjoyed his Tantric quest book.
  17. retention vs conservation

    From an intellectual standpoint retention reads as the best way to go, most of the positives in the literature seem to point that way. Practically I've been taught that there are more important things to concern yourself with Just try and be more mindful of your body's needs and responses. Good lovemaking is awesome, be it with another person or just with yourself, regardless of the physical actions involved. Selfishly getting off on porn or battling to restrain the urge.... not so healthy.
  18. do you practice outside?

    I use to worry about this when doing Tai Chi in public (eg on the beach) But when I actually tried, nobody ever bothered me. Once or twice a year I would get someone waiting quietly till I looked at them to ask a question. What happened to you when you gave it a try Non? Yes I once told my friend I was surprised no "trouble makers" remarked when I was practicing in the mornings, he said "Stupid, all the trouble makers are still in bed sleeping from the night before" I've also done Kung Fu practice in questionable areas and had no trouble..... But I'm not talking ghetto's and ganglands so do exercise some caution, but don't be afraid to have a go.
  19. tea

    Today it's Dragon Well for me, it's my first green tea and still my standby favorite. When I finish off the tin I want to try out the "superior west lake dragon well" from I've got a few different varities from there and they are very tasty. They recomended the snow water green cloud tea and it's very nice. So much tea to taste
  20. tea

  21. Knowing vs feeling

    My feelings are certainly something I'm trying to pay more attention to and follow. Coming from an academic background I often need to know how things work before I believe it. i.e. I need to confirm my original feelings are "real/correct" with by checking with learnt facts. I'm finding that sort of mindset increasingly restrictive. I was watching a Billy Connolly interview where he was talking about how he realized that there are some things that he gets (understands) and some thing he doesn't get. " I use to think, why don't I understand that? There is no Why. There only is an "is", and an "isn't". You know what I mean? " You understand and resonate with something if it's meant to be for you. Otherwise just let it go it, move on, it's not meant to be your thing. In fairness he continues to say forget about why and focus on how so my quote is a bit out of context But I just really liked There only is an "is", and an "isn't"