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Everything posted by Mal

  1. The Tao of Pooh

    Hi Franko & TaoLilly, The book club works by, basically, discussing things we like about books The Tao of Pooh is such a commonly recommended book that I picked up a copy last year. I loved the pictures but have never had the time to really read it. So I flipped a few pages and got captured by the Cottelston Pie chapter. I was going to do a quick summary, but it's a few pages long and I'm enjoying reading it. So I'm going to keep reading rather than writing. Thus the failure of my clever plan, sooner rather than later in this case p.s. I'm not ignoring Marbelhead, I'm just being quite as I really should be reading journey to the west
  2. free kunlun teachings?

    Hell yes. There are a few bum's down under, we really should have a gathering one day but we are rather spread out If you do come to Queensland I'm in Townsville.
  3. free kunlun teachings?

    Kunlun Level 1,2 and 3. This edition, unlike the original book, also has five elements I Jong traveling hands golden flower red sun. (page 6 on the preview )
  4. I went looking for Slavic Natural Health System Zdorovye (a different spelling I guess) and all I hit was a thread here and this one so I don't really know much about it.
  5. free kunlun teachings?

    Cheap enough to be free (well almost ) And the one with the colour pictures
  6. SleepTracker

    Anyone used one of these? I thought it could be good for my partner who does shift work and has to wake up at strange times. Personally I use my digital zen alarm clock as it has a nice "soft" wake up for me and since she knows it's "my" alarm sound it won't wake her up. Unless I'm really tired and it gets to the end of its 10 min cycle where it's chiming all the time
  7. SleepTracker

    "Since you move differently in bed during the different phases, Sleep Cycle uses the accelerometer in your iPhone to monitor your movement to determine which sleep phase you are in. " Very clever, thanks for the link. My partner brought my mobile back from hongkong many years ago. It's still going strong, but rather down on features compared to the ones these days.
  8. Kunlun follow up poll

    I tried a few times, but I kept dropping the mudra and falling asleep So no success for me
  9. 365 Tao - RENEWAL

    Nice, I so enjoy these posts Blasto.
  10. SleepTracker

    Yes the body is pretty clever, as long as you have had enough sleep you can seem to wake up just before the alarm most of the time. Jess thanks for the review, it does sound a bit annoying, I quite like lazing around in bed waiting for the alarm to go off. Having one beep you as soon as you actually wake up might not be the best option. SlackerBee any more info on the Iphone app? I'm wondering how it would measure your sleep cycle. I need to upgrade my mobile one day, the one I have doesn't even take photos !!!
  11. Kunlun follow up poll

    I chose to send a public message to let people know that the matter was under review. I do apologize for the conflict of putting that moderator response and then tagging my personal opinion along as well. Like many things in this thread perhaps that was a hasty, rather than thoroughly thought out, response. So yes I regret that.
  12. Kunlun follow up poll

    As a Moderator ANY threats against another person is not cool and we DO NOT condone that sort of rubbish here. OK. the policy is simple So perhaps (another) reminder about the insult policy is needed (again). This matter is under review by the moderating team. Personally. Scotty's comment rubbed a lot of people the wrong way (myself included) but I think it did come from an honest desire to help people. 5ET I note your IMHO over the top response to IMHO an evenly worded PRIVATE MESSAGE and I also note you didn't post your response that contained a threat but rather more PRIVATE MESSAGES that furthered your own agenda. That sort of thing really offends my sense of ethics. Consider yourself on a very short leash.
  13. Forum upgrade ...

    Well it works if you use insert medial or do it like this {media} {/media}'> {/media} Thanks to Jack Runner as I looked at his post to work out how he embedded a youtube
  14. Ol forum PM messages

    If click on you name (top right) and select "My Settings" from the drop down the page it takes you to will have Personal Messenger Options Disable my personal messenger If you disable your personal messenger, you will not be able to start or participate in personal conversations. Notify me by e-mail when I get a new personal message Enabling this option will send an email notification of any new personal messages sent to you. Notify me on the board when I get a new personal message Enabling this option will alert you of a new personal message when you visit the board you can toggle the option('s) you want. Hope that helps.
  15. Kunlun follow up poll

    I love that Father Ted show, so funny. Scotty, It's all good. At one stage I really wanted to get into Kunlun and be with Max's 1st generation students. So sometimes it gets to me that I'm stuck on the wrong side of the world and isolated from that. But it does make sense. If you want to learn someone system i.e. Max's Kunlun your best bet is to talk to people who have gone through the appropriate training needed to bring the Kunlun to you in the most efficient way. Perhaps one day someone with come down under
  16. Kunlun follow up poll

    That reads a lot better than the 1st statement " No matter who you are! " Anyhow it's practice time now for me, have fun my friends
  17. Kunlun follow up poll

    I didn't. I read it as, if you are not part of the club you can not have any good information. Seemed rather exclusive and dismissive to me. I could guess at your motivation for doing so, but my guess may not be correct.
  18. Forum upgrade ...

    Oh where did the "links" go I use it all the time to look up trunk's site as I can never remember how to spell it correctly. Guess I should just stop being disorganized and bookmark it
  19. Don't let it get you down, I've been going through practice systems since the 90's That was suppose to be reassuring, not depressing I'm happy to have experienced all the different things that I have on my path. Ideally it might have been nice to find that "one true system" at the start of my journey, but would I have recognized it then? Perhaps I dismissed it and moved on. Anyhow that's not how things went, no sense wishing it was different. Perhaps you may get some more info in your other thread. And congratulations on actually having a go and practicing. That's a lot more than many people do.
  20. Senseikarma, If it helps (with regard to choosing practices) I'm not sure if intellectual comparison is the best approach. You may make up your mind on a "best" practice. But when you actually start practicing it, it could turn out that it just doesn't click for you. Regardless of how good a system IMHO you should enjoy your practice. For me I have no real interest in kundalini awakening. Then suddenly KAP just appeared as the right thing for me to do. And I do mean suddenly, it had already been discussed quite a bit and I just never paid any attention as I wasn't interested in what I thought it was. So I'm going +1 for the old saying "when the student is ready the teacher will appear" Do you just find yourself drawn to one more than the others?
  21. Kunlun follow up poll

    I see Cameron is on that list. That's awesome. It's great to see a long time 'bum finding something that works for them and progressing. Your posts have made a nice evolution over time too Scotty.