
The Dao Bums
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Everything posted by Mal

  1. I think this one is pretty sexy not sure about the guy though
  2. Forum upgrade ...

    After ~1 day of a swirly blue logo with "Discussions on the way" it reverted back to IP board.
  3. SleepTracker

    hehe I remember being in school when digital watches started coming out with that beep on the hour feature. BEEP....beep....beep BEEP......beep.. BEEP
  4. Chapter 15 TTC

    Hua Hu Ching
  5. If I could start over...

    Thanks for that link
  6. Forum upgrade ...

    youtube no longer embeds with square bracket {youtube}V6SVmMotBQw{/youtube} is multiquote working or is it just different to the old board. Seem to work the same as reply directly to this post. Intermittently the main page sometimes shows a shorter list of the personal practice forums. I think it is IE related as it can be a bit buggy (eg it goes a bit strange with popups, insert link box pops up off screen ) Chrome seems fine. I mention it mainly to see if anyone else is getting a similar error. re feedback, my preview post is ok as it my page load speed, and I have a full emotional range yay
  7. How is Into-flow going Pero. I'm enjoying the be breathed floor routine although I think it's going to take a while before I can flow, I"m still rather ballistic and momentum based. But I'm having fun learning p.s. youtube seems not to embed anymore.
  8. The old banner?

    Would it be mean of me to suggest a choice of custom skins? The old banner. It really did feel like home and was also one of the most attractive looking discussion boards on the net. The new banner (instantly appealing) I'm not sure if that's possible.
  9. Ol forum PM messages

    Excellent, no worries
  10. Kunlun follow up poll

    Enquiring Mind I apologize for making you feel that way. Again do you have multiple accounts here? What I want to know is :- are you some unlucky person siting in a cyber cafe where other people have accessed the Tao bums site over the years and wondering "why did I ever decide to join here" Or have you created a different user ID to disguise your identity. {edit: I feel I should clarify this since you used TaiJi Bum's quote. I have no interest in your "real life" identity or to compromise your anonymity. I want to know if you are changing user ID to conceal you "cyber identity" on this site} I could possibly find out but I actually come here to enjoy reading the posts, not play cyber detective. So the easiest way is to ask directly. If you don't wish to respond on the forum please PM me. Thanks
  11. Kunlun follow up poll

    Ask away. Note I didn't give out the IP address or the 9 account names. But I will also ask you directly. Do you have multiple accounts here? I'm sure you can understand people's concern, given that Steve is currently suspended. We don't need people confusing things on purpose with multiple accounts/identities. People are jumping at shadows, thinking "who is this?" quite enough already. None of that helps discussion.
  12. The old banner?

    I have a project on the backburner to consolidate the pinned topics into 3 or so threads. One day Could be good to try it out now as there has been a lot of other changes.
  13. Ol forum PM messages

    It's like facebook's "what am I doing" I beleive it only displays on your profile with the current board setup.
  14. Marijuana and the tao?

    I believe that recreational use is certainly possible, I much prefer weed over alcohol. But I wouldn't try and link it with meditation or spiritual progress. It can be an enjoyable experience to do things like that under the influence but I wouldn't call it practicing. After about 3 years I also noticed my lung capacity decreasing and an evolving smokers cough. I recommend investing in a good vaporiser if this is happening to you. Usage will also taper off naturally over time IMHO.
  15. Cool, just like men And even for individuals the answer is often "it depends" Sometimes I feel energised, sometimes I feel depleted. KAP is making energised a more common feeling for me. Yes. Share the love
  16. Kunlun follow up poll

    re: enquiring.mind (IP: XX.XXX.XXX.XX) we have 9 members with that IP address starting with join dates in December 08 Multiple client devices can appear to share IP addresses in a shared hosting web server environment or via a proxy server. Honestly I've never bothered checking for members with a unique IP before so I don't know if 9 user Id's is that unusual or not. Perhaps someone with some geek skills could let me know. Or perhaps enquiring.mind can enlighten us as to their history?
  17. Ol forum PM messages

    Weird, all of mine stayed in my conversations. Were you at your mailbox limit?
  18. KAP

    I was very sceptical till I tried my Terminator II I'm happy to have brought it (and it was EXPENSIVE)good purchase YMMV. Anecdotes are not peer reviewed
  19. How do we respond to personal messages?

    Click on you name in at the top right of the board. You should get a dropdown, click on messenger. That will take you into your mailbox and it's pretty much like the old system from there. If the messages have disapeared from your inbox that's a tricker problem ........
  20. Forum upgrade ...

    Mine was good at fist login, I went in and used it and has now expanded to cover the search box and whatever is to the right of that. -went in with a new window it's fine now- I got that on the old version, also on sites unrelated to here. I though it was my net connection as it doesn't happen at work. I loved our original banner, the new one quickly grew on me, but we would have to get new T shirts Oh the insert image dialogue box doesn't seem to work, the pop up was way over past the left side of the screen. Subscription icon missing (browsing with IE )
  21. New Chat for TaoBums

    I think I wasted quite enough time on YTalk back in the 90's Skype and facebook are enough for me. However I would perhaps enjoy guest speakers (as long as they were not at 2 AM or something)
  22. I did too, nothing I hate more than never getting to eat a meal and really feel sated. So I do a Fast 5 / Warrior diet combo. I don't always fast during the day, especially if I had crappy food the night before. So I'll often have some fruit if I feel like it. It's a good lifestyle fit for me.
  23. Introduction Sean's Preamble: Or in the words of our treasured Cat: A final introductory note for moderators: The moderation process involves: 1. A member screws up 2. We spot the screw-up or someone reports it 3. We work out what to do 4. We do it 5. We let the other mods know about it 1. Things that fit the “screw-up” category Causes for moderation action: * Making personal insults of other members * Stalking and unduly harassing other members * Profanity and vulgar language * Threatening other members in any way * Discrimination whether based on gender, race, religion, culture or creed * Posting images that would be deemed offensive to the general public * Unwarranted spam * Links to malicious websites * Links to websites that would violate these guidelines * Illegal content (ie: links to download copyright software) * Content that jeopardizes someone's privacy in an unsafe way or is otherwise dangerous to their safety * Excessively and deliberately hijacking threads * Overtly and incessantly trying to convert others (will be considered as spamming) Sean's Note on Insults: Sean's Note on Profanity: 2. We spot the screw-up or someone reports it Most “screw-ups” will come in via the “Report Center”. There will also be cases of mods spotting a violation in their own browsing. 3. We work out what to do If a moderator detects what they believe is a clear, unquestionable violation of the above guidelines they have autonomous rule to effect an immediate moderation action. If the situation is in a "Grey area" (i.e. not listed above or not quite a full violation) or it is a major decision (i.e. the possible long-term suspension/banning of a member) then the issue is to be posted up as a new topic for discussion amongst the moderators or simply discussed in the Report Center. Moderation actions will work on a "3-Strikes-Your-Out" basis. First violation : Let the post stand unchanged, except in extreme violations, and issue 1st warning publicly or PM (preferred). Second violation : As "First violation" plus 2nd warning. Third violation : As "First violation" plus notice of suspension. Exceptions to the 3-Strikes-Your-Out If the violation is of an extreme nature then the 3-Strikes-Your-Out can be bypassed and the member suspended immediately. Included in this category are: ~ Threats of violence to another member ~ Direct, derogatorive insults ~ Blatant porn 4. We do it Moderation actions include: * Flagging posts * Warnings * Editing * Moving posts / threads * Splitting threads * Closing threads * Suspensions * Bannings NOTE: Under no circumstance will a moderator completely delete a post. Members have the primary ability and right "to post." If the full contents of a post requires editing then full explanation why will be noted in the relevant post, but the post will remain. The only exception to this rule is for housekeeping purposes of deleting multiple posts and double threads. Otherwise deleting member's posts and threads is strictly prohibited. Flagging posts If a post is is in a "Grey area" (i.e. violation not listed above or not quite a full violation) over which the moderators must discuss, then the post can be flagged by adding a note in the post indicating that it is under consideration. Warnings PM warnings are the most common "first step" in the moderation process. Try and make any warnings polite, personal, diplomatic, and yet straight to the point with an undercurrent of authority. Editing Sean's note on editing posts: The moderator who detects the violation has the right to edit the offending post as required. When editing or deleting this format will be used: * The relevant words/images edited will be replaced with: <-- Edited by Moderator --> OR <-- removed pornographic image -- Moderating Team --> etc. * At the bottom of the post insert: Splitting threads SPLIT the value-less posts into a new topic and put it in Off Topic or The Pit. This is an advanced feature that you'll want to be careful with until you get the hang of it. but basically you can select individual posts inside a topic and split JUST those posts into a separate topic. So there are a few steps to this. lets say you have a topic that is 80% pretty awesome but there are two or three hooligans that are just hurling insults at each other and it's starting to drag the topic down. step 1, warn and/or suspend the offenders in the topic via PM. step 2, select those individual posts in the topic, split them to a new topic, call it something like "silvertaoist and ravencrowface pointless bickering". then step 3, MOVE that topic to "the pit" if you want. then step 4, post in the original topic, "i've moved silvertaoist and ravencrowface's pointless arguing to the pit and they have both been suspended for 7 days". Suspension / Banning Notice If a moderator detects what they believe is a clear, unquestionable, blatant violation of the above guidelines they have autonomous rule to effect an immediate short-term suspension (i.e. 3-7 days). If the violation is extreme or the member has been previously suspended then long-term suspension can be considered following the 3-vote consensus process. 1st Suspension: 3-7 days depending on how offensive they are being. 2nd Suspension: 7-30 days depending on how offensive they are being. 3rd Suspension: 30-90 days again depending on how offensive they are being. A further violation after this and the member will be permanently banned. 5. We let the other mods know about it When we have taken some sort of action then let others know about it by posting it in the Member Logs. Ensure that the members name is clearly highlighted in the Topic Title for the benefit of the other moderators. Included in the report will be: * evidence (links to offending posts), * how the member screwed up * exactly what you did about it
  24. Haiku Chain

    what a world this is version two to version three change comes to the bums