
The Dao Bums
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Everything posted by Mal

  1. Forum upgrade ...

    Thanks Sean it all looks "Brand New" I'm off to explore
  2. 1 Glass of Wine?

    and if you can last ~10 years using it you will also know what it's antithesis is
  3. exercise for stronger erections?

    Definitely try out deer exercises if you want a bit more zing/energy. Physically this is a very simplified version of Dr Lyn's Penile Power-up Method. When you stimulated to almost the point of no return stop and massage the penis base/root and scrotum until the erection subsides (slightly) If you know how to draw up energy do that too. After a few minutes resume your earlier activities Keep repeating this and you should notice a stepwise increase in erection size, strength and staying power. Personally I find after 3 or so rounds I have all the staying power I require. A bit of a Dr Lyn quote to finish
  4. His book was excellent reading, but not sure if it's still available. I also quite like Ken Cohen's The Essential Qigong Training Course Lots of good stuff in there.
  5. tooth regeneration my bloting toothbrush went moldy siting inside it's little brissle cover in my shower. But I have a few extra. I'm still brushing with my Hemp soap, really good. Re: the Listerine whitening pre-rinse. I use it now and then but I must swallow a bit or something,my tummy always feels a bit off for an hour afterwards.
  6. SHOCKER! "Avatar" Angers the Pope

    And we don't have the resources or inclination to "police" people unless we really HAVE to. Personally this thread seems a bit tame compared to many.... so far
  7. chopsticks vs forks your pick?

    Sporks are awesome, very clever. I learnt to use chopsticks at uni in from a Chinese exchange student, I exchanged some some nice English swear words I use to use them to impress people in restaurants but I prefer a shovel (aka fork) guess that's why I'm fat As for fork weapons, well I couldn't miss this opportunity to recommend Mystery Men The Blue Raja certainly wouldn't leave home without one (I bet he would love a spork) because you have been here for a while my friend
  8. KAP

    I'm not very sensitive or trusting of my intuition yet. Also a bit stressed today, I even missed a wave hands in cloud at lunchtime today (so that's my ego making excuses) But Kate's posts make me feel like this
  9. Yes. We can see them beside the posts on our screen. Sometimes people have a few, I do as I post from work and home.
  10. Being Banned from Taobums

    I have warded that off You should be fine now fullsize it's a nice carving, wonder where it is from.
  11. {bolds mine} I was REALLY serious about the short leash warning. See you next month.
  12. Being Banned from Taobums

    So I was thinking of doing this joke like "Is there a poison you prefer with your chocolate?" Since I often spell banned without the double n So I drop baned into goggle images just to see, and I hit this :- it's a photo of me from the future !!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (this is one from the past) bye for now Mal - [email protected] Banstick! Hyah! "for it will come when least expected" Bruce Lee | "the negotiations will be short" Qui-Gon Jinn P.S.D.
  13. 365 Tao - HEALING

    I'm happy that you decided to keep posting these. Thanks
  14. Being Banned from Taobums

    it's even more exclusive he was baned twice. It's actually really sad as he has been here for a LONG time. Good summary.
  15. Well you have about a week before we merge this and reopen the thread (depending on how things look) so get to it, BTW I note I really hope it is the last. Also mate please try to keep the little jab insults out of your posts. You are on the tiniest leash imaginable with regards to your behaviour. OK?
  16. Being Banned from Taobums

    Next time I'm polishing my crystal ball I'll ask it to give me clear consistent guidelines for everything that could possible happen here. Try adding something useful to this if you really want to help
  17. Hello

    Hi White Cloud, Welcome to the 'bums. Plenty of stuff like that to explore here. Hope you enjoy your stay.
  18. Being Banned from Taobums

    Findley, bening the only person I have had to ban, is away till the 22/02/2010. I actually sent him an email asking if he would like to come back for new year but no response. Hopefully he is somewhere nice. Yes happy birthday Drew, sorry about the present