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Everything posted by Mal

  1. Pretty sure it's this one
  2. Being Banned from Taobums

    My error, sorry.
  3. Being Banned from Taobums

    Oh this will be fun Everyone loves SFQ Drew. Seriously I challange anyone to find a bad testomonial about it. The intent was to stop posts like these in the lobby, which we have received complaints about. (this thread might end up in Forum and Tech Support too)
  4. The wu-chi diagram

    Use a 4 element system rather than five I'm sorry I originally learnt 4 elements so "Metal" always seems a bit strange to me. I think that was me, but I can't find it either. So thanks for the explanations.
  5. KAP

    Sounds like a good practice Send me a PM, or just post and hope I eventually read that thread, either will work It looks like my partner had tidied up the computer desk and filed my little how to cheat sheet somewhere. But I'll create a personal practice section for you tomorrow.
  6. Yes phone counseling can be a bit of a lucky dip depending on who you get............. What about this for some peace of mind. Most Events that Happen to us do not Matter! An amazing talk by TED
  7. peace & recognition

    If you can find your image on the net, click on the little tree icon, you will get a dialogue box to paste the URL into or just type something like {img}{/img} but using square brackets [ ] rather than { } =
  8. Fair enough, in Aus we have telephone counseling services like Lifeline so someone to talk to is just a phone call away. What about something like that?
  9. Qigong for absolute beginners

    Sounds like you've seen one of our Tai Chi classes One of my kung fu classmates runs a weekly Tai Chi class where I occasionally help out with teaching form. When we advertise we might get 20~25 beginners as above. Class is a simple mobilization warm up, a few easy breathing exercises, then having a go together at doing up to the 1st cross hands a few times. (always fun watching the new people try to hide at the back of class and then not being able to see as we turn and go to the left ) We then split up into 3 groups (people learning the 1st, 2nd or final cross hands) Come back together and all do shibashi as a group Then the people that know the entire Tai Chi form practice that once together, while the others can watch or escape. 1h30min We try not to talk about anything much, rather we get people to have a go themselves. There will alway be one or 2 people that have some idea and a few "deep" questions but when you have a group together and start talking about stuff, most of them get bored and switch off. Better to get them doing something. That happens the next week
  10. New Book -- Full Free Preview

    Well it was tempting. I even though of moving one of your old posts and re-editing it. But I just posted it as myself in contributed articles. Thanks
  11. Thanks Yes. The only comment I hear about TTB is basically variations on don't go there it's a hostile environment. Well the Pit was (and still is) an option. A car crash is always a morbidly attractive spectacle but do people that visit a forum "created to discuss Tao, health, cultivation practices, nonconceptual meditation approaches and the historical developments of Taoism" need to hurl insults and abuse at each other? Or should they try to be more civilized in their choice of discussion methodology? If it helps, it is actually difficult to know the correct course of action. As moderators we do discuss this stuff with each other, trying to work out what to do. There has been much discussion about New Dawn Fades since the start of December. We also discussed winpro's (understandable) escalation of things. Eventually we had to go from "what should we do" to "do something now." But that's all in the past. Currently it's clear, in this thread, that New Dawn Fades and Winpro07 know how to push each others buttons. The question is. What do you both need to stop doing it? Apologies? Somewhere to duke it out? Or a holiday to think it over?
  12. Wisdom Teeth

    The last time I went to a dentist was also around 20 when he said next time you come back we will have a look at taking out your wisdom teeth. X rays showed I had all 4 At 36 I still have them. The only side effect is my front tooth is a bit bucked perhaps from them coming through. As a teenager I had 2 of my top right teeth removed and orthodontics to spread my pallet. That put a gap in my front teeth which closed around 20, who knows what my teeth would look like without that. But I knew I had "space" in my jaw so I wasn't worried about impaction from my wisdom teeth emerging.
  13. Sorry you feel that way as I have enjoyed your posts. So how would you stop it turning into a bar room brawl and back into a pond?
  14. Sniping this bit out for more discussion too in case anyone missed is as I feel it's quite important. Sean's policy was to never delete anything from TTB. He would issue warnings and if people then wanted to edit their own post after (or not) that was fine. We (moderators) have edited peoples posts for profanity and personal attacks. We have also deleted posts (due to nothing being left after editing) for IIRC 3 members Winpro07, Biff and Findley. It is a learning curve for us (moderators) as well as members while we work out what to do and how to do it. But personal attacks and swearing are something we will not condone now that we have an active moderation team. Thats a new thing for TTB but like Scotty said anyone can easily make their point without resorting to insulting, swearing, and threatening attacks. Why go to the effort of moderating in the first place. I want TTB to be a safe place where people can come and discuss their practices, whatever that practice may be. Our intent is to be invisible and do nothing so that makes it tricky as it's rarely black and white. So the catalyst that causes the change from inaction to action will always be a bit jarring. So what responses are available to moderators? do nothing (my favorite choice, usually things sort themselves out) post a reply to the board post a PM to the poster edit the post delete the post close threads move threads delete threads Sean and myself can also Suspend members for X # of days, or totally ban members The board software also has the option of making a members post need moderator approval 1st before it gets to the board. Personally I don't think we have the time or resources to do that and if someones posts continually need approval perhaps they would be better off not posting at all.
  15. KAP

    looks like we have different ideals 42 pages and counting
  16. New Book -- Full Free Preview

    Would be nice to have this in contributed articles. Be a bit easier to find once this thread goes a few pages down as a lot of people do ask about your path. What do you think Drew?
  17. I would like to see more debate and discussion from others. As this was the first thread closure I'm interested to see how people feel about that.
  18. That is more like how you normally post, nice to see that winpro back. Perhaps we are biased. Like I mentioned I am as I'm human. I try to be as hands off as possible. But sometimes things go to far. I don't care who started it. I don't care if someone feels they were targeted and someone else got away with the same offence. WE (the moderators) just stop it as best we can at that time. I expect some degree of maturity from the participants here. There is never going to be unanimous agreement. But if people are unhappy with my actions they can always take it up with Sean. Bottom line is it's not a democracy, we are not elected. TTB is a dictatorship but we do try to be benevolent.