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Everything posted by Mal

  1. KAP

    You didn't read the book did you Everyone is assuming things and using personal definitions of what they beleive practices involve........ Check it out here -> Re enlightenment - Daniel M. Ingram, MD MSPH, Arahat quote link
  2. Starman returns

    BTT, same sort of thread but nicer energy & pictures
  3. I am certainly biased. We are just human and doing our best. Honestly while I expect Steve to pop in and stur stuff up I'm disappointed at your change in attitude. It was either close that thread or kick out a heap of people. The whole thing degenerated into childish name calling and I don't care who started it. & this can go in forum / Tech Support Section *moved*
  4. Over Forty Only

    Well I posted in Witch's women only thread so no way I'm waiting 4 years.
  5. Corrupt a Wish.

    Granted you are the proud owner of the one and only core 8 processor in existence Unfortunately Teraflops Research Chip (Polaris), an 3.16 GHz, 80-core processor prototype goes into production 5 years ahead of schedule You also have to spend 23.5 hours a day rewriting programs so they will run on your core 8 I wish people would corrupt wishes rather than fighting over practices that start with K on TTB.
  6. Kunlun and Demons

    Everyone, The signal to noise ration on this thread is becoming very low and people seem to be getting rather hot under the collar. Please consider if you are contributing anything to a discussion of ideas and practices before flaming away. Please
  7. Kunlun and Demons

    I look forward to hearing how you go Ralis. I enjoyed Kunlun a lot. I like your new posting tactics Winpro. And I always enjoy things when Steve pops in for a visit.
  8. Yes intuflow, flowfit, they all look pretty good. Never seem to hear much about this Slavic Natural Health System - Zdorovye but the 2 things that seem to be grabbing me with be breathed as opposeed to the "X-Fit" series. Perpetual Exercise - basically contracting the abdomen as you exhale, tilting the pelvis up and rolling the shoulders over and down as the spine contracts forward. Then relaxing to inhale, pelvis tilts back , shoulders roll back spine extends and flexes back. All easy to remember to do throughout the day and subtle enough to do while seated in an office environment. Focusing on breathing is a KAP thing (as it is in all good systems) so nothing revolutionary just a good solid idea. Floor routine - I don't like lying down routines that need a mat, but I've been doing back bridges recently and this could be a good balancing complement to that. Found a youtube, it's the faster respiration frequency "exercise" routine. There is a slower version that your start off with and the final bit is what it evolves into. V6SVmMotBQw I had not seen the hands to ankle bridge in the video I had been watching so perhaps that is from CST.
  9. Why do you practice?

    Because at university I finally realized that while I was never going to be a great jazz musician, I was well on my way to dying as an unknown fat musician. So I stopped practicing saxophone and dedicated that time to learning Tai Chi and Kung Fu. Eventually I hope to be able to give something back to society by teaching the above to others.
  10. {There is so much stuff on TTB if you can find it } So anyone still doing Be Breathed? I was looking at this vid last night and floor routine sort of stuck in my head. Looks interesting. The seated one is easy to do when stuck at a desk all day too.
  11. Z-health

    I was watching intuflow on utube and I'm interested in learning more. Then I found a vid called Scott Sonnon -Be Breathed. It has a splash screen (like where an add break on tv would be) "Slavic Natural Health System Zdorovye" "Breathing is an assumed skill. Since breathing is automatic from birth it is assumed that we requiire no training in it" Good stuff about perpetual exercise, breathing continuously, flexing the spine. Nothing totally startling but I had not seen the system before. Also has a floorbased exercise routine, but basically about integrating your breathing into every movement. There is no movement without breathing. There is no breathing without posture. There is no posture without movement. The only thing I could find on the net about was here and this thread, page 1 google
  12. a 'start here' thread?

    It's a great idea. The biggest downside to a very active discussion board like TTB is that threads disappear quickly and we end up rehashing the same topics over and over again. Stig made a good start with his FAQ thread and that guy recently had a go, asking for sugestions for a Tao Bum Pai Could even be done up as a contributed article. We just need someone who wants to create such a thing
  13. oh I see, I think. Where I said I'm taking "1~3 1000mg caps" thats my "cheapest I can find in the supermarket" fish oil tablets. It is low grade/generic, not the liquid stuff below, which is quite expensive so I have never brought it. Perhaps that was the confusion. I actually currently take 2 High strength capsules, the 1~3 was an just a general example, but what I take is only "high strength" because they are physically bigger capsules (1500Mg) Data below from the 1st link Ethical Nutrients Hi-Strength Liquid Fish Oil Each 5 mL Equiv. Eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA)1.9 g Equiv. Docosahexaenoic acid (DHA)927 mg Vs Carlson Laboratories Very Finest Fish Oil Lemon Flavor5ml EPA (Eicosapentaenoic Acid) 800 Mg DHA (DOCOSAHEXAENOIC ACID)500 Mg basically 2x the strength if I'm reading them correctly at 5 am. My partner just came to bed and woke me up
  14. Kunlun in the movie Avatar

    Don't know Since they are our indigenous culture unfortunately I have a lifetime of being told they are silly people that need the white mans help to live properly. Their knowledge is tremendously undervalued here. My parents generation is extremely racist and mine is not much better. Things have improved but it's still so much easier to look up to exotic foreign cultures than the ones your society is grinding into the dirt........
  15. I definitely missed it the first time around too. Might have just been a touch late for me. I was into Hatsumi's Togakure-ryū, Steven K Hayes and Ashida Kim at the end of the 80's. Kid style, being a ninja was a great way to sneak around at night while in highschool. We had no teachers or anything but we practiced as best we could. Can remember busting my nose ducking into my best friends front kick I use to sit in the dark doing 9 finger kniting (KujiKiri) from a photocopy of Kim's book from the library. Actually I know Kim has been debunked but I had to google to spell KujiKiri and this old book looks a bit familiar Ninja Mind Control Why didn't I practice the Chi Kungs and Nei Kungs back then.... oh well. Then the Ninja turtles came along and I got into psychology and the occult during Uni. Sneaking out at night stoped being fun since I was allowed to do whatever I liked I did go around campus once suited up in first year "borrowing" signs but the suit was rather conspicuous and I almost got eaten by a wild dog No fun.
  16. Kunlun in the movie Avatar

    When learning Wicca we use to have to reverse our directions, due to being in the southern hemisphere. Most of the practices I know come from the northern hemisphere so directions stir up a lot of argument down under depending on what system you are into. Currently I'm in the "Intent is everything go with your feelings camp" with whatever system you believe in being "correct for you" Being left handed generally makes the layout of stuff in this world less than optimal too
  17. Losing weight is one of my goals

    Yes looks interesting, he was putting on some 5 fingers at the end too.
  18. Kunlun in the movie Avatar

    It's a movie not a tutorial but in fairness I noticed the spin direction as well In kunlun 1 from the book no direction of spin is mentioned. The couple practice starts off spinning clockwise. Letting go is the most important part but hope that helps anyhow.
  19. A Zen joke

    As an Aussie I find that pretty clever.
  20. The Cool Picture Thread

    I was watching the news last night and there was a picture of the Sydney harbor bridge with a big yellow/orange Yin Yang projected onto it during the new years fireworks. I'm trying to find a copy online, it was pretty cool. Here is a book case from the net for people with not too many books and some old pics my partner D took a few years back Yellow {HongKong} Hard work gardening {HongKong} Purple {Queensland} I've kept that one full size but I might switch it back as it makes the page a bit weird
  21. Kunlun and Demons

    Thanks, here's one for you
  22. The Cool Picture Thread

    Ha ha I think this is the front of his sandwich board Or perhaps he needs this badge.
  23. New Taoist Home-Study Course

    I was going to vote not interested as my cup is getting full and I'm not really looking to learn an 'ism. But went with 3 as retreats and local groups of like minded people would interest me.