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Everything posted by Mal

  1. KAP

    And at page 20 we hit Godwin's Law rotflmao and I had hopes that we may beat 38 pages (like a certain other thread Steve likes )
  2. Best Nei Kung/meditation session yet

    So what song did you end up going with for the wedding? (IIRC you were searching for sugestions)
  3. Book for christmas. Reccomendations?

    More effective utilisation of limited resources (training time) always appreciated, thanks.
  4. Yes YMMV it's a personal thing. I'm a short solid type, naturally thick neck and I do a bit of wrestling so bridging is great for me. For many people on the hands rather than the head is better. I start on my hands then rest a bit on my head. Thanks for the link and the Universal Principles of Alignment explanation. Interestingly I've recently been experiencing a very rooted feeling from my mountain pose. Much more rooted and solid than it should be in such a small stance. Seems to be coming from the activation/attention of my body's alignment and tension in the musculature creating a spiraling energy that sort of drills into the ground and out into the sky. Hindu push-ups are probably my favorite bodyweight exercise. I do them rather slow and flowing and they are actually not really difficult. A lot more relaxed than a traditional push up and really just flowing from down dog to cobra and back. Would like to learn how it harms the gate of life so I could perhaps attempt to tweak it so it doesn't. I don't do combat conditioning "Fury style" i.e. really hard and fast. For me I find a slower more mindful routine not getting too forceful or out of control in the breathing to be more a more building and less destructive exercise. I've had many attempts at T5T but for me they are just not right. I'd rather spend that amount of time doing "less" i.e. Chi Gungs or "more" Yoga/ Combat Conditioning. In fairness it doesn't help that #2 (the leg raise IIRC) hurts my spine and makes it audibly "click" every time I lower my legs no matter what I do/don't put under my back. I do like the 6th Tibetan and practice something similar. I guess I just prefer breathing exercises and non strenuous things like Tai Chi. But I feel the need to do some stuff that is a little bit more "physically challenging"
  5. What is your perfect training shoe?

    Dunlop Volley Cheap enough to replace, they only last a few months, excellent grip, good comfort. I like them better than Kung Fu slippers. Slippers are hard to get here and pretty much the same price with postage as the easily available volleys. I do like how you can get a slippery hard rubber and a sticky softer rubber in the kung fu slippers but I'm usually looking for more grip not less, I've never tried the cotton sole slippers. I often think of getting some Feiyues or five fingers etc, but I like to think Volleys are like a Chinese style solution. In Australia vollies are in all the chain store so they are cheap and everywhere. So your using what's readily available.
  6. Spiritual jobs?

    Findley is on another holiday - moderators
  7. the internal climax

    Try also from Trunks excellent site
  8. Happy Birthday Vajrasattva (Santi)

    Many happy returns M8T
  9. Tongue and erections?

    I'm struggling to remember where it was from, Chia or perhaps Wong Kiew Kit. There were tongue exercises. I seem to remember an orange hanging on a string getting poked around for practice.
  10. Are you a Daoist Spoon?

  11. Do any Bums stare at Goats?

    Jack Johnston - Male Multiple Orgasm
  12. me too, excellent report, always so good to hear actual experiences
  13. That's really it. There has to be a good enough reason to have the motivation to starve yourself down. It's not easy to fight your bodies desire to eat and for many of us there is just no reason to be ultra thin outside of looks. We have money, we have abundant food, we have a sedentary lifestyle and we love eating! The media also skews perceptions, we are so use to seeing underweight people on TV etc that we often don't notice the spread of body types in the general community. But speaking of Chi bellies here is a pic of one of my favorite MMA fighters The Iceman is pretty lean in that photo and still has a belly, watching his fights I always notice that he really breathes into his belly. Personally I'm fat at 112kg, I've been down to 100 and up to 130. 130 was no fun, 100 was honestly about the same as 110. For my height 5'10" apparently 74 is possible I'd be interested to see myself at 90. But honestly unless I wanted to look manly naked or good in a wetsuit when surrounded by nubile young tourists while diving there just isn't anything motivating me to lose weight, except external appearance. I've been fat all my life, it's never been a hindrance to anything I wanted to do. Apparently girls like how happy I look ->
  14. Yang Style Tai Chi, long form. When I originally learnt the form it took me 12~15 min. These days it usually takes 20min. On the rare occasions I'm really focused and in touch with myself the form can take 25 min.
  15. Buddhist cats

    The Simon's cat series is awesome and one of the few things on the net I've actually been able to get my Mum to watch.
  16. and from the RSS feed Search clouds are fun
  17. Lao Tzu: Tao Te Ching

    from No real "purpose" to these clouds as such, just interesting to play with at 2:20 AM.... Although if you did a cloud of TTB's RRS feed every month it would give you a graphical representation of the "hot" words for those months and would be an interesting reflection of change in the content of the site.....perhaps