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Everything posted by Mal

  1. What Have You Opened?

    macrocosmic orbit via KAP. Not really sure how long it took, perhaps it was always just there and I needed to be aware of it, learnt micro first. Honestly possible it's all in my head although people do seem to be able to feel the energy moving. Good fun not as life changing as a barons black wattle ale (award winning but lacks the history of the Maredsous)
  2. Chinese language questions.

    We have a Chinese teacher, but her English said is alright. Some schoolmate, his went to China last year, this year he goes home, his Chinese said very much fluently. My Chinese said too slowly. But I like writing really, studies the character. Is able to discriminate schoolmate, they already knew many Chinese, has the Chinese friend, every day practices with them I hope I was able to translate it.... thanks to babble fish With the advent of computers I don't even attempt to spell English properly anymore perhaps technology will one day make it all irrelevant. I know a small amount of Cantonese and would like to learn more, although I should probably learn Mandarin instead. I have a dream of one day going to china and teaching English as a second language, basically so that I can afford to go there for a few months. The Chinese section idea is interesting and worth thinking about IMHO. If anyone ever has any ideas for TTB just send us an email, always interested in continual product improvement
  3. How to die?

    yes Amitabha Buddha will take you to the Pure Land..... and I'll admit it is an emergency back up plan, hope I pronounce his name correctly. Being a motorbike rider and having picked up friends off the road, I've often though about this question over the years. Usually along the lines of "I probably should find out what sort of Taoist warrior death traditions there are before it's me lying there in agony." A far away death is easy enough to prepare for, and a painless death free from fear is what we would like. But what if it's today when some blind cage driver decides to roll through that intersection, or it turns out you really couldn't go around that corner that fast and you are sliding towards a solid object intent on bringing your mortality into sharp focus. Taoism never seems to have a lot of death stuff and we are often left to turn to other traditions for guidance.
  4. Taoist View on Vegetarianism

    I like wearing leather, hopefully it saves my skin if I end up sliding down a road. But then I like chocolate too, I guess I'm a bit of a pleasure seeker. dwmoMaB6VWc Give it a try, don't be shy. Well you know you might like it
  5. Dr. Lin

    It's basically just a cd rom of .html files with some .gif (and audio/movies that you don't really need) If a mac can read a windows format disk it should all be good. There is a PC program to read mac disks called TransMac, I'm guessing mac's have something similar if they still need it.
  6. How do you explain Taoism ?

    You could try "Taoism is a popular Chinese philosophical system based in teachings of Lao-tzu, characterized by a pantheism of many gods and the practices of alchemy, divination and magic" If you can do playfull and relaxed it won't seem so weird and freaky.... but I must admit I like weird and freaky. But for less freaky conversations I prefer something like "In Taoism everything is in constantly changing..." and go with their questions, they will either close off or moving in a direction they find interesting. Keep it short, simple and use it more to find out about them rather than a long soliloquies. Keep that for later discussions.
  7. Dr. Lin

    I learnt Dr Lin a few years back. It's all in the CD and builds in stages. I do like his system and I refer to it for "mechanical/physical" tips rather than the energy work stuff. If you get the physical happening the other stuff will build naturally as long as you are open and exploratory with your partner.
  8. Dr. Lin

    If giving women intense orgasms is kinky...yep it's pretty kinky. There is energy work in there but the basic focus in on physical nuts and bolts practice
  9. There have been some bizarre threads the past few days invasion of the sock puppets I'd enjoy reading it.
  10. Dr. Lin

  11. Patience is my special skill I guess the good thing is that we see the potential and do our best to manifest it in the current relationship, rather than immediately giving up and looking elsewhere. Sex is not the primary factor in my relationship, there are a lots of other ways for us to interact, nurture and love each other. I guess its natural that we would want to feel the fullest expression of love that we can. Be that via the search for a special partner or by growing together with the one you are with.
  12. Well I resurrected this thread from Jun 2008 not everyone sticks around and why start a new thread when one already exists. It's turned into a good discussion
  13. The Humble Beginning of an Immortal

    Welcome to TTB Norm it's nice to have you here. I'm interested in how much time you need to dedicate to the practices you outline in your book. Is it something that must be done everyday, and do you need anything else above and beyond what is contained in the book?
  14. Journey to the West

    Yes these are hardly gods of temperance... or even examples to aspire too Not painted in a particually good light at all. That jade emperor, stuck up if you ask me. Can' really blame monkey for acting the way he does. Thanks to the TV show I learnt "Om Mani Padme Hum" as a head crushing chant Interestingly I actually used it for many many years as I found it quickly focused my mind, and they say you can't learn anything from TV I must apologize for being slack but my excuse is that D stole back her e book reader.
  15. Nice curve ball. Many of us deal with this the gender rolls can be switched around. I'll see your nine and raise you 10, this millennium has not been good for us. And yes sexual frustration spills over contaminating what would be the other positives of the relationship. And it's such a "petty" problem, everything else is good it's just sex....frustrating. Yes that is the worst part, not being able to do anything about it is easy enough to deal with. But not wanting to feel that way.....that's really hard to take.
  16. What a great way to connect with the Tao

    That would be pretty difficult. No way I could do that, I like my modern technology very much. Also I think I would end up killing my partner
  17. Magic?

    Hi G, good to see you around. Check out the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn, a good overview of western ceremonial systems. The lesser banishing ritual of the pentagram is perhaps the "classic" ritual and would give you an idea of what its all about. Grimoires like the Key of Solomon are pretty interesting too I never got into the A∴A∴ or O.T.O. stuff to much but it's also interesting. After doing psychology at uni tried to learnt a lot of the western systems. They were very usefull to me at the time but personally I found it hard to separate and understand what was "method" and what was ceremonial, it can get rather confusing. I also tried Wiccan rituals and Franz Bardon methods. All are good paths capable of bringing about change within yourself. Eventually I moved on to Buddhist meditation, then Taoism and Chi Kungs. KAP is my current path for that sort of stuff.
  18. Male/female roles and relationships

    Yes, it's hard to contemplate or even discuss relationships that are not egalitarian. In my relationship with D I'm certainly the submissive one. Bluntly she gets what she wants. I see many happy relationships, striving for balance and sharing, but not interchangeable equality. Everyone seems to have roles and while they take the other person into account (they are loving relationships after all) I don't think the dominant/submissive dynamic is a negative trait as long as the needs of the other partner are a priority.
  19. A classic look perfect for invading the lairs of galactic crime bosses. Dark and dignified, you'll have lesser minions running to do your bidding. Which is handy, 'cause isn't that your freakin' SISTER lounging over there in the metal bikini??
  20. Tai Chi Sword Lesson #2- Video of Me

    yes, don't be so hard. I would not have though you were hesitant. I had a look at some of the older ones for comparison. You have a similar delivery style but you are much more confident now. Good changes. You look and sound pretty natural. Sifu tells us not to talk to much "about" it but to "do" it. So time to cut up Although I'm not too interested in Tai Chi sword forms currently. I'm actually rather eager to hear what you have to say you enthusiasm is captivating.
  21. Tai Chi Sword Lesson #2- Video of Me

    "It not about cutting people up" Awwwww "It's about you, personal responsibility" It's like a serial..... when is the next one? {Is there a fan on somewhere going buzz? Audio is clear, not that annoying but perhaps a lapel mic or just killing the background noise for the take. Must have been some change from the 1st video}