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Everything posted by Mal

  1. Kunlun Book

    I like how the upgraded book is not as "out there" as the original book. A few nice edits. I liked the standing practices but have not that done much red sun, think I'm too scared to really let go. Also not a fan of 100 days retention due to the various retention related issues that crop up here on TTB. But level 1 Kunlun is still a blast and such a fun practice. Shame it takes an hour. I originally started with 20 min but that just feels so short now.
  2. It's all good, but don't take advice from me either, I'm just some guy on the internet.
  3. Michael Lomax

    hehe, yes there seem to be a bit of standing discussion happening at the moment. I'm not 100% sure but I think that's what stillness movement is a ZZ practice. There is only so much time in the day and standing is a time intensive practice. I'm thinking of asking Santi about it too. BTW Tao doesn't "zap" much during his lessons, you might really enjoy what Sant does in his classes, it was a real eye opener for me. Distance is no barrier. Although I don't have the time to do all of KAP 1&2 now and PSD is going to add in even more stuff
  4. Once you learn to spin someone else orbit (Santi will show you when you are ready) you should be able to mix energies easily enough with or without any physical contact. Is your partner is in tune enough to feel it... I don't know. Most girls seem to be able to feel that energy exchange / movement easly but girls seem better at this stuff than guys. Anyone got any guy field tests? I can push-pull my kung fu training partners with Chi. But we have known each other for ages and being training partners there is a very close relationship. Even then it's only about 60~70% of the time.
  5. RE: The Buddha Bums

    Fanatics always seem like that but I like that Vaj is secure in his belief system. He does not seem to flood that much anymore although I stay out of the endless debate threads so YMMV Lin and Mat Black certainly inspire me when it comes to Buddhist thought here on TTB
  6. Michael Lomax

    Bumping this one. Any new book or DVD reviews? While what I have learnt and Michael's system may have some fundamental differences I am increasingly resonating with his replies and his book is appealing to me (perhaps the advertising in the .sig is working ) US$25 is what I would call cheap. I've got to replace my Kunlun book and the color one is now $39.95. I'm a bit of a collector and would not mind a signed copy but with free shipping from bookdepository it's hard to go past that. I also prefer stories over instructional books. p.s. Chrome does not seem to display very well
  7. Water æ°´

    haha no worries, goggle images is my friend. I can see why Patric Brown use to embed so many images it gets addictive
  8. Awakening Psychic Abilities

    Pretty much any traditional method, with consistent and disciplined practice will show some "superpower side effects" over time. Exactly they only seem special because not many people bother to practice. I read this last night. Really rough paraphrase from Chia talking about the microcosmic orbit. In older times when there was no TV once it was dark people couldn't roam about at night, it was dangerous. If they couldn't sleep they would sit quietly. Over time they noticed that as their thoughts calmed down and their mind became tranquil they could feel sensations moving in their body. Over time these sensations would follow discernible paths.
  9. Water æ°´

    Pretty vs Human scale
  10. With thanks to More_Pie_Guy. Awareness and Attention-Span: A Breathtaking Discovery Just be aware of shallow water blackout and make sure someone is keeping a CLOSE eye on you if you go for a swim. But slowing respiration is also either an aim or side effect of a lot of meditation practices, Tai Chi and Chi gongs.
  11. Water æ°´

    Fun |
  12. Thoughts about safeguarding against unintentional energy drainage aspects by circulating energy through both partners bodies? Apparently this exchange of energy eliminates the possibility of one person loosing energy while the other gains it. Apart from feeling really good that is a big reason why I like to circulate and share energy. I don't want to vamp anyone.
  13. I enjoy exploring non physical contact and sharing energy. Or sharing energy without intercourse. Even just "normal" (haha) sex while sharing energy. It's all good. I don't see anal being an issue at all, although I have not tried that myself. Increasingly my partners are usually interested in this sort of stuff, although usually they have never heard of these methods. They do seem sensitive to movement of energy. Those that were not into the "weird hippie stuff" like "meditation" just seem to enjoy the different technique and approach. Often seems to be characterized as romantic or intimate.. which it actually is. Unfortunately I've not been lucky enough to practice with a lady who was "actively cultivating". Hence why I try to give away books when I get the chance.
  14. All Merged with the duplicate post deleted. Moving threads is FUN Mal <---- The Tao Bums "Mod Squad" ---->
  15. Awakening Psychic Abilities

    Nice, I stoped inattentively drinking my tea while reading that, made a point to stop and enjoy.... it was a touch cold
  16. Power of Shakti book

    That how I tell if I want books Sometime I really regret leaving them behind, othertimes not so much.
  17. Journey to the West

    That what I though too It's sort of like an Id story. Monkey is not really being bad or evil, he is look our for himself, then his family. He just had no concern for how his actions might effect others.

    Seems like the first time Santi has heard about this and Susan enquired who you are too I see you have been in quite a few kap threads and literally live in a war zone with few like minded people around you to practice with. That must not be the nicest situation in the world so I hope things are going as o.k. as they can be. I would recommending asking Santi and/or Susan again. They seem willing to have a go at helping you.
  19. Mozzie coils

    Is is a healthy idea to be exercising near a burning mosquito coil? Better/safer than rubbing insect repellent in you skin. Or should you just let them bite you and hope they are not carrying a disease I have similar worries about just the smoke from incense but coils are definitely putting out poisons.