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Everything posted by Mal

  1. Hehe yes, it's like brushing your teeth. Something is not right when it's missing. I once fell asleep while watching cricket and my friends came over to drive me to the airport for a flight. I was going to practice before they came to get me. I told them I had to have a shower. Went and did 20 min. Caught the flight and then did more in the motel room once I arrived
  2. Cool, I just edited it a bit. Originally assumed the poll would need an answer for all questions but it will work with just one response. I want to extract daily vs schedule so only answer one
  3. multi vitamins

    Daily Cheapest, mercury free fish oil I can find. Swisse Men's Ultivite Multivitamin Mineral and Antioxidant formula with Herbs. Supermarket brand, cheap enough, contains cool herbs. Advertised by the Australian cricket team (which was good before they started taking them ) Still not convinced it's better than the Centrum I use to take, which is a bit cheaper, but I like all the herbs in the Swisse Occasionally Pascalite clay. Various Echinacea, Garlic, Zinc and Vit C Cold & flu tablets from various companies (they are all a bit different formulations) that I take if getting a cold.
  4. Utilizing the diving response is rather clever, thanks for the link
  5. Romance of the Three Kingdoms

    Cool, I have a html version that I read now and then if the net is down and I'm super board at work. It's been a while so I don't remember much except that it's even longer than J2W
  6. Guess what, some of us don't care so to me they are not a useless dead end. You do realize what this forum posting is using that criteria Astral Dynamics is a good book, I have the 1st edition. The only downside for me was if you already have your life filled with practices you may not have enough available time to work through it. Lots of good info though.
  7. You are all delusional!

    ROFL It's funny because those two wouldn't be fighting. Just the disciples and followers
  8. Mozzie coils

    Kung Fu is not too bad as I'm moving around and have no long forms where I can't stop to squash mozzies But chi gungs when starionart and especially Tai Chi are a problem. I have also gotten headaches form the coils I use to burn sandalwood incense, think it helped but have not tried for a while. My Mum has a citronella plant. I need to get something more natural. There are a heap of mozzies at the moment and I read once IIRC that DEET stays in your skin for 30 days. Not good, but these ones are attacking in swarms and there has been Dengue fever in that suburb Thanks for the links everyone.
  9. Questionable Mak Tin Si Sect

    K good to hear you are enjoying being a Ng Yin Do Pai Taoist. And really that's what it's all about IMHO Everyone has opinions and it's cool fun to debate stuff but I feel if it helps a person and makes them happy then that is all that matters. Some of us LIKE to spend money. Not sure what the CAD$ exchanges out too but I think I've spend more on KAP than Yoda has on Chi in Nature and I know I've spent more on books, just spent AU$150 on books today If you want something buy it, if you can't afford it, don't.
  10. JJ Semples SoTGF method

    With all the SoTGF threads here and JJ Sempel posting as well I though quite a few bums were using this method.
  11. Erection problem

    Happens to us all at times. I would not worry unless it is a constant problem. Morning wood usually indicates that physically you are fine. Performance anxiety will just make it worse. I do agree with longrhythm, it is easy to be pulling to much energy up and away in the beginning. The good thing with going overboard when learning is that "partner willing" you can always start over again, unlike when you get the timing wrong in the other direction Relax, have fun and don't go doing too many "cures" unless it turns out to be a constant problem.
  12. Strange Question...

    No. With practice you will come to learn these yourself through experience = wisdom. Learning about them without 1st hand experience (knowledge) may be useful (or not) but it's certainly not necessary.
  13. Dr Sha?

    I'm intrigued about 2 things. Why only posting about Dr Sha? (except for hello) and why Anonymous as a pen name. I don't have a problem with Anonymous's posts, it's just intriguing.
  14. Journey to the West

    We will get there, looking at the pretty scenery ready for 6 yet Marblehead
  15. How much do you sleep?

    hehe. My partner has sleeping the same time (shift work) the last few days so I've been sleeping in this week rather than getting up to practice and just practicing in the afternoon instead. Posted above that I was getting tired so went to bed at 10:30pm last night. Was going to get up at 6:20am but took the extra 40 min snuggling again. 40 min of sleep is not as energising as 25 min of chigungs
  16. Romance of the Three Kingdoms

    When I read the title I though you might have been refering to the Romance of the three kingdoms
  17. Water Distillers

    They use to put them in my afternoon Ribena drink. Once I was old enough I would add them myself. I was the only person in my school along with my friend (who's parents were hard core hippies, had a good diet) who didn't have cavities in our teeth. Hard to change that one better not to even worry Filtration / distillation / bottle water / tap water is an open ended debate whith good arguments on all sides. It really just comes down to personal preference.

    That's it, thanks.
  19. sex with entities

    The people I see shuffling around the psych ward look pretty calm, F'up mindless zombies, but pretty calm. Like I said not an ideal choice. Neither is getting hit by a bus. You sound like you have some fight still. Don't let them get you and hang in there. Thinking of you
  20. Water Distillers

    Yes it's just H20 no need to worry about it leaching minerals out of your body, just make sure you have a good diet and/or You can get average filters and exceptionally good filter but I'm just starting to feel it may be easiest to just get pure water.
  21. sex with entities

    So you've opened Pandora's box and now you want to close it? Isn't that like trying to believe the earth is flat after you've found out it actually is round? If you really want that then give up astraldynamics and orgonite and just go to a psychiatrist and let them fill you up with drugs I don't think that an ideal choice. I'm sure you can deal with this, you never struck me as someone who would give up.