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Everything posted by Mal

  1. Quick web search reveals quite a funny thread
  2. I've been getting that for a while, and quite a bit in the last few days. Mentioned it in passing in email to Sean last night. We either need to be less popular (too many people accessing the database) or........ I'm not sure what the fix would be. Not sure if it's software or hardware bottleneck.
  3. I'm in the process of being shown how to set these up so if you want your own Personal Practice subforum send me a PM and I'll create one for you. I can also move in threads so you can also start a thread in Personal Practice Discussion if you want a bit of google privacy while you are waiting and I can then move them over later I've got 2 perhaps 3 people waiting currently so you should start to see some action soon.
  4. sex with entities

    I don't have an entity. My advice was directed towards Lino's post that I quoted. More specifically his feeling that they had erased every good thing that has happened in his life permanently. I think you have gotten a touch confused Thanks for your concern for my soul but it's in good hands
  5. personal practice discussion.

    The issue is due to the defalt preferences. Right down at the bottom of the page the default listing is 30 days like Taoist discussion. You can change it. But I don't know if it's changeable for individual pages. It probably is but I've only just got access to the control panel and there are a LOT of options It will take a while to work through what does what, and I don't want to stuff up anything. More than 30 days could be good though as it's low traffic in forum and tech support.
  6. sex with entities

    You do realise that isn't true. I don't meant it's not true right now or that you are not actually felling that right now. You know what you are feeling and I can't possible know that. It sounds like you are in a really bad place at the moment. But life IS change. You will recover from this. If you don't think you can help yourself right now, get help from others. If one person can't help you just try someone else. You don't have to do it alone unless you want to.
  7. personal practice discussion.

    Thanks DesertEagle. Will add changing that page to the to do list Sean and myself have access to do this sort of stuff (well I'll have access soon, please enjoy the on hold music while you wait) khxFF8rcG-A
  8. Profanity

    A good question from Tao 99, which he has placed in his reply so I'll just tidy this a bit <snip> Feel free to discuss any thought on the profane Here are some ideas already raised
  9. Journey to the West

    Chapter 5 apparently not enough to keep him out of trouble. But would he have acted this way if treated with respect by heaven initially? He was not as stuffy and rule bound but honest and childlike in his actions. Is that a bad thing? Why not invite him to a feast. Even though he is in the "club" he is being treated like an outsider. Perhaps heaven objects to "new money" After a quick rendition of Moving to the country gonna eat a lot of peaches If only we could cultivate like that As Monkey has a rather tasty feast on all the good stuff and finally realising he may have been a touch greedy he returns home. Had he really abandon his family or was just so taken up in the moment that he just doesn't notice the passing of time, made worse by it being faster outside of heaven. Always happy to share everyone is having a good time till the fun police arrive. Real friendly and they got what they deserved 6 sounds like fun
  10. Journey to the West

    So after a rather griping battle with The Mighty Miracle God and Prince Nezha the Great sages emerges undefeated. So Monkey is happy or at least happy to behave in the expected way. Or does he want more that just a flowery title and will it really keep him out of trouble
  11. "The Art of War"

    I can move this thread to the bookclub if you want less views
  12. Thanks for the book recommendation Cat. Don't get me wrong, I'm totally selfish, the more fun my partners have the more fun I have
  13. Water Distillers

    I need about 3L or more a day. Rainwater tanks are a touch out of the price range and we have some industrial plants around here puting out some airborne particles that may or may not be real tasty
  14. New! TaoBums iPhone App!

    *going to shop to buy iPhone*
  15. Very articulate interview. Lots of interesting stuff. The universal quest for Orgasm as an experience of the Now. The darkroom retreats to manipulate neurotransmitter levels (I had never actually considered that) lots more Bliss is our birthright, different flavors of pleasure Anyone read her book? It is on my "To Buy" list. Appears to be an upgraded Healing Love through the Tao: Cultivating Female Sexual Energy althoug hin fairness to Chia that one was published back in 1986. I need to stop giving away 1st editions to girlfriends Actually I found a cheap 1st edition lookin gfor that published date so perhaps I can keep doing that after all.
  16. Profanity

    I think so to. Like water under the bridge, no worries.
  17. You are all delusional!

    Agreed. I have certainty though "Am I delusional" and I'm enjoying reading the well though out debate. That's also why I like GIH as while he can annoy me he always makes me think
  18. Moderation Guidelines

    Yes the Fu's were a good example. Board consensus was reached over time. OP did not agree. Eventually enforcement was needed. Patric Brown was another similar case of boundaries increasingly pushed over time until enough was enough....... and nobody else springs to mind.
  19. Lucid dreaming, OOBs and karma

    No that was the only one that ever crossed my path, although I did check him out on the 'net' (that was back in the 90's) After psychology at Uni I was heavily into the occult and ceremonial magic stuff for many years, lots of interesting stuff out there in the western tradition. But like you mentioned in the J2W thread also lots of ritual for rituals sake. I really pursued Lucid dreaming for a while but interestingly enough once I read about sleep paralysis I started to experience it and not being able to breath scared me off for a long time. It's funny the influence of what we "know" it was never a problem before that and I just never seem to have gotten back into it. I got Robert Bruce's Mastering Astral Projection a few years back and while it's a great workbook you do have to devote time to the course and I just never managed to do that. I still do reality checks now and then but not often enough to attempt and notice the results in dreams...... but I usually seem to be distracted by a pretty lady or some other interesting adventure
  20. Moderation Guidelines

    Yes. But the other quandary we face is while we are pm'ing one poster everyone else is reading that post and perhaps thinking, well they got away with it I can post like that too or even up the ante. Or worse that's not a friendly place I don't think I'll join or post here. New members and new views add spice and life. It gets worse when it's not black and while because then you are not sure if it needs any action and things snowball while action is being debated. Still it's not like it's going to be a frequent or even occasional occurrence. There are so few problems here and everyone is usually well behaved. I find it all rather interesting to consider and am glad we have a team to do moderation and a site where it's really not required and the active community usually looks after itself. But if you wanted to push it and test people you could have quite the field day trolling. If we don't have at least one huge argument over moderation I'm going to be surprised
  21. Moderation Guidelines

    Keep the suggestions comming Also try your hand at the bits we are have not fleshed out very well yet. Specifically what would you do here. Assume First violation : Let the post stand, except in extreme violations, and issue 1st warning publicly or privately What would you write in your warning? Would you post it to the board, or PM the poster, or both? Assume it's decided there is an extreme violation and you need to take more action than just a PM or message. Would you move posts into another forum like the pit, set the entire post as invisible, edit out bits, never under any circumstances make a change to anything? How would that change when they are repeat offences. Thanks
  22. Lucid dreaming, OOBs and karma

    I would like to think they went to a better place. Mine appeared to me out of a pile of book in a 2nd hand bookfest Actually looking for this image (I remembered something like an eye test on the cover) and I found this link Look like they ascended to the internet
  23. Someone once wrote that they thought the writing said The Tao Burns.... which is rather cool too