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Everything posted by Mal

  1. What makes Buddhism different?

    We agree {happy dance for Mal} You might also enjoy the Hua Hu Ching
  2. Guidelines for Taoist-Buddhist Dialog

    Yes what happened to the Confucians, it's like we are missing part of the trinity. I'd sign on, but then I would feel like I probably should be reading the arguments threads and I've already signed some other pact somewhere that I can't remember {wanders off poking the search engine}
  3. sex with entities

    Different experiences, Different systems. It's all good.
  4. sex with entities

    Entity Possession: Freeing the Energy Body of Negative Influence I agree more with the 2 star review. I would be very surprised if any "entity's" know to a person presenting for psychological assistance would be viewed as beneficial. I don't own this book but I usually enjoy Llewellyn published books, I have a lot of their stuff. How To Meet and Work with Spirit Guides Some may resonate more with the last 3 star review or perhaps When Pigs move in (sic)
  5. sex with entities

    a bit like the healing threads there seems to be a "Exercise Caution. You don't know what is going to happen, you need to understand it all 1st" A valid and safe approach. vs "Lets have a go and see what happens, if it turns out to be bad I'll just deal with it then" That is the a approach that I favor. Which as it's most positive is spun as "The people who say it can't be done should get out of the way of the people doing it." I would be smacking my lips too, a beautiful spirit open to learning and loving, I see no YMMV
  6. Rotflmao that quote is a keeper
  7. Journey to the West

    I might use that "Human" I already have enough trouble not answering yes on the sex question So thanks This is why book clubs are cool. I manaded to steal D's Bebook eBook reader for a more thorough contemplation. The Dragons and the underworld basically go off sulking to heaven, like I child running to "tell Mommy" While what they wrote was true, from a certain point of view, You could just as easily say Monkey was also behaving ethically. He was polite, nobody refused him or if they did they were then persuaded by his arguments. And he was only acting in self defense. Ok externaly he was an obvious bully but would monkey see himself like that? Like now it is a sound tacit to get your complain into the legal systyem 1st. Lucky for Monkey the planet intervened. And mentioned the nine apertures, 2 eyes, 2 nostrils, 2 ears, 1 mouth & 2 below ---your belt (I love goggle guess they can't say urethra and anus on that site) That reminded me of the start about the stone egg which I didn't really understand especially coming after all the other numbers in the "genesis" story.
  8. Quote about 6 limitations

    You are a living example of that Mat _/\_
  9. Synchronicity I'm currently reading Steal My Art: The Life and Times of T'ai Chi Master, T.T. Liang. Fun book. And yes Swimming is great too. I sometimes zone out staring at the black line on the bottom of the pool listening to my breathing. I swim with a snorkel. Cool info, Thanks
  10. Journey to the West

    Thanks. I'm more non denominational now and since 2001 I've been putting "Jedi" on the census forms.
  11. Give up smoking

    Natural tobacco gets a good wrap so could be well worth looking at, link Personally I don't seem to enjoy tobacco although I have not tried organic because except for American Spirit it's pretty much impossible to get here in Aus due to tax laws. A nice img thanks to GIH This book The Easy Way to Stop Smoking by Allen Carr's got recomended here, although I can't find the thread. You could always get a Volcano. Stopped me coughing JNjunlWUJJI
  12. Journey to the West

    hehe yes, I think monkey has also realized, like in the letter and is pretty much following his Id. Perhaps the lesson is that there is always a higher authority. Currently Monkey is definitely a big fish in a small pond I wonder what heaven will do? And I don't know if I'm reading too slow but isn't this a continuity error yes but I though his indestructible body was always there, a product of being born from the egg. Although erasing a few names from the book of death certainly helped Always possible Mon "It's not the dread upon your head, but the love inna your heart, that mek ya Rastaman" Disagree. I see it as how they complement each other, the importance of working together. The only trouble I had with Tripitaka was he looked like a girl and was rather attractive but that wasn't enough to stop me becoming a buddhist. I didn't even know J2W was "Taoist" until pointed out. But I'm a unifier not a divider.
  13. Just to keep everyone up to date some of us were fortunate enough to receive a nice little message from our benevolent overlord Sean. >>> Hey y'all, This is Sean from The Tao Bums. Just winging this email to the new moderation group I've finally assembled. Here's the gang: Trunk - For thorough awesomeness Stigweard - Ethical sobriety, attention to detail VCraigP - Broad, grounded perspective from being in this community for so long SereneBlue - Sincerity and much needed yin balance / perspective Mal - Tech support and all around humble benevolence <<< We will all be trying very hard to ensure our moderation presence is hardly noticed. So please let us know if you think we overstep in any way. The Moderation Team / The Mod Squad (we don't even have a name yet )
  14. Journey to the West

    So Chapter 3 Monkey trains an Army and steals some weapons, sweet and enter the famous Magic Wishing Staff (well That's how I remember it)
  15. Quote about 6 limitations

    thats my problem with all organised religions, They move away from allowing you to think and experiment for yourself towards rout learning of 6,324,567,439 classifications of objects and experiences Buddhism, having been around for a long time and being very scientific in it's approach, has a LOT of classifications. Lets look at the difference in these 2 Merriam-Webster definitions or jargon - the technical terminology or characteristic idiom of a special activity or group - obscure and often pretentious language marked by circumlocutions and long words So while these classifications are useful for the people IN the group they also serve to exclude those outside the group to whom the jargon is just another barrier to understanding.
  16. You left out Tai Chi. Yang Style Tai Chi is awesome for health. A nice moderate exercise/meditation/energy work combination
  17. Journey to the West

    I think we all need each other. Any "ism" is a separation and hence can not fully encompass the true way. Lol exactly, since most of it came from India in the first place
  18. Yes that's a tricky bit because as a beginner it is so hard to tell. They all take a bit of time and constant practice before you feel anything. So at the start it's hard to know if you are doing things wrong or correctly or what is going on. Crossing the road is also dangerous if done incorrectly! Wong Kiew Kit list the forms he does in that book because he believes it is possible to learn them from a book and they are safe even if done slightly incorrectly. But a teacher is certainly an asset. I would read as much as I could (I like reading) while I was looking for a teacher to appear. The journey is just as important as the destination
  19. Journey to the West

    That's the one. It screens every few years her in Australia. So I've seen it as a kid, teenager and adult. I've always wanted to read the book and just never got around to it. Them we discovered an online version. Welcome to the journey, no rules, we just read a chapter every week or so, perhaps since we have more people I won't jump to catch Yoda but have a longer look at chapter 3. Various Taoists have hinted there is a lot of depth in journey to the west. I'm trying to her under the surface and explore. I intend for this journey to take many years
  20. A book I really liked was The Art of Chi Kung: Making the Most of Your Vital Energy by Wong Kiew Kit and while I don't own it Scholar Warrior by Deng Ming-Dao would be a good one too IIRC
  21. Journey to the West

    My Sifu once told me never to show off either. He recently said something like "Don't scare the pigs to scare the wolves" I've misremembered it, some sort of an old kung fu saying. Basically don't show that you are superior to others that way if a wolf comes along you will be able to surprise them Not a lot of confidence from his teacher that he would keep himself out of trouble..... and monkey certanly didn't disappoint in the trouble seeking stakes. The fight was also a good example. The demon saw the unarmed monkey, prepared to be overwhelming and unstoppable i.e. armor and weapons not looking for a fair fight, just a win. Yet Monkey was also prepared with hidden weapons, his fur That's the way to do it. Ok so on to Lets play free and loose and catch up to Yoda's kids
  22. Here is a reason They tie in with the little blocks under the avatar which are a graphical representation of the # of posts, and they progress backwards till you forget everything and become a TaoBum!
  23. Custom Tao Bum Title

    BTT pretty pictorial tutorial
  24. Journey to the West

    keep posting spoilers and I'll tell you how it ends actually we could just discuss favorite bit's but Marblehead has never read it before. I've seen the TV series heaps but only read chapters here and there never the whole book.

    We call that Tai Gong {n.b. I can't even spell in English anyone know Cantonese}and in kung fu we do that everytime we hit someone But don't tell anyone because I think it's a secret