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Everything posted by Lois

  1. How do you feel about vampires?

    can you explain where the tinnitus comes from?
  2. https://io9.gizmodo.com/the-man-who-tried-to-invent-a-telegraph-made-out-of-tel-456524538
  3. https://panorama.pub/6759-vedushhij-inzhener-panasonic.html I can no longer work on stolen Soviet patents This article is about how the leading engineer Panasonic tried to kill himself with an ancient sword. He is very unhappy with the fact that he has to use the patents that the West stole from the Russians. The West stole the best ideas from Russians.
  4. It turned out that the article was printed on a humorous site. So this is not fake, but humor
  5. First you need to prove that the news is falsified. I wrote in Panasonic. Maybe they will answer. I keep track of dozens of news a day. There is no possibility of wanting to check all the information.
  6. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Yoshinori_Ohsumi It turned out that in the photo in the article another Japanese, Nobel prize laureate. So that maybe an article is fake
  7. And what evidence can there be? Harakiri just does not do it.
  8. In addition to the proposed article, I do not know anything about this problem.
  9. This was in 1945. Too great a time has passed. For technology this is a very long time.
  10. http://www.topsecretwriters.com/2015/09/wikileaks-goes-off-the-deep-end-with-gulf-of-aden-stargate-claims/
  11. Former Augur CEO Matt Liston has founded a blockchain religion called “0xΩ.” Liston pronounces this as “Zero Ex Omega.” He describes the project as a way to “incentivise mindshare.” Despite founding a blockchain-based religion, Liston maintains that he is not a”Cryptprophet.” https://www.businessinsider.com.au/matt-liston-blockchain-religion-augur-2018-6
  12. Loism

    I want to create a new subculture close to the Goths. It's called Loism. Through music it is very easy to feel this system. Listen to my composition several times trying to get into the MYSTERY. https://yadi.sk/d/QHMACbq93WbMnd
  13. Loism

  14. Loism

    I have an e-book of a writer from London "The Secret of a Black Idol". The book is unique, but in Russian.
  15. Loism

    Nonsense. I am under the protection of the Creator. No one will touch his finger.
  16. Loism

    Do not make yourself an idol
  17. The Mystery of King Solomon

    Of course!, Certainly!, Sure!, I should say so!, Surely!, You bet!
  18. http://ottyg.narod.ru/shlomo.html
  19. The Mystery of King Solomon

    Trump took the American Embassy to Jerusalem. The whole world felt the weight of the Jewish boot.