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Everything posted by Lois

  1. Chaos

    It seems to you.
  2. Atlantis

    There is a more tempting place - the kingdom of Bhutan http://www.bhutanonlinevisa.com/why-kingdom-of-bhutan-charge-tariff-of-us-200-250-per-night/
  3. Atlantis

    About the island is very interesting.
  4. Atlantis

  5. Spiritually practicing musicians This topic amuses me a long time ago, and I wouldn't talk about it, if not happen to know that famous punker singer Nina Hagen was engaged in Hindu practices. What the hell are spiritual practices? What the spiritual topics she may be thinking? Many famous artists are trying to practice. But what this practices are at all? How they can be serious? THEY CAN'T. I remember the footages as fag Moiseev went to pray for forgiveness in a Christian monastery. What the hell is a monastery, what he's going to do there? And so it is with all. They travel around the world, pester gurus, and guru feel bad about saying no - still talented, famous people. But will no one ever tell the truth, that it is a freak show, if for example Nina Hagen is doing some practices. Or the same Grebenshchikov.
  6. The city under water

    The city under water The city under the water is clearly visible. Why is everyone silent about this? Crete
  7. The city under water

    I found out what was wrong. This is the artifacts of the seabed scan from the ship.
  8. Spiritually practicing musicians

    The explanation for this is very simple. You are not a spiritual person. YOU are not able to think about spiritual matters.
  9. There are no problems. The Torah says that in ancient times people lived giants. I believe it.
  10. I will not even read what you wrote. You do not have basic concepts of esotericism, plus bad manners, to which there is no justification. I would recomend you to read this book on esotericism. Then maybe you'll start to think something. By Manly P. Hall The Secret Teachings of All Ages: An Encyclopedic Outline of Masonic, Hermetic, Qabbalistic & Rosicr
  11. You are not like an esotericist. Think too narrowly.
  12. The matter is that I am an esotericist and often come across the fact that information can not be verified. This is just peculiar to esotericism. Can you prove that the Piri Reis card is a fake? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Piri_Reis_map
  13. I made a check before creating a topic in Russian. I did not find anything about the fake.
  14. Why are you trying to insult me all the time? If you do not like me, ignore me. It does not bother me.
  15. Are there any fans of fractals?

  16. Vampire

    Wikipedia hides the truth about vampires. What do you think of it ? Here is a temple of vampires https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vampire