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my label http://ottyg.narod.ru/en.html
I learned a terrible fact. In Germany (and certainly in other developed countries), special services that deal with morons do so that they give birth to children. Ironically, they have normal children. And then these children are selected and given to those who stand in line, wishing to adopt other people's children. In general, any normal person should be obvious that this practice is immoral.
https://www.bundesregierung.de/Webs/Breg/DE/Bundesregierung/Bundesministerien/BMG/_node.html If there is doubt, call the Ministry of Health
I do not know that. I know the very fact. This was told by an employee of a similar service to my acquaintance.
https://translate.google.de/translate?sl=ru&tl=en&js=y&prev=_t&hl=ru&ie=UTF-8&u=https%3A%2F%2Fru.wikipedia.org%2Fwiki%2F%D0%94%D0%B5%D0%B1%D0%B8%D0%BB%D1%8C%D0%BD%D0%BE%D1%81%D1%82%D1%8C&edit-text= I could not find the information in English
I know that this is in western Germany. There is no information about East Germany.
You are known for such a disease?
If you plant a chameleon in a lighted mirror cube, what color will it take?
Chaos Magic Soviet school I have been studying this system for many years and have relatively recently discovered the same one existing in the Western world. In the Western countries it is described in detail, but nobody knows about the Soviet school. Notice that on Russian discussion boards you can find information about Chaos Magic, but it is taken from Western sources. That is why I decided to give you a short sketch of that. It is hard to say how many people belong to this system. There is almost no any special literature. All the information always spread and continues to spread just by means of personal communication. There is a specific common feature for both the Soviet and Western systems. Chaos magicians enter any systems, take all the basic information and then leave them in order to find other systems. It is also important that this school`s primary focus is on working with wishes – a powerful wish is to be created first and then to be realized. There is one thing I haven`t seen in the Western system: the Soviet school places most of the focus on the conspiracy theory, and the conspiracy theory is mainly focused on personal conspiracy and conspiracy of the Magic school. In other words, a magician can turn out to be anyone at all for other people who don`t comprehend this system. One of the main aims of Chaos Magic is magical assumption of power due to working with energy and information by means of the conspiracy theory. But at the same time Chaos magicians avoid killing people in every possible way (in order not to pick up bad karma). But if a Chaos magician is provoked, he can kill dozens of thousands of people with energoinformational impacts. In the meantime Chaos Magic considers every individual simultaneously as an independent person and as a social insect working for “the queen” (if we are talking about biobots).
I'll have to make a transformer out of you and put it on the radio.
No more terrible than the misfortune that the needle So the doll died
I need your liver for magical experiments
Future modeling! This practice consists that the person makes model of the future, and then this model already without its direct participation is realized in a reality. It becomes as follows: at first the person develops idea which he wants model. Then starts to develop the details accompanying this idea. Then, when the model is ready it concentrates on it, with that intention that this model was carried out in the future. Final concentration usually very short. The person himself feels, when modeling is finished. For example, when I for the first time modelled the future I simply wanted that to Russia there could arrive teachers from India and that it was possible to leave freely abroad.. As a result of intense intellectual work, I have come to a conclusion that Soviet Union should collapse on the different countries and should the system will be replaced. When I could make completely model, I have concentrated, that it has occurred. This work is very interesting also the creative. A year later the program was carried out! This work is very interesting also the creative. A year later the program was carried out! Another time it wanted to me to meet very serious philosopher. I began to develop idea and have come to a conclusion that is necessary замоделировать Philosophical Academy. When, I modelled it, there was such impression that I carried on with someone negotiations for Academy creation. As a result of this modeling there was In the REALITY a Philosophical Academy in which I began to study and has met this philosopher. There was still a set of other programs. For example, I have wanted to meet one girl from the rock music world. I model club where rock groups could act and after any time have got to this club and have met this girl. Also, a series of pictorial works which after some years has been written by me oil, though I in painting a full zero . And these works have turned out very high level. I think model it is possible anything you like. And thus the free will remains
General field theory There is a single common field. It includes 2 levels. At the higher level all kinds of fields exist in such a condition that we can in no case say, for example, that the gravitational field and the electromagnetic field anywise differ from each other. At the lower level we can notice some differentiation, for instance, an observer can define that this field is electromagnetic, and this one is gravitational. But at this level fields exist in such a condition that they can`t be detected somehow. So that a field being able to be fixed could appear, we need to use a screen (physical scientists call it “test particle”) which will show this very field. For example, a material object helps the gravity field to appear. This very object possesses no any field at all, but the gravity field appears through it, according to its properties. Similarly an electron has no charge. The phenomenon called charge appears from the common field by means of this electron. The electron is a screen due to which this appearing is possible. In my opinion, the common field contains a vast number of fields and phenomena unknown to modern physics at its lower level. The problem resides just in searching new screens through which these fields could appear in order to be fixed and studied. Proceeding from this theory, it is quite clear that a material body of a definite form made from a definite stuff may serve as a screen. For example, tefillin. Tefillin is a set of boxes made from leather and containing scrolls of parchment inscribed with verses from the Torah. The first one is worn on a hand, the second one – on the head during morning prayers. The duty of wearing tefillin is the Torah `s commandment. According to this theory, tefillin is a screen through which a very powerful field appears; this field favorably affects people. One more example is the Pyramids. They are also a screen through which a very powerful field appears. It influences people and other material objects. Modern science can`t fix these fields by means of devices, but their existence is absolutely clear for honest scientists.
It`s sad to look at Westerners I have been using western Internet resources for a long time and occasionally I feel pity for Westerners for some reason. The emergence of the Internet has put them in a very terrible situation. They possess huge, tremendous riches. If you aren`t familiar with the western world, it would be hard for you to estimate its wealth. But with the advent of the Internet, some serious people playing serious games found a way to these riches. Formerly it was necessary to accept western values and adopt western culture in order to gain at least a little access to this wealth. Now you can do that almost for free and without changing your principles. Of course, these serious people try to use the existing situation for some cruel and mercenary purposes. For example, here http://audiojungle.net/ you can find a lot of wonderful composers from CIS who work in the trance genre and have to sell their tracks at 15 dollars each. Please THINK OF this figure!!! And also pay attention to the fact that they all are lucky ones, they can satisfy tastes of the western public, the rest are simply blocked by the moderator. But only concrete people fall for it. And there is a small number of people who have got access to the MOST serious western riches just owing to their intellect and agility. Westerners being absolutely charmed with the life process and with a large quantity of ideas put into their heads and concerning force of the western social pattern don`t understand that they have been in hot water, really IN HOT WATER. Now it seems to them that everything is hunky-dory, everything is OK. But the fact of the matter is that it`s just an illusion that will disappear very soon… I feel pity for them because they are so nice, so well-bred, so fine workmen… But when they meet the reality, damn, I can`t even imagine what will happen to them.
I have 2 great videos in Russian, where I explain this. The problem is that you will regret the money to translate the text. I am sure about that.