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Everything posted by Lois

  1. strange photos

    we must first prove that it is a photoshop
  2. Questions to the head of Judaism. I'm the head of Judaism. If there are interesting questions, I try to answer.
  3. Questions to the head of Judaism.

    What nonsense? The fact that you will soon be taken away tambourine and sandals with woolen socks?
  4. Questions to the head of Judaism.

  5. Questions to the head of Judaism.

    This article states that the artifacts found (they are in the British Museum), that the bricks were straw. http://stmegi.com/posts/34286/britanskiy-muzey-/
  6. Questions to the head of Judaism.

    The Torah says that Jews cried out to the Creator of the world due to the fact that the Egyptians made their lives bitter.
  7. Questions to the head of Judaism.

    I do not understand why it is not necessary to believe the Torah. This is the most reliable source. If it is said that the bricks made with straw, that means it's true. It makes no sense to discuss someone's speculation.
  8. Questions to the head of Judaism.

    It did not the Egyptian gods, and the Creator of the universe.
  9. Questions to the head of Judaism.

    You will recall that G-d made with the Egyptians in ancient Egypt. they also do not want to bow.
  10. Questions to the head of Judaism.

    Where did you get this?
  11. Questions to the head of Judaism.

    It makes no sense to explain it, because it knows only the Creator and I (in part). Creator has appointed me and everything!
  12. Questions to the head of Judaism.

    This is a joke ?
  13. Questions to the head of Judaism.

    G-d told me, "Christians will be punished, and the sword, and with hunger, and sorrow."
  14. Questions to the head of Judaism.

    There Tzimtzum Aleph and Tzimtzum Bet, but without a contract
  15. The rulers of Russia for a long time concealed the fact that before the founding of St. Petersburg in these places was a city Nien, the capital of Ingria. To dismiss the lie that there were some swamp. This monstrous crime.
  16. For example here is a masterpiece http://www.neizvestniy-geniy.ru/mp3/2016/03/1577728.mp3 Download the program here https://yadi.sk/d/OOMuipXcq7uCv
  17. Maybe someone knows?
  18. What kind of a nation?

    From mom
  19. What kind of a nation?

    I think he Quechua ..
  20. http://www.nydailynews.com/news/world/30-million-people-china-live-underground-caves-article-1.1046872 https://www.google.de/search?q=Chinese+people+live+in+caves&tbm=isch&tbo=u&source=univ&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwi98LCTjcbLAhWKnRoKHR6eDfcQsAQIHA&biw=1024&bih=662
  21. Chinese people live in caves

    I think this is about the same as if they had burned money.
  22. What kind of a nation?

    I found out that he was from Ecuador
  23. Chinese people live in caves

    It is not clear why we need the city where no one lives.