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Everything posted by Lois

  1. http://tv.naturalnews.com/v.asp?v=a155d113455fac882a3290536575c723 How do you feel about that?
  2. The worst head in the world
  3. The worst head in the world

    Yes, I understand.
  4. Russian colony of the United States Russian laws establish the Americans and take in the Duma (Russian Parliament). The whole ideology in Russia is set by the Americans. This is the opinion of leading Russian politicians (Evgeny Fedorov). I would like to know your opinion?
  5. Russian colony of the United States

    Of course I believe that Solomon was wise. Suffice it to read his works in order to understand it. And what are your claims to the words of Solomon?
  6. Russian colony of the United States

    I think it is important for Jews only.
  7. Russian colony of the United States

    This idea of King Solomon of our lives. It is a philosophy. Myths is another category.
  8. Russian colony of the United States

    King Solomon said: "There is nothing new under the sun. What has been is what will be. Everything is vanity." Do you think he was wrong?
  9. Russian colony of the United States

    I cybernetics. What follows from this?
  10. Let's talk about UFO

    Let's talk about UFO To start the conversation - record speech robot alien civilization http://ottyg.narod.ru/midicolor.html
  11. I've created a puzzle. There she is https://2405d53262daa795dde1cb44663f9e24a50e7d35.googledrive.com/host/0B9M7t2m9U0UWRTRVUDB0Ul9hdUU/BrowserBuild.html We must use the arrow keys - up, down, left, right, away from the playing field all the characters, except for the main one. This is a puzzle. Who will solve a puzzle get a very expensive prize !!!! - Musical program worth 400 euros.
  12. Let's talk about UFO

    The only thing that will happen - will have to wash her panties.
  13. AI draws real masterpieces Do you think this thing is a masterpiece?
  14. Let's talk about UFO

    Who is ready to cooperate with an alien civilization?
  15. Let's talk about UFO

    Price trifling. It makes no sense to add something.
  16. Future modeling! This practice consists that the person makes model of the future, and then this model already without its direct participation is realized in a reality. It becomes as follows: at first the person develops idea which he wants model. Then starts to develop the details accompanying this idea. Then, when the model is ready it concentrates on it, with that intention that this model was carried out in the future. Final concentration usually very short. The person himself feels, when modeling is finished. For example, when I for the first time modelled the future I simply wanted that to Russia there could arrive teachers from India and that it was possible to leave freely abroad.. As a result of intense intellectual work, I have come to a conclusion that Soviet Union should collapse on the different countries and should the system will be replaced. When I could make completely model, I have concentrated, that it has occurred. This work is very interesting also the creative. A year later the program was carried out! This work is very interesting also the creative. A year later the program was carried out! Another time it wanted to me to meet very serious philosopher. I began to develop idea and have come to a conclusion that is necessary замоделировать Philosophical Academy. When, I modelled it, there was such impression that I carried on with someone negotiations for Academy creation. As a result of this modeling there was In the REALITY a Philosophical Academy in which I began to study and has met this philosopher. There was still a set of other programs. For example, I have wanted to meet one girl from the rock music world. I model club where rock groups could act and after any time have got to this club and have met this girl. Also, a series of pictorial works which after some years has been written by me oil, though I in painting a full zero . And these works have turned out very high level. I think model it is possible anything you like. And thus the free will remains
  17. Let's talk about UFO

    Try tor browser. The problem is very easily solved. https://www.torproject.org/download/download-easy.html.en
  18. Let's talk about UFO

    It scales. On one side of your curiosity. On the other side of your money. If the curiosity of more money, a little sin. If money is stronger than curiosity, a lot of sins
  19. https://yadi.sk/i/MQfAg48KieATc
  20. Quasi art

    I am the father Quasi art. It will be interesting to your criticism http://ottyg.narod.ru/en.html
  21. Russian colony of the United States

    It's much easier - the only country that opposed the USA is the USSR. And this is no accident. The Russian mentality is the opposite of the West and it's not communism. China is more Communist than the USSR, but he's an assistant United States. Case in Russian philosophy. To understand this it is enough to read Victor Pelevin, the largest Russian writer. All Western machine against Russian philosophy
  22. powerful AI

    powerful AI I have created an amazing AI. Here's how it works with the diminished seventh chord. http://www.neizvestniy-geniy.ru/mp3/2015/08/1441795.mp3