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Everything posted by SonOfTheGods

  1. LDT method: hui yin <-> navel Magus Of Java John Chang MoPai (from CourtYard)
  2. Magus Of Java John Chang MoPai (from CourtYard)

    Since I started this thread, I would like this thread to encompass the mechanics of MoPai rather than who's teachers is better and why everyone else is wrong
  3. Magus Of Java John Chang MoPai (from CourtYard)

    Trunk made a discovery, and posted it here: LDT method: hui yin <-> navel I have made similar discoveries awhile back, and turned some of them into my own personal techniques called LoneManPai Trunk and I (and others) have discussed much of this in detail on my forum. It can be discussed here too with a wider audience base It does not have to turn into a trollfest like the last MoPai thread I made which was Locked The "Official" Mo Pai & "Things You Might Not Know About Real Mo Pai" Thread
  4. Magus Of Java John Chang MoPai (from CourtYard)

    I agree (and disagree)
  5. The Magus Of Java Magus Of Java John Chang MoPai (from CourtYard)
  6. Meditation and time perception

    Hours pass like minutes in deep altered states
  7. The Magus Of Java

    The "Official" Mo Pai & "Things You Might Not Know About Real Mo Pai" Thread
  8. Bagua stepping

    The lion step / tiger step,... In walking with Qi cultivation as a priority, the practitioner may want to change the walking step to the snake step -also known as the dragon step/mud walking step or the crane step
  9. The Magus Of Java

    Down the hall, make a right left U-turn
  10. Gender Option Change

  11. Summer Solstice

    Power day Perfect for new beginnings, setting goals, etc and Father's day and Yoga day Surely, there must be a connection to all of these
  12. Ethics - binding or liberating?

    Do the animal, mineral and plant kingdom have ethics? Do they have a religion? Does it make them inferior to us, because we can invent a personal code? At the end of the day, the lion eats the gazelle, and the sun contines to rise. A worthy personal code is Survival The animal, mineral and plant kingdom have that one, I'd bet
  13. Siddhis, psychic powers, etc: are the side effects of Qi and Shen When the Chong Mai is active, it all comes together
  14. What Results Do People Here Have From Training?

    That can put a target on your back Nevertheless, it's in my Signature
  15. How To Reckon "Past Lives" With Time

    With practice, one can make a jump forward in consciousness (I just broke my time is not linear rule lol) and connect with a future self that is not bound by our laws on the 3D plane... It gets quite interesting Similar to an organic computer simulation Guides, angels, demons/daemons all become fragments/figments of the self
  16. Extinction is part of evolution (the last part)
  17. A Student In The Abyss

    I have experience in these matters- if you want to talk, I am here for you brother PM me or Email me
  18. How To Reckon "Past Lives" With Time

    Scrying, is one example Gazing into a mirror and the face changes, and the clothes from another era An old place- from long ago- it is me- somewhere else in time An exchange of information, fixes the future
  19. "Electric" Chi, What it is, How-to techniques

    On the TaiJi symbol, it shows Yin and Yang in equal measure- but also Yin from Yang and Yang from Yin Your premise does shows Yin from Yang But there should also be stand alone magnetism, if there is is unadulterated electric We are the microcosm, so the elements are embodied in us In a BaZi chart, it will show our dominant personal elemental strengths If we have more fire, then we are more apt to produce electric So aside from elements and the components that can create 'electric like" ,.. what I am seeking is pure electric and magnetism ...or is it all by-product?
  20. "Electric" Chi, What it is, How-to techniques

    So the "attractive force" is not the result of actual magnetism, but the side effect of electricity
  21. How To Reckon "Past Lives" With Time

    Shen Gong will shatter these illusions
  22. How To Reckon "Past Lives" With Time

    Potential birth (rebirth) as an animal
  23. Potential birth (rebirth) as an animal

    Time doesn't 'really exist'... All events happen Simultaneously, rather than, Sequentially But you can have a fractured conscious infusion, that is- a partial conscious input/plug in to an animal, in order to experience it. Semi-awareness embedded partially into a domestic creature, such as a pet dog, to exhibit loyalty, simultaneously being present as the dog owner, too
  24. How to summon entities?