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Everything posted by SonOfTheGods

  1. Bingo. Awesome information. Indeed, yesterday's magick is tomorrow's science. The Keris, Fu, etc in today's world falls under the LunaticFringe label, unfortunately lol
  2. My point was about the Keris. This thread is about Mopai So Keris is a part of Mopai. Sorcery is a Part of Mopai. I have introduced New Aspects to My Thread about MoPai. I am re-routing and creating a diversion away from the uncivil direction it's going- by Still talking About MoPai and staying On Topic
  3. So basically- Jim McMillan is a Western MoPai renegade/splinter offshoot. Anyone that McMillan taught is Not Officially Authentic Indonesian MoPai. We have been saying that for awhile now. Thanks brother for the Confirmation.
  4. The same as my Kêrìs example. So- TELL ME AGAIN- how MAGICK has NOTHING to do with MoPai You know there is a WHOLE CHAPTER in Magus of Java about them, right? SORCERY Like I said- and you said to the contrary Clueless about MoPai and all things related to NeiGong- as I said you are
  5. I have Jim's Amazon link and picture of his book on that thread. My forum is called mopaiforumotion- however, I have posted numerous times my reasons for having a "mopai forum". When people ask me all about MoPai, I DISCOURAGE them, and try to talk them out of it. Thus my Logo: Why does all this always feel like deja-vu?
  6. For being such "morepie immortal bad asses" you guys sure do complain a lot. You have free Magus of Java pdfs and video-audio of Kosta's books all over your morepie forums. Hilarious with your double standard / double speak. I received Jim McMillan's autobiography as a text. I turned it into a pdf. He is deceased. I am continuing his legacy. His words give him the Immortality that MoPai couldn't.
  7. Then we must conclude that Kosta is Clueless about MoPai and "Magus of Java" is rubbish. Which was my original premise all along
  8. I have said, on many occasions, the 'Westernized version" of the MoPai is faulty. Just by having a western-mindframe/upbringing -negates the central foundation of MoPai core teachings- spiritism, and the various virtues- humbleness, patience. The ONLY place to continue onward with Jim McMillan's western MoPai teachings was with MorePieGuy. MorePieGuy "learned" through Telephone/Email (non-physical contact correspondance course)-from Jim McMillan. If you want to learn more about who Jim McMillan was- I have a link on my forum page (the same page with the MoPai Levels 1&2) that will provide you with a Free copy of Jim's Autobiography "Seeking the Master of MoPai". If you read it- you will UNDERSTAND WHERE WESTERN MOPAI WENT WRONG. Since I had the mopaiforumotion forum- I have received MANY emails and PMs DAILY -asking me for MoPai instruction. ALL the Seekers said they DID NOT WANT ANY CONTACT WITH MOREPIEGUY. They did NOT want him as a "Teacher" So what to do? I had Jim McMillan's instructions for a long long time. I never ever intended to release them. But the western mopie clique "over there" is just impossible to deal with. They have zero knowledge of NeiGong. They did not even know MoPai was a Combat Martial Art.. So, on My Forums - I will keep the Western Mopai instructions from Jim McMillan. Practice them at Your Own Risk. However, ALSO on my forums, I also have my Own Techniques that I have devised over the last 40 years. Joeblast is also a member who has outstanding knowledge and experience. Just between us both- we have MORE experience and hands on knowledge than Jim or Kosta could ever provide. Bold statement, Indeed. if you want to learn Authentic MoPai- You will need to go to Indonesia. Even if you find John Chang- he is anathema from the Motzu Lineage. You need their Motzu Bloodline=Ancestors to continue onward because it is a Spiritual Transmission/Guidance/Blessing John Chang learned most of his knowledge from the infamous 72 level manual- but he also was in Spirit Communication with his Deceased Master. These are the Insights that westen mopai- Jim included- MISSED.
  9. AND- Here's Kosta's Interview on TaoBums: PAGE 9 Ish, on 12 November 2011 - 09:37 PM, said: Were there any practices more focused on the "mind" level rather than the energetic level in the Mo Pai system? What were their aims? Kosta's Answer: MoPai neikung is strictly energetics. It was primarily developed for combat after all. Obviously- I am the ONE doing Research on MoPai. Now I AM DONE with you MoPieGuys
  10. Ok, despite going against my better judgement, I will just answer you this One time only. According to your last few angry posts- you said I only made assumptions. Let's use this one clear answer, to see who is wrong, you or me- and Who Really is MAKING ASSUMPTIONS. You say MoPai is Not for Combat. I said it was. In "Magus of Java" two guys were embroiled in battle and blew up a village using light beams shooting out their hands. Why do they need Kung Fu then? Blowing up villages with shooting light beams is for enlightnment or COMBAT? I will not play verbal tug of war with you Dorian Leo
  11. Amen @themorepie gang: Respect is a 2 way street. For the Dead and the Living. What did you guys say? I was filling this MoPai thread with BS, confusion and personal opinion? Ok, so now you have Hardcore Real life NON INVENTED MoPai straight from the qualified Teacher, Jim McMillan. The problem here is you guys don't know when to quit.
  12. Calling the Kettle black? Teaching ME about RESPECT? You want Jim's Instructions off My Forum? All those F**** You's to my fellow TaoBum Members & Myself on MorePieGuy's Forum... DELETE THEM ALL.
  13. I Edited it and corrected it. Thank you
  14. It's Public lol- anyone can read it If you really did a problem though PM bro __ You do not need to register to view this: then click: OPEN TO PUBLIC then click: Jim McMillan's: MoPai Level 1 & 2 Seems some people/proxies are locked out due to ISP being Banned from all the Trolls so I apologise. Thanks to MooNiNite for alerting me
  15. I agree. By shining the light- I let the cat out of the bag. WESTERN MoPai holds no mystique or secret power over anyone, anymore. It has been thoroughly negated and nullified It should also be mentioned- Jim McMillan's "students" were All taught On Line In Emails. EDIT: And Also Over the Phone. There were No Physical Person To Person Instruction. The irony of an Online MoPai Correspondance Course is: MoPai is a Combat Martial Art.
  16. Thank you brother. Your comment, made the whole thread, worth the effort for me.
  17. Don't "question the value of a mundra" It isn't for counting on your fingers. MUDRAS are Important These complete circuits of current flow. Someone is going to visit your newbie forums and hurt themselves. Hope you have Caveat signs posted.
  18. That being said- my purpose of this thread was to keep at least one Google traffic post for MoPai out of the Pit. So let the seeker read Jim McMillan's Lessons and let Fate guide them to where ever. I'm done here lol
  19. I wasn't going to put Mr. McMillan's personal lessons online for the public. But it's released for awhile now (more than a year)- and people are actually buying it from Shifu Lin for hundreds of dollars. Then doing it and getting hurt. By posting it on my forum- if they run into health problems- I can help them for FREE. Doing Level 2 without sufficient Level 1 practice can injure you! ______ Beginning Mo Pai Nei Kung (Third Expanded Edition) [Kindle Edition] Shifu Lin Training Tips for Level 2 of the Mo Pai Nei Kung System [Kindle Edition] Shifu Lin Questions and Answers on Learning Mo Pai Nei Kung (Second Expanded Edition) [Kindle Edition] Shifu Lin Beginning Mo Pai Nei Kung (Expanded Edition) [Kindle Edition] Lung Hu Shan Publications (Author) Overcoming Sickness with Nei Kung: Why do so many Mo Pai practitioners get seriously ill? What you can do to... by Shifu Lin, Then once you buy his books he makes you pay hundreds of dollars for follow up instruction lol
  20. On their morepie verbal assault forum- they publicly had their version of performing MoPai level 1: Paraphrased from my memory- because I don't want to go visit that forum: Take Melatonin together with a Caffeine substitute (I forgot the name of it) Grounding wire on a recliner, and cross legs ("mundras don't matter!"). Take a nap/trance while focusing on LDT. Do that for 4 hours. THAT does not sound like Meditation to me. Hypnagogic state- yes.
  21. Posted at my forum, in it's Entirety. Complete.
  22. I started this thread: I want it to end, properly, with the correct information: Rather than seekers find the wrong information, or pay for something that was taught for free- here it is in it's entirety. Jim McMillan's MoPai Level 1 & 2 There are no Copyrights as Mr. McMillan is deceased. As I just noted- there never was money paid for this info, and it has been widely released all over the Internet, already. Unscrupulous individuals are actually selling this on Amazon, etc for huge amounts of money. So here it is for Free- like all my stuff- FREE. I would not have released this otherwise. This is not "Pseudo-mopie"- rather this is the Official MoPai. If you want to learn Mopai- learn it the correct way: __________________________ Jim McMillan's MoPai Level 1 & 2 Mo Pai’s Training for Level 1 and 2: Full Instructions and Photos: You do not need to register to view this: then click: OPEN TO PUBLIC then click: Jim McMillan's: MoPai Level 1 & 2 Seems some people/proxies are locked out due to ISP being Banned from all the Trolls so I apologise. Thanks to MoonNite for alerting me
  23. shaking from/in the dantian

    Is that the only way you can get the current to flow in LDT?