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Everything posted by SonOfTheGods

  1. What would you ask a master?

    So insulators don't block YIn surprised?
  2. What would you ask a master?

    Water has a crystalline structure and holds energy. Thus, "holy water", and the reason Egyptians used water baptism, then other religions. Any Qi practitioner can change water structure/taste, if they have been practicing for a couple of years. Try it at home. You can even taint it with your mood. Project LOVE then project HATE, and taste the difference
  3. best time for sleep.

    left side sleep is bad because the weight of your body rests on the heart shamans warn against this
  4. banging inside walls

    BURN THIS INFIDEL! Ok, well then, .. Bind him and force him to listen to Justin Bieber with Binaural Hemi-sphere Beats!
  5. best time for sleep.

    Mo Pai level 1 Meditation if deep alters brain waves similar to sleep
  6. Immortality & Crossing Over Question

    Seth Material and Seth Speaks Quantum Physics before it was mainstream I'm interested in your viewpoint on the material I am betting you will dig them
  7. best time for sleep.

    You never heard of it because I just made that up lol But seriously, like Feng Shui- there is order to chaos, and an order of the highest order You can feel Qi more if you face West- but our bodies are polarised so sleeping in alignment to the poles is an occult truth Depending on how much you sleep- 7-8 hours, I would meditate 2 hours after you ate, last-, then ground afterwards, so that you are not feeling the flow too heavy while you sleep. On your back, especially after meditating- will promote OBE during heavy moon nights.
  8. Immortality & Crossing Over Question

    Hey BKA- being that we both probably studied at about the same time periods- I'm older though lol But, have you ever read the Seth books from Jane Roberts?
  9. Ling Bao Tong Zhi Neng Nei Gong Shu

    my extended birthday present again :D
  10. I Sense a Coming Change At This Forum

    lots of changes took place 10 days removed since my OP
  11. Immortality & Crossing Over Question

    you mean all my mo pai levels were a lie??
  12. Immortality & Crossing Over Question

    messenger = angelos/angel so yes
  13. Immortality & Crossing Over Question

    Immortal is the sum of all lives, lived maybe at one time, husband and wife were enemies which life will be the existing one to go on forever? the last one? it is not linear.
  14. Immortality & Crossing Over Question

    After that it's all semantics and theory like how long is a piece of string?
  15. Immortality & Crossing Over Question

    That's the thing. Your "average" people- uninitiated, think the light is jesus god etc and they take the bait not that its bad per see, only that they do not have the vehicle to accelerate past this light the light is the path that some seek, so of course they would go that way if you read the tibetan book of the dead or egyptian book of the dead- these people have a whole story to tell of course the later book is a ritual book, astral body of light / LUX I don't want to follow the crowd as the majority is usually wrong IMO
  16. Immortality & Crossing Over Question

    I would *avoid* any light upon death. That's the light that attracts moths and bugs and deer hamster wheel being a "god" means you decide where *you* go IMO/IME
  17. Immortality & Crossing Over Question

    Yes- celestial are ranked higher. and spiritual immortals, thus:
  18. Immortality & Crossing Over Question

    lol yeah I should have copied and pasted the title too
  19. Immortality & Crossing Over Question

    Opening the Dragon Gate Wang Liping: speaks of various types of Immortals.
  20. best time for sleep.

    The time of darkness where you are at- negative ionization I think this is more in line with your thinking? Sleep head/North Full moon- on your back
  21. banging inside walls

    Did they start around the first time you PM awhile ago?