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Everything posted by SonOfTheGods

  1. Baby its cold outside

    hahaha man I almost spit water all over my keyboard
  2. Baby its cold outside

    CHICAGO SMASHES RECORDS... CHILL MAP... HISTORIC FREEZE: WINDCHILLS 70 BELOW ZERO... LOWEST IN 20 YEARS... 'LIFE-THREATENING'... South Pole warmer than O'Hare... Arctic birds seen in Florida... Canada Startled by 'Frost Quakes'... 'Exposed skin may freeze in less than five minutes'... Oil output threatened from Texas to N. Dakota... Indianapolis Mayor Bans Driving... JETBLUE To Halt All Flights To, From Boston, NY, NJ...
  3. Baby its cold outside

    sit outside naked with a wet sheet over your back, then practice gtummo ?
  4. Filling up the lower Dan Tien- How and Why

    one way to Fill the lower tan tien:
  5. Tree Of Life/Adam Kadmon -Substitute With IChing

    Yesod is the Moon- female- which would make the lower tan tien all Yin. Research Da`ath- it is "mystical"-- as "is it real, or just figurative"
  6. 1 2 3

    OP - 4bsolute's longest running thread
  7. Tree Of Life/Adam Kadmon -Substitute With IChing

    Can even use Geburah and Chesed as the Kwa of upper torso..
  8. Tree Of Life/Adam Kadmon -Substitute With IChing

    Natural progression would take us from Macrocosm to Microcosm so the Tan Tiens are a small scale model of Creation and our own inner universe. Lower Tan Tien as possibly Da`ath
  9. Is it possible...

    just do not read "Catcher In The Rye"
  10. Turtle Breathing - The scientific rationale

    A turtle keeps it's head tucked in- so his third eye and middle tan tien overlap,- & are only like 1/2 inch away from his lower tan tien, thus he is almost immortal.
  11. maybe living in different hemispheres does it water spirals down the drain in complete opposites energy spirals same way
  12. Lay them on your lower Tan Tien. Your breathing becomes much deeper and the abdominal wall works harder with diaphragm expansion. I started with an 2 pound ankle weight, years ago, just placed it on lower tan tien, and took a nap. Moved up to heavier bags, such as sand bags- 10 pounds (tape them inside a trash bag then a pillow case or you will have sand in your bed, guaranteed) Proceed carefully I moved up to a 15 pound medicine ball but it kept rolling off me and smashed my wife in the hip. 25 pound powdered cement bags (taped/wrapped) - for short naps. The goal is 75 pounds for full 8 hours of sleep.
  13. Daoist Nei Gong by Damo Mitchell

    like being about to sit down, like on the edge of a chair? Enochian specified that, reason I ask
  14. Daoist Nei Gong by Damo Mitchell

    yeah I am wanting to check out Bagua. Just so much came up recently with that thread I posted- Qi bubbling like crazy. Once things get stable, that's my goal. I already circle walk, as it was recommended to me during a couple of Enochian Magick Aethyr explorations. EDIT: my circle walking is not as elaborate as bagua, just simple deosil/widdershins stuff
  15. Is it possible to combine selves into one?

    reversed- they were one before and became un_fused long story, not for this place The Field, is a Fabric.., is a Field
  16. Auric Sight - Can You See Auras?

    I read that 30 years ago - good book
  17. Daoist Nei Gong by Damo Mitchell

    got them both now, eventually will skim through jaj's book.
  18. ok I think she means spiraling from top, down - like an upright tornado spinning clockwise down, to lock into earth's field
  19. Sleeping With a Sand Bag = Qi/Tan Tien

    I go hi-tech and use a TENS unit, myself
  20. Bagua is different I guess I am bagua-less lol I know yin is counter in other non-baguas
  21. Again and again, this comes up. Which way is rotating a void Mine rotates down and upwards towards sacrall, seems like a natural movement. Then the chakra people come and say inwards spins, (in the front, reverse in the back) like the wheel some will say- all ways, always
  22. only thing, in her post, she has walking clockwise for yin- I believe it is counter clockwise for yin