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Everything posted by SonOfTheGods

  1. Does full lotus help conserve jing?

    Simple foot position in Kunlun allows energy to enter crown. Full lotus, as a half body below torso position, will definitely have greater overall effect. So my answer is yes, from 40 years experience with full lotus.
  2. I think some of the factors might be heriditary. I have seen young children with bags under their eyes and their parents have them as well. There is also a secondary line of baggage under the common ones that are linked to intestinal disorders. Sometimes bags can be from water retention, too much sodium, etc.
  3. Holy Guardian Angel

    a very simple way to understand the HGA is this: The bigger you in all your glory having achieved your highest consciousness somewhere in another timeline, far beyond our comprehension. Via quantum entanglement higher you sorts through all the lessons, plans etc and communicates to you the way you should "be". like the small voice inside which no one ever listens to then regrets later on, it is all laid out for us in plain sight. this is a very simple generic explanation
  4. Holy Guardian Angel

    shamanism came onto the scene a long time before the storm god yahweh/allah appeared. when someone tells me to "trust them".., I make it a personal habit of not doing so. I can make up my own mind, and do my own research- trust me BACK ON TOPIC AGAIN Shamans used hallucinogens (DMT, etc) to meet their astral guides The Egyptians used blue water lilly.
  5. Lower back pain in meditation

    pain after your circulation came back ironically, full lotus discomfort (some discomfort) is okay to have because it will keep beginners from falling asleep. Once you have the alpha state down, cycling of the brain waves may eliminate the full lotus discomfort. Monitor your mind and see if you are ready for no more discomfort. Might be an "etheric trigger point"
  6. No, I won't "trust you" and the abrahamic religions to tell me what MY future is along MY karmic path. Back on OP Topic - the small still inner voice is guidance, and can not be labeled by in the box mentality. Everyone knows their true path once they remove themself voluntarily off the wheel.
  7. Holy Guardian Angel

    holy guardian angel -primordial archetype, and can be traced back to shamanism anthropology -curve ball to get Back on OP topic and awayyyyyyyyyyy from abrahamic religionS
  8. Did Carlos Castaneda make it all up?

    Crowley broke new ground. Castenada took info that was out there and sensationalized it via impersonation. Crowley = Elvis Castenda = Elvis Las Vegas Impersonator. Back on topic: Castenada broke new ground by taking info that was out there and sensationalizing it via impersonation. Just look at the new age community now days and see what I am talking about.
  9. Tarot Learning Tools/Techniques

    Numerology planetary magick tree of life astrology construction of the god form
  10. The # 771000 times isn't in my heart. Just wondering if there is some lore on this, but obviously not. Thanks anyway.
  11. Lower back pain in meditation

    Well I can't in good conscious say continue on if you are feeling tortured lol. But I do know that it takes awhile for the body to accomodate this position. Too much and it can cause long term damage to your joints if the inflammation continues. Maybe stretch well and warm up your joints prior to full lotus. Do full lotus for multiple short periods through out the day, rather than just one long sitting every 24 hours. Eventually everything settles down, and your body understands what you are doing deliberately. You just don't want to damage anything in the meantime lol. I started doing full lotus as a child, pre-puberty even. My body sort of grew into that asana. I think if I started doing full lotus now at my age, I'd be breaking something for sure lol
  12. Lower back pain in meditation

    Like anything else, the more you practice it, the more proficient you become.
  13. I personally knew the guys who put together the Simon. I had one of the original first editions in the 70's. The Babylonian that was thrown in there is what made it work. IMO the better editions of the "Newer" (LOL) Necronomicons (see my other threads if you like) are worth a look because it uses a more compatible hierarchy from a different culture and resonates with Enochian. I could back up that Enochian statement, but this isn't the place for that. The many horror stories that accomodate "The Ladder of Lights" is good marketing. That rite, though diluted, brought great things into my life down the road. I'd rate the Simon ed. a 6 out of 10 tentacles.
  14. Man lived to the age of 256

    So I assume Shah's short treaty on Melek Taus is not your path towards longevity and life eternal with the peacock?
  15. Lower back pain in meditation

    After several decades of full lotus, I can take a nap in that asana. On the computer, watching a documentary, everything but eating - finds me locked into full lotus. The more you do it, the more stretched and aligned you will find yourself. It IS worth the effort. It magnifies the time spent in meditation
  16. Timing of Magic Over a Lifetime

    A good way of keeping balance is to periodically take short sabbaticals away from magickal states. I found out my nervous system was getting severely fried by Enochian magick over long periods of time. Simple OCD episodes, etc allow the practitioner to see how godforms and complex energy streams can overload the psyche and cause imbalance. This also curtails bouts of megalomania
  17. What is a "dirty little (or big) secret" about an industry that you have worked in, that people outside the industry really ought to know? Workers from all different jobs and all walks of life sharing secrets and scams about just about anything
  18. Jesus a fictional character?

    All of us are fictional, if no one remembers us, after we pass from this current existance
  19. Maybe adjust your thinking, sort of like this, The "big you", sends the "small you", after mutual agreement prior to present incarnation, to 3D land this agreement is to experience 3D life, both good and bad grab as many credits as you can, per semester, and graduate early
  20. Timing of Magic Over a Lifetime

    I agree. Kundalini sometimes lays its seed deep inside to adhere Her roots, later on. wow do I have stories lol
  21. The Underworld

    Psychopomps can help you if you explore further than the confines of fleshy and carnal limitations Some will say Anubis, Some will say Hermes, can guide you Just make sure you pay the ferry man, so you get back Sandalphon will tell you the same Happy trails
  22. Kundalini sub forum

    I agree with this proposal, too
  23. Don't go sight seeing on the journey rather, just continue onward with the trip there will be plenty of time later on for retrospect get your mileage in first there are many twists and turns along the rocky mountains hold on, and don't forget to breathe!