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Everything posted by roger

  1. I just wanted to share something with you all that has helped me tremendously, that you might find very interesting. ACIM says that people see things "upside down," that things are the OPPOSITE of what they seem. It says, "What seems to be your strength is really your weakness, and what seems to be your weakness is your true strength." For example, most people think that aggressively defending yourself when others attack you is strength. The truth is it's weakness. And it seems that "turning the other cheek" is weakness, but in reality it's strength. This teaching has helped me see the world in a new and far more loving way.
  2. A very helpful teaching from one of the first spiritual books I ever read is from Passage Meditation by Eknath Easwaran. The three discoveries are: 1. You are not your body. 2. You are not the identity, self, or personality you've created. 3. The realization of what you are. (which is mostly an experiential, not intellectual, knowledge) I'm not 100% sure about this, because I haven't had all three of these realizations, but I feel strongly that they come in order, and probably, at least in most cases, years apart. "Years apart" is definitely not an absolute though in my opinion, which is why I said in MOST cases.
  3. I just want to know if anyone has any thoughts about changing or altering techniques. I've learned some Qigong practices, but I've made some adjustments to them, because I find it not only easier, but that I enjoy it more and find that I'm BETTER at the technique with my adjustments. But what if doing this detracts from the effectiveness of the technique?? Should I stick to the original teaching? I'm very interested in hearing your opinions.
  4. the three discoveries

    What are the "Three Treasures"?
  5. I love you, Wells, and I know you love me too
  6. The way I see it is that, generally speaking, to LOVE is strength, and to attack is weakness. I know that's a very general statement, but it can be applied to specific situations with keen perception.
  7. What to do when things go wrong ?

    "Whisper words of wisdom.....let it be." -The Beatles My suggestion is to just accept the whole mess as it is, and to not see it as a real problem. You don't have to DO anything to solve the problem- as The Beatles said, let it be.
  8. I agree. But I just want to explain one thing about the whole idea of "turning the other cheek." ACIM emphatically teaches that to retaliate when others attack you- to attack them back- is UN-SELF-LOVING. And to respond with LOVE when others attack you is SELF-LOVING. I can see how people could think that's absurd, but if you really, deeply contemplate the matter, the wisdom of it can become apparent. We should respond to attacks lovingly for OURSELVES- for OUR OWN sake- not just for the one who attacked us. I can only say that I've learned from my own EXPERIENCE that retaliation when attacked is not truly self-loving. I've also experienced the power and self-love that come from responding to attacks lovingly. You see, respond with love first for YOURSELF, and know that it's also best for the one you're loving. Peace.
  9. I had an insight tonight about the nature of meditation. Basically, it comes down to AWARENESS and BEING. The Hindus say our true nature is absolute existence (being), consciousness (awareness), bliss. Two very simple meditations are: 1. Just be. 2. Just be aware. I've found that these two principles comprise the essence of meditation.
  10. Thanks, Karl. You very well could be correct. I never cared much for the whole idea of "sacrifice" either. Religions that teach people to sacrifice themselves do more harm than good in my opinion. ACIM says, "Your little part is but to offer up to the Holy Spirit the whole idea of sacrifice." It teaches that people confuse love and sacrifice, and says that "love would never ask for sacrifice." It's another example of how most people have it "upside down." They equate love with sacrifice, whereas the reality is that REAL love is SELF-affirming.
  11. Is AYP really that bad?

    dc9, You have a beautiful childlike innocence about you. My third eye opened prematurely when I was four, when my older sister threw a rock at me and hit me in the forehead, and I've been able to easily perceive such things since then. Are you being totally honest with yourself? Don't underestimate ego's capacity to make you believe what it wants you to believe. I'm not at all judging you, just saying what I think is best based on what I see. Here's the solution in my opinion. Just follow your heart. Do what gives you peace and joy. Don't try to "figure it out" intellectually- THAT'S when ego can trick you. Also, doubt can be a good thing, but in many cases it's just a game our egos play as a defense. Just trying to help. Peace.
  12. Is AYP really that bad?

    It's awesome in my opinion. You probably already know that the technique Yogani gives that he calls "deep meditation" is very similar to TM (Transcendental Meditation). I learned TM 21 years ago, and practiced it regularly for about 2 years. The benefits I experienced were amazing. I EASILY made the following changes about nine months after beginning to practice it: I quit smoking, I quit drinking, I gave up all forms of sexual pleasure (I wouldn't even look at women sexually), I quit THINKING, I became a vegetarian, I stopped pacing (I used to pace around the house because I had so much stress), I stopped cussing, I changed my sleeping habits, I quit drinking caffeine, I gave up my addiction to going out to eat and started eating at home, and I quit listening to the radio except for the classical station. When I stopped doing TM, I went back to my old ways (except for eating meat). So, WHY the hell did I stop practicing TM?? I now know the answer, and it's probably the same reason many TM teachers have given up practicing and teaching TM. MY EGO FELT THREATENED BY TM. You see, I was on the verge of transcending ego, and it reacted by having me stop TM. Recently I've been practicing TM again, and with amazing results. I now know not to quit TM when my ego suggests that I do, because that's when I'm on the verge of transcendence. So, DON'T STOP "deep meditation" when your ego wants you to! I feel very confident that "deep meditation," as taught by Yogani, can give you the same benefits as TM. I also recommend that anyone reading this who feels inclined to, to learn and practice "deep meditation," found at Follow your heart. It might not be right for you. But you can always experiment and see how it works. You could, for example, make a commitment to practice it for three months, and see how it worked for you.
  13. "Good master, what must I do to have eternal life?" -a rich man asked Jesus "Sell all that you have, and give it to the poor, then come and follow me." -Jesus Well, I certainly don't mean this as a judgment against Jesus, but he might have done better to say, "Absolutely nothing. You already have it!" Life is eternal, and the concept of eternal hell is absurd.
  14. You are Gods

    I guess the question is, "What did Jesus believe"? Most spiritual or religious people tend to think Jesus believed what THEY believe. Evangelical Christians obviously think they know what Jesus believed. Most Hindus assert Jesus was a God-realized yogi. Buddhists tend to see Jesus as a Buddha. New Agers see him as the personification of the Christ-consciousness. Even many Muslims see themselves as Jesus's true followers. I knew a Muslim who told me that when Jesus said, "I will send you another," he was talking about Mohammed. But do we really and truly know what Jesus believed? I myself don't claim to.
  15. There are two theories about the nature of justice- utilitarian and retributivist. Retributivist justice is punishment. Utilitarian is the idea that justice should simply be that which SERVES, the highest good for everyone. Typically on earth most people believe in retributivist justice. But actual justice, divine justice, is utilitarian. It's simply what is the highest good for everyone. Karma is the law of giving and receiving- what you give, you receive, multiplied. This law is utilitarian justice. It WORKS. It SERVES. It's BEST. But it should never be thought of as a punishment (retributivist justice). Retributivist justice is UNLOVING. Utilitarian justice is LOVING.
  16. I'm getting into her teachings, and I was wondering if anyone has any idea if that's a good idea or not. Any thoughts or opinions? Has anyone here studied her teachings or techniques?
  17. Look beyond surface appeal and take the time to explore different methods to see what is most suited to me. I fully agree, thanks for sharing that. I'm not yet ready to settle down and could get distracted by other techniques. That's probably true too. I'm currently reshaping and altering my practices, and also looking for new teachings and techniques. I feel that I've basically walked my former path to completion, and I'm interested in studying a new perspective. Thanks for your input and feedback. I guess what I'll do is continue to study Lamb's teachings, but keep in mind that I could benefit from continuing to search, without immediately concluding that her techniques are right for me. Of course, I'll just have to experiment until I find something that really works for me.
  18. I dun goofed

    Thanks for sharing this OldChi. I've been thinking about studying his teachings and techniques, but I think I'll pass now. Who knows, you could have saved me great time and effort, or possibly even a harmful effect or negative condition.
  19. I dun goofed

    There's a very easy and very safe technique you can use to solve your problem, and although I'm not 100% certain it will work for you, I know that it's helped me. I admit I haven't had the exact FORM of problem you have, but you see, form isn't the essence of the problem. Different problems take different forms, but the CONTENT is always the same. Whether you're bipolar, have anxiety disorder, or simply have too much anger- it's all basically the SAME. The problem is really BLOCKS to love, to the flow of energy. The easy technique I'm gonna suggest is a way to SAFELY heal those blocks and get your energy (love) freed up. I call it non-meditation. The teaching is: no effort, no technique. JUST SIT THERE. Don't TRY at all. Let thoughts come and go on their own. This isn't mindfulness. It's like an animal- they just ARE. Another way to put it is like when you're driving your car. The mind is totally natural. Just BE. I suggest doing this between ten minutes once a day and twenty minutes twice a day. See how it works for you. I hope this helps.
  20. Thank you, Karl. You've got a good point. Peace.
  21. If you have a few million dollars, you can make a hundred thousand or so each year by investing, without doing a thing. The more money you have, the more you can make by investing. If you have a hundred million, you can easily make a million every year- without working. Others work their asses off and make twenty grand a year. There needs to be a public outcry against this utter injustice in my opinion.
  22. I am the way, the truth, and the life.

    Welcome to this website. It may sound crazy, but you really ARE "the way, the truth, and the life." Jesus was a man who profoundly understood and exemplified that.
  23. It depends on the exact nature of the situation. If your parents are in danger (for example, of becoming homeless and on the streets), then I, personally, would do what I could to protect and help them. One thing you can do is consciously ask for guidance. Sit down with your eyes closed and ask a Higher Power, in whatever way you conceptualize it, to speak to you. It requires no effort at all, thoughts will come to you, ideas and guidance will enter your mind. It might help to be very clear about your question. I've done this before with amazing results. As far as raising vibrations go, in my mind, you have to fully (or perhaps just to a greater degree, not necessarily completely) open your heart to love. (btw I'm not implying that you haven't, just sharing how I think one can raise vibrations and energy levels) It can most easily happen in an encounter with another person in which you "go deeper" by expressing love from your Source or divine nature. I hope this helps. One more thing. Do what you think is most loving towards both yourself and your parents. What is best for them is what is best for you, and what is best for you is what is best for them.
  24. changed my mind about posting this
  25. Why do people fall in love?

    It might have to do with one's innate spiritual longing, the will of their divine nature. The desire for oneness, love, one's worth, and one's divine identity are part of it in my opinion. I remember one time I was eating alone at a restaurant, and there was a woman at a table close to me, and I started feeling extreme sexual desire for her. It was very unique, and the strange thing is that I didn't even find her very attractive. I was able to look into my attraction to her, and I saw that I was actually perceiving her, unconsciously, as the Self. It was like she was All That Is, in the form of her. That's how I was perceiving her. Well, the thing is, the whole REASON I was wanting HER, was because I was longing for MY OWN Self. It's like I saw my own divine identity in her, and that's what I was actually wanting.