Hi Esquire.
One of my favorite ways to meditate is "non-meditation". This is one of the simplest (and most effective) techniques. The motto is: No effort, no technique.
Just sit there. You can close your eyes or leave them open. It should be completely natural. If thoughts come, don't fight them. It's okay to think with this meditation. Just BE. Don't "try" at all. No effort, no technique.
About your future, your situation is very understandable. Many people worry about their future and what they will do for work.
My suggestion is to just know that everything is happening PERFECTLY, exactly as it SHOULD. When you have this faith, when know that your future will be perfect, then you are CREATING a happy future, because our beliefs, thoughts, and feelings create our life experiences. So just have faith that "all is as it should be," and you will be sowing the seeds of success for yourself.
And know that you are WORTHY of a wonderful future!
Peace to you and best wishes.