Hey all. I found my way here out of fascination with the posts by Telethiese in the Dreamviews forum. I Googled the name and came upon this. I'm trying to get in tune with his (her?) vibration by following his (pretty sure) trace wherever I can, as did that one archer who carved a statue of a master and meditated on it in order to learn his ways.
Telethiese seems to be about exploring every avenue available, then releasing it all and going your own way in order to grow spiritually. I guess that's what I'm doing, though he seems to have taken many paths further than I have.
I'm dry fasting now as an approach to clearing blockages. I read about this in Asceticism in Early Taoist Religion by Stephen Eskildsen, a Religious Studies professor at.. I forget.
I'm interested in finding a legitimate temple or something to do these techniques in a professional environment. If anyone can point me in the right direction, I will find you and kiss your toes.