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About SriChi

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    Fierce Love

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  1. Flying Phoenix Chi Kung

    @zen-bear Sifu Terry, can you please offer digital downloads for the DVDs? I don't have a DVD player/drive, and I don't have a need for it, except for this. Thanks, SriChi
  2. Methods to turn sleep into cultivation?

    ^ Robert Monroe could astral project and verify certain things like where his friends were and what they were doing. I don't think he practiced cultivation. It might not be needed for OOBEs.
  3. ^ Good advice. These are not for everyone.
  4. In my experience, Medicine has always reflected back to me my inner state amplified. But, that is Plant Medicine. We don't even know what you took. But, keeping that aside, forgetting about the drugs, this is still Experience. I would simply bring Conscious Heart-centered Attention to whatever I am feeling. I would surrender to the wisdom of my Heart that dwells deep within myself, simply Trusting. I understand it is very difficult to surrender amidst throes of anxiety. You can begin with acceptance. And trusting your own Inner Guidance. Your Soul is Always There. Acceptance can be as simple as: "I accept I'm feeling anxious right now. I accept I'm trying to feel better. I accept I'm trying to get rid of this anxiety. I accept that I am giving this anxiety space to be and not be swept away by it. I accept all of this is confusing, and yet I accept I have myself to depend on. I accept myself." And yes, exercise self-compassion and compassion to the ones you feel are suffering. Just drop into that feeling of compassion for everything, most certainly beginning with yourself and the experiences you are going through. When in confusion, in doubt, reconnect with your own Inner Innocence. Innocence is untainted. There are no concepts to match against, no ideas to uphold, it is just direct experience. Notice how the anxiety feels, notice how you feel, and compassionately give yourself comfort saying that: "Yes, I'm having this experience. And yes, I am right here with myself." I hope this helps. In my experience, all the problems I have tried to tackle had the same solution: Self-Love. Blessings, SriChi
  5. Yinja, you have received good advice here. And it seems like you are following up and doing the right things. Wish you all the best. Welcoming the feelings of anxiety, listening to them with compassion, accepting their presence have worked for me. And yes! to being with nature and lying down on the grass, and sinking into Mama Earth's embrace.
  6. Dan Harden's Bodywork

    gendao, Appendix C of the 2e of the book compares the fascial meridians with the chinese system. His power felt like regular power, nothing esoteric. He could generate an enormous amount of force, with hardly any wind-up. "One-inch punch? How about no-inch punch?" That's what this system does. There is no telegraph, no wind-up. The power is just there when you need it. And, there is also the spiraling movements and constantly going back to our own center. There is no reaction to external stimuli, just always contained within our own center. In one of the exercises he had us do, it felt like I was just rolling off people (how do you push against a revolving sphere? Your tangential force will simply slide off). The how part of this. Well, it involves intending to pull on these fascia. It really is that, you just trust that with intention you will be able to manipulate the fascia (the same way with intention you move your fingers). So, we intend that we are pulling at the top of the head, and the bottom of the shins as depicted in the last two pictures you posted. Same thing with pulling on the fascia on the left and on the right. There are some threads on aikiweb which go into these a bit more, but the way to learn this is to feel it. from:
  7. Dan Harden's Bodywork

    OK, just back from Dan Harden's seminar. First, you must understand that I have zero martial arts experience. So, Dan is working with internal power. This is not Qi that he is talking about. At least not in the ways Qigong refers to Qi, or the way I understand it This system is based on biotensegrity and the network of fascial meridians (Anatomy Trains, he recommends as a good reference), and using the model of the Heaven-Earth-Man (or more accurately Heaven-Man-Earth). This is not a new system as Dan repeatedly points out. So, the art is about practicing control over these fascia to achieve internal balance. Everything is spirals and circles It is a subtle art, so reading or even watching videos won't help. And, I don't say that to sound exclusive lol. If you see some of the basic, practice exercises, you'll think they are just standing in wu chi. But, the internal mechanics is different. Dan invites all of us to feel the power generated, and how he is moving the fascia internally. He is a very down-to-earth, very approachable guy. And, I really admire his no-nonsense approach to this. There are no secret doors, no hoops to jump through. Dan himself comes from a Judo/MMA background. And, from the various disciplines that I saw at the seminar (Aikido, Karate, Yang Tai Chi, I-Liq-Chuan), and from what I actually experienced working with him, what he has got is legit. For example, it was a surreal feeling to have a bigger guy than me trying and struggling to lift my elbows. You can check the testimonials page - - to maybe get a better idea of what he does. They all generally say that Dan's wok improves their individual martial arts. And, I can see how. Dan says his system is plug-n-play, because this system is not anything new, and he doesn't own it. It is just the way your body works. Overall, this is something I would absolutely pursue if I want to have solid internal power for martial applications. My interests lie more in body integrity and healing. And, getting intimate with my fascial network, is definitely a step toward a more, integrated relationship with my body.
  8. Juice: Radical Taiji Energetics

    OK, just back from Dan Harden's seminar. First, you must understand that I have zero martial arts experience. So, Dan is working with internal power. This is not Qi that he is talking about. At least not in the ways Qigong refers to Qi. It is purely myofascial meridians (Anatomy Trains, he recommends as a good reference), and using the model of the Heaven-Earth-Man (or more accurately Heaven-Man-Earth). So, the art is about practicing control over these fascia to achieve internal balance. Everything is spirals and circles. It is a subtle art, so reading or even watching videos won't help. Dan invites all of us to feel the power generated, and how he is moving the fascia internally. He is a very down-to-earth, very approachable guy. And, from the various disciplines that I saw at the seminar (Aikido, Karate, Yang Tai Chi, I-Liq-Chuan), what he has got is legit. Dan himself comes from a Judo/MMA background. You can check the testimonials page - - to maybe get a better idea of what he does. They all generally say that Dan's wok improves their individual martial arts. And, I can see how. Dan says his system is plug-n-play, because this system is not anything new, and he doesn't own it. It is just the way your body works. Overall, this is something I would absolutely pursue if I want to have solid internal power for martial applications. My interests lie more in body integrity and healing. Cheya, since you are a bodyworker, would you say Anatomy Trains is a good back to have for someone who is not a massage therapist, but just looking to achieve better body integrity.
  9. Flying Phoenix Chi Kung

    Sifu Terry, from your previous post, does it mean then that there are no plans to release Volume 6 at all?
  10. Juice: Radical Taiji Energetics

    Cool, I'll be attending one soon. Will let you guys know how it was. I'm very much a beginner.
  11. DreamBliss gears up for dating... HELP!

    I ended up on this thread searching for "ecstatic dance" But, stuck around as I am just bored at work... I must say I'm impressed at how compassionate and patient the people have been on this thread and Kudos to DreamBliss for being willing to change (but not too much ) BTW, just reading this thread, I had imagined someone totally different (stereotypes *sigh*), but DreamBliss, you look GREAT in that meditating pic. You are not obese, just a little extra from what I can see and that is very easily fixed. Really, 80% (in my opinion) of your physical attractiveness is in your control. And no, you don't need money for exercising. You do need time, and since you are not working 9-5, you have plenty of it. Indeed, you have a lot of time - the most precious resource. Get vital (that's just another way of saying have fun). Isn't there ecstatic dance in Vancouver (is that where you are?)? Or just go to the parks and do Qigong. Put yourself outside of your walls (all puns intended). All the best, and do not be half-assed (I know you feel like you have done everything, but have you? For example, have you imagined yourself into the state of being loved and desired by a woman? Just 15 minutes a day perhaps. Imagine how many minutes that would add up to in a couple of months.....) Nikolai, this post of yours actually made me participate in this thread. This is hilarious and the kind of profile that would get replies at OK Cupid. It comes across as funny, and yet completely true at the same time. Unapologetic and at the same time, not taking oneself seriously. Good stuff Cheers
  12. Juice: Radical Taiji Energetics

    I was trying to find more info on Dan Harden and just spent an hour munching popcorn on a aikiweb thread (drama ). His seminars are located near my location, so I was hoping to get more of an understanding about him.
  13. And that comes by practicing my relaxing and focusing for a while?