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Everything posted by lino

  1. KAP

    Okay, This is part of the intro on this site: "Discussion is encouraged to wander eclectically across a wide range of spiritual thought and practice, whether Buddhist, Yogic, Tantric, Judaic, Advaitic, Christian, Islamic, Shamanic, Occult, "New Age", Integral... As long as you are up for a good time, you're welcome to discuss your path." What exactly is "unique" to Taoist internal arts because I don't understand. Dr.Morris experienced Hindu phenomena when he practiced Chinese methods, and for Itzhak Bentov, it happened the other way around. On edit: What it boils down to, is being happy with your teacher. Most people, including me, are happy with Santiago.
  2. KAP

    Maybe I'm reading too much into your posts. You claim to have over 25 years in an IMA. The "good story teller" remark seems kind of suspicious since the old guy died in 2006 and "good story teller" could be used to describe somebody that wrote books. I've seen what these "weak" and "unrelated" practices did for Dr.Morris's mid-level students.
  3. KAP

    hmmmmmm... suspicious
  4. Quick question...

    Thanks So far, I see: homelessness/hungry stats ClimateGate the escalation in Afghanistan It isn't "conspiracy theory". "Con games" are older than humanity itself. Pulling out the "sex" trick to distract somebody is old hat and probably the first trick in the playbook.
  5. Dang Guess my statement was F-ed up
  6. Sorry dude I cease to care. The "constitution" was made for and by white landowners...and now it has morphed into something that is for and by people that are in possession (whether honest or ill-gotten) of a lot of money. You want an example? See how much money you would have to spend (or go into debt for) in order to protect yourself in a court. ...And it really isn't worth getting angry over either, it is counterproductive. Life handed a shit pile to the bottom 95% of the income bracket in the United States and the rest of the world in general.
  7. nwo and taoism

    No they unknowingly optimized it
  8. True Wisdom The fucked up thing about it is that I'm serious.
  9. "Share"? Definitely not Everything cost money From their point of view, I'm not going to do business with somebody that has tried to do me harm (for decades), ideology or no ideology. I'm not going to trust that the other side's behavior has changed enough to do business with them without them trying to screw me.
  10. That depends on what you call "winning" since the girl wins either way. A. the guy "wins" and looks like a bully...he still loses B. the guy "wins" and it is close, he looks weak C. the guy "loses" and he looks weak Yin wins
  11. I grew up in the 80s and early 90s. The "same conditions" don't really apply because they will be gradually worsening. Things will be getting more expensive and at the same time wages and salaries are going to gradually decline. The economy always goes in feast/famine cycles, except the "feast" cycles aren't quite as good when they are further investigated since during the Clinton years, wages didn't really catch up to expenses. The best way to counter this is try: to live with the smallest footprint possible. pick a profession which hasn't changed in years, and requires you to learn very little on your own time, and requires as little maintenance out of your own salary as possible. try to avoid bad habits (dietary...) try to find low cost and safe hobbies practice risk reduction and management
  12. I have a sex question

    The powers that be in the Universe blessed the both of you with a second "young adulthood". May the both of you get many, many more blessings.
  13. Brother, All of this became foreseeable after Obama announced that Rahm Emanuel would become his chief of staff.
  14. War is always about resources. Take these into consideration: 1. the invaded land's own resources. 2. acquisition and change of their money system. 3. the people itself. 4. the land itself. Ideology is just a "cover" (Machavelli playbook), something that is used to justify the purposes of a bad action rather than pursue good actions and use Ideology to justify them. Also keep in mind who gets paid and who foots the bill. Private contractors and the usual Military/Industrial Complex corps. (along with kickbacks and favors to elected officials) get paid whether services are rendered or if fraud is committed while the tax paying public is made to shoulder the burden (tax and debt) of somebody else's greed.
  15. Sorry but it is just "feudalism" mutated and repackaged.
  16. If you check some years back, on that forum, you see that Obama was connected to the DLC. The black commentator website had an article about it some years ago. Basically, what happened was that Obama withdrew from the DLC in order to pay lip service to the more progressive factions of the party. He was in a position to do nothing for the progressive faction of the party (since he was a freshman senator), so no harm done. A few years down the line and you see what you are getting now. Also, the blame isn't entirely upon him. There are 100 Senators and 435 US Reps that share in that blame too.
  17. KAP

    If there isn't confidence or certainty, then there is doubt. You seem to be an intelligent and attractive young woman and I really don't see why you should create any doubt within yourself. Don't just smile during a meditation session, DO IT ALL OF THE TIME. I did a face-to-face KAP with Santiago and Tao. I don't recall anything other than a smile on Santiago's face during the 16 hours in between both days. Buddhists talk of the "End of Suffering", it can only begin with a smile.
  18. Free treatment or health insurance with a deductible?
  19. Yoga vs Tai Chi

    I'll take your word for it *running away*
  20. Watch out Some of the people here might start using that thing like if it was an Aneros
  21. I have a serious problem

    For now, don't dwell on their faults too much. People try to be around people that have characteristics they want to emulate. A "blip" here and there really isn't bad, nobody is going to be perfect all of the time.
  22. KAP

    Somebody might have to check after me on this suggestion to see it is good. Try two cayenne pepper pills (40,000 UI) and an aloe vera pill a day (with food or a very heavy juice). Try it on a weekend first to see if it agrees with your stomach and intestines. Doing this for a couple of months helped repair and restore circulation in my feet from a cold weather injury 10+ years before.
  23. KAP

    Please keep in mind that he also practices Yoga Nidra and his sleep requirements have dwindled to somewhere around 4 hours a day. Along with healing, He manages his own website is partly manages an herb website teaches yoga, chi kung, silat, hoshinjutsu, and reiki is or was part of a band is or was a bodyguard