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Everything posted by lino

  1. sex with entities

    I already know what's awaiting on the other side, the current situation is just a taste of the next lifetime. As far as helping a few people, everything that I believed in GOT CRUSHED, I don't even like talking to people out in the street for fear that I'm going to pick up another "nasty". Even talking to people that are benign feels draining. As far as figuring anything out, I don't think that I ever will. With my luck, prayers are either not answered at all or answered by imposters that pose even more problems. As far as Mak Tin Si goes, no offense or disrespect meant towards him but I do not believe in him. I'm not going to invest time and effort just to walk away with nothing or even less than I had before. On a good note, thank you for the sentiment.
  2. sex with entities

    Let's get some of the possibilities out in the open of what MIGHT happen. 1. The entity might not be happy with the kind of energy that it is receiving and it may start making you feel like it is burning you alive so that it can get fear and pain energy. 2. If you received a "secret sword" entities may start using the sword on you, cutting your rooting, chopping at your feet constantly, sticking that "secret sword" where the sun don't shine, sticking the "secret sword" in your legs so that it will forever fuck up your energetic system. Maybe cutting the back your lower leg and part of your neck and ear so that it can make a home in your body. 3. If you spent a couple of hours doing some sort of an energy practice, an entity might come by and just drain you in less than five seconds. Two hours worth of work gone in five seconds. 4. The entity could start encroaching upon you all the time, you get to hear it tell you things that are degrading it to you bringing you down constantly. Never getting any peace unless you are in dreamless sleep. 5. The possibility of closing your eyes and seeing a baby fellate itself or maybe seeing a quadriplegic getting groundpounded. 6. An entity may start creating tactile hallucinations to the theme of installing centipedes and slugs on you. I'm getting this one constantly now. 7. Getting raped and this one is still happening. 8. Vitality being stolen from you so that what ever time, effort, and sweat invested into a physical activity is nothing. You end up in the negatives because all of the time and effort invested is wasted. Lets say that you have a two week period of inactivity, rather than having a slight bump up you get a 75-80 percent reduction in your performance. Silence, calm, and solitude becomes so precious that you wish to the universe that you never, ever encounter another sentient being till the end of all existence. After much thought, it is better to not to have allowed anything into my life. Better to have done a full risk analysis before having even "sat" the first time and consider the possibility of being alone and help never coming if I was in a crisis. I will probably regret "sitting" till my dying day. Life was millions of times better when I was "loveless" and "Godless".
  3. Five years? I know that stuff has been going on for, at least, 2 to 2 1/2 years. I didn't suspect that it would be 5.
  4. Give up smoking

    Ok, I see all of that. My main question is how many years down the line does the urge to smoke complete subside? My dad stopped smoking and even 23 years after his last cigarette he still had the urge.
  5. My solution: 1. pharmaceutical companies that falsify "studies" 2. companies that try to patent anything that is naturally occurring be subject to a corporate Death Penalty.

    Sorry Dr.Morris took too many bumps, bruises, and broken bones to be an indicator of anything.
  7. Kunlun follow up poll

    Thank you for the post. Especially the one of Blue Tara removing what may be a symbiote. I despise anything that invades my body or home and now especially more since I've been having a lot of issues. I try practices in order to try to have more harmony or become more harmonious. MY DEFINITION of harmony and mine only. Pero, sorry I sent you that book.
  8. floating "chakras" or lotus flowers that look like what's on an esoteric anatomy picture?
  9. Remote viewing

    Not true, since Master Nan expressed, thru Bill Bodri, that demons and ghosts can cultivate powers. Also look up the history of Angulimala the Arhat. His prior incarnation was a Yaksha, which is supposed to be a demon. I'm still trying to find the web page that stated that he was well versed in the darker aspects of enlightenment as a Yaksha. Just think, he probably practiced three parts of the Eightfold Path:
  10. Who is trained in Micro Cosmic Orbit?

    I would still be skeptical since in one Santiago's ebooks, he does weighted breathing with one of those huge water cooler bottles.
  11. Spirit Guides

    I've talked to a couple of Masters and they came with the suggestion that it is better not to interact with any kind of spirits. Keep in mind that deception is rampant, they may masquerade to be something that they are not (...trojan horse). Don't take anything at face value, they may twist around the illusion that we live in to deceive.
  12. Does an Arahant count? Maybe Daniel Ingram.
  13. Detoxing.....

    Is it part of a kit?
  14. Detox Program

    I used the Dr.Natura product. If you use it, pls do a two day apple juice fast (a tip that I can thank Trunk for)after that. I had some of that colonix stuck for about six months. The malic acid from the apple juice seemed to have done more than just soften what needs to be cleaned out of the liver and gallbladder. No stones, just floating turds. Also, pick out the murky apple juice, not the clear one.
  15. Yin eyes v.s third eye

    I'd like to know how, after the fact. I'm already in an extremely bad situation since I've been compromised so badly.
  16. John Chang

    Supposedly, this guy isn't teaching westerners. If you look hard enough on this forum you may be able to find somebody on this continent that is currently approaching this level of training but not through Taoist or Buddhist sources.
  17. If you are looking for Buddhist definitions then you might want to look at aversion.
  18. Global climate change.......

    It is all CRAP!!! Numbers and studies can be manipulated and outright faked. It is a way to make the carbon trading scam to look more legitimate. It won't do dick to prevent disasters like the Exxon Valdez oil spill.
  19. Colon cleanse....

    If you are going to do this, please do an apple juice fast afterwards. Preferably with a dark or murky apple juice. I have some of that colonix stuck in me for about 5 or 6 months without noticing.
  20. meditation w/ injuries
  21. Kundalini & Lucifer &:...

    I have to view it as bullshit. Nourishing prana and purifying chakras DO take you closer to God or God consciousness. The body is one of the reflections of the mind. Working on the "body" is working on the mind. Some will say that the mind and body is the same thing. Even Jesus worked on the body by fasting. I can't view the Bible as an authoritative source on anything because of all of the so-called "corrections" and omissions. Even when the Bible was intact, remember that most people were illiterate and had to rely on another party to tell them what was in it.
  22. End of an era

    Sorry but all that you have been talking about has been going on since the beginning of time and the birth of "civilization". Why do you think that Daoists and Buddhists have always taken refuge AWAY from society and in the mountains. They showed more wisdom than we did...hell, even an ameoba has more common sense than we do in that it moves away from bad stimuli. To assume that any human society has ever had the Mandate of Heaven is pure lunacy.
  23. Do you know any good Parables?

    Sue Brown and Williamson in court for not doing the job.
  24. Complete Taoist Internal System

    Three words... CROCK OF SHIT